I have been stuck inside the house fore 3 hours. I have been known for the #CoronavirusTraveler because I travel a lot at this time. I am now pretty bored but my cousins are coming soon in about a light year so no biggie. I have been playing Roblox at home but it is getting a bit boring so I play some X Plane. COVID-19 tried to catch me once when I was going to Ohio on a plane called Spirit Airlines low class plane. I didn’t catch COVID-19 so big yay to me. Since my cousins are coming, I will be less bored but if they play on their iPad’s too much and refuse to play with me, I will let Mr. WiFi do the rest. Also, Covid-19 is also making me have a threat of going to the coffin and sleeping there forever because in the place where I live, lots of people have been infected so big “nay” to me. So now instead of going to places, I just stay home and that is wasting some weeks off my life. So for now, I’m forced to stay home with only Roblox that us now kind of boring. So the blog ends here and oh I’m coughing like a million times! I GOT COVID-19 OH NO!!!!!!!
