No blog ideas

Today, my dad told me to write a blog. When I got to my dad’s computer to start on the blog, I had no blog ideas. So when I have no blog ideas, I ask my dad for blog ideas. Now 60% of the time is when I have blog ideas. So since I had no ideas, I decided to write this blog. This blog also has no point, I also found out I have more blog posts than my parents. I am below Thuclam and Thuclam’s mom.I just need 1 more blog and then my rank would be next to Thuclam. One time I got access and full control of Thuclams blog. Turns out that she was using the admin account, so anyone else using that account will have full control over Thuclams blog. for me, I have another account. So back to the main topic, as you can see, the “Accessing Thuclams Blog” topic could be my blog idea but I wouldn’t have much ideas to write about it. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!

Our Bunny

So today I’m going to talk about my bunny. My bunny is pretty good and she is doing well. We usually let her outside. Now. We feed her these gray pellets and a lot of hay and she seems to like it, every morning I usually wake up and then I go feed her some water and food. One time she escaped her cage and then went roaming the neighborhood and she was gone for about 2 days. Now we usually let her free roam our whole yard and garage and she is very happy, sometimes when I’m restocking her cage with her food and water she usually creeps up behind me and is waiting to be fed. She also likes to sleep under my mom’s car and right next to my bicycle because it gives her a feel about security. I wish we could let her inside the house but my parents say that she’s too smelly. She also likes to sleep behind the water boiler which I think is kind of dangerous because it’s hot there. Sometimes when she’s exploring and I tried to pick her up she usually tries to run away so it’s a bit hard for me, but sometimes I’ll just let her go into her cage by herself. I like her but last time we had a bunny My dad sold her on craigslist for free so hopefully this doesn’t happen with this bunny. Anyway, I’ll see you guys later. Bye.