Another Blog

I’m writing this blog for no reason. My dad told me to write this blog and my mind is very empty! Roblox has lots of good games and I play it a lot but my parents keep telling me to get off the computer. Biscuit the bunny is fine. Lucky he doesn’t need to suffer from learning. X Plane is fun but I wish they added massive multiplayer, where I can get to fly with someone else. X Plane released massive multiplayer for mobile only but I fly on PC. So I might fly with FSX for multiplayer. This blog is pretty much about everything because I don;t even know what to write about. Roblox flight simulators aren’t really realistic because they lack interactive buttons, throttles, and yokes/side sticks. Also, I am at the top of the blog list so I hope I stay at the top! Also, I haven’t seen much people go into NguyenUSA website so I think not much people are interested in the website anymore. My social media website also needs updating and I was thinking of moving it to Amazon AWS to host it. So ya that’s the end of my boring blog. I hope you enjoyed this boring blog guys! I will be awake the whole night and bye…..