Wedding and food reviews

I went to Christina’s and Liem’s wedding and it was kind of fun.

The drive was about 7 hours and my lips were so dry I had to keep licking them  every ten seconds but that just made them dryer so I tried to stop licking them but I could only make it about 20 seconds until I was forced to start licking them again. I also could barely sleep because I was at the back, and the middle of it. I couldn’t lean on anything to sleep so I had to sleep straight up. Another thing was that E Vien, who was on my right, kept leaning on me (this was every time she fell asleep) even though she had a window on her that she could lean on. Another another thing was that E Vien was always talking and always wanted me to shadow box with her. Shadow boxing is a game where you move your hand in a direction and your opponent has to look in a different direction. If they move their head in the direction your hand went then they lose. If they don’t, it would be their turn to move their hand. You have to do all of this pretty fast if you don’t want to make the game last a long time. Anyways, Nam, who was on my left, had some nerd clusters. They were pretty good, but we rarely got to eat them.

Our first stop was a gas station. I asked dad for vaseline because my lips were so dry. After I did that, we went to the building that was next to the gas station and got more nerd clusters. They even had a restaurant, but I bet the food there was bad. But people were actually eating there for some reason. We continued onto the road for a while and got to McDonalds. E Vien and I were fake fighting and I accidentally scratched her. So the rest of the time we were at McDonalds E Vien was trying to hit me but I kept walking behind the table, and there was no way she was able to get past the table because she is too slow. So we get on the car and we finally reach a road that was surrounded by a forest. On our right was a cabin that looked like it was haunted. We got our stuff and we tried opening the door on the side but we couldn’t. And then we tried the front door but that was locked. And then we tried the side door again but this time the keypad showed up and we entered the door. There was a hallway with bedrooms on the sides and I didn’t like the look of it, but when we went right there was a living room with a tall ceiling. There was a kitchen, a dining table, a couch that could be turned into a bed, and a tv. There was also stairs with wine glasses dangling under it so maybe the owners of the house put the glasses there so that if we break it then they could make us give them more money.

We start eating the chicken nuggets and I try honey mustard for the first time. It tastes like sushi with wasabi. I combine it with the ranch and it tastes pretty good. 6/10. Dad then starts talking about the bond fire in the backyard, and that we would be starting the fire, and whoever starts the fire first gets 10 dollars. So we started walking to a store but it was too far and it was starting to get dark. We walked back but when we went the the backyard to see the bond fire, dad had already started the fire so he scammed me. We sit at the fire and do nothing for a while. Dad then tells Nam and I to find towels in the house. There was nothing but a box of ketchup packets, so we went back. We then had to start finding fire wood, and it was getting dark by then so we had to use a flashlight. There was also a shed looking thing next to the house, and when we unlocked it, there was a pretty nice room which had a poker table, tv, bed, and a foosball table. E Vien and I played foosball and she was pretty bad at the game. Then Nam joined E Vien’s team but E Vien just ended up dragging Nam down so I won. We also got the ketchup packets to play poker but we didn’t want to anymore. We started the foosball game again but this time Khoi was on Nam’s team and E Vien was on my team, which is unfair.

While we played, we had to get firewood a couple times and it was getting hard to find firewood because most of the big ones were already found, it was getting dark, and we weren’t able to break any large logs in half. Anyways, E Vien sucked and we lost. So we switched up the teams and now Khoi was on my team. It was fair, but we still lost. And then Nam found out about digital poker chips, so we played poker with that. Nam said that to win we would have to get 1500 chips (everyone started with 1000). Before the game, Nam told me to first get his charger. So I did that and went back. And then he told me to put water in the fridge right as I walked back through the door. So I did that. And then I had to get my charger because my iPad was dead but it was kind of my fault, but it wasn’t fully my fault because my iPad loses battery even if its off. What made all of the trips annoying was that the first trip, I thought I heard footsteps. The second, I thought I heard a “hehehe”, which made me freeze up, and then I had to sprint out the door like I was in a horror movie. Turns out that was the neighbors partying. I hate neighbors. And for all of the trips, I had to open the door which had moths and one bug with wings and really long legs on it. After I got back, we started the game. While we played, I found out from Khoi that Thucdan, Thucquyen, Thuclam, grandma, their dad, and Khoi’s dad was coming in 2 hours. 2 hours later, E Vien left with Khang to scare the people that were coming, so Khoi and I went too. We hid behind a tree which was a bad hiding spot, and we had to look down so they don’t recognize our faces. After a minute or 2, we saw light from a car. They pulled in, shining the light on our heads, and they got out of the car, I don’t know how they didn’t see us. We went ahead with the plan and ran out at them like zombies, which I thought wasn’t very scary. E Vien wouldn’t be scared by that. I think we should’ve snuck up behind them and grab them while yelling. Anyways, they didn’t get scared at all, and I went back to the room. Thuclam E Vien was in last place, and at the end where Nam and I were still betting, I ended up going all in and lost. Thats how the game ended. So after that we didn’t do much but listen to Nam’s music.

I watched youtube and dad then told me to go brush my teeth. I went into the house and saw Thucquyen. I didn’t say hi to her though because I saw her playing roblox or something. I went back again, and after a few minutes, I had to go to bed, so I went to the house again. But that wasn’t the place I had to sleep at, dad said, so he lead me to the same shed where we played poker, and I went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I started day dreaming about something that I can’t remember, but it felt so real until my dad started snoring and I realized that I was imagining it the entire time.

The next day, I was awoken by dad, and after he left, I just slept for 2 minutes because I was very tired. But I should’ve woke up earlier because when I went to the main house, everyone was already packing up so I didn’t have enough time to shower. So I had to pack up, and get in the car. The car was super hot, and it made me itch. We got on the road and it was about 1 or 2 hours to Liem’s dad’s house. It felt like forever though because E Vien kept leaning on me when she slept. My lips were also dry again. We got to the house and for some reason Thuquyen’s mom was there. I played a bit of piano and showered. It smelled a little bit weird though. I played more piano and on my iPad for a bit and then I had to put on my clothes for the wedding that was today. The pants were too long, but they weren’t the ones that came with the rest of the outfit. I don’t know where it went. After everyone got their clothes, we got on the road again. It was another long drive, but when we finally got there, I was so tired. We went in to the building and we were forced into a different room because they weren’t ready. And we left that room and went outside. We waited for angel and when she finally came, we went in.

We sat down even though it was starting to rain, and the ceremony started. I don’t have much to say about it.

After the ceremony we went outside the room we were forced into and waited to take a picture. I went back and got coke. After we took some pictures, I got more coke, and we started to eat. I got steak, bread, and some potatos. The steak was very tough, but it still tasted like normal steak. 7/10. The potato’s taste very weird, and I have no idea how to describe the taste. 3/10. The bread just tasted like bread. 5/10. I got more coke but from a different bar because I thought getting 3 cokes from the same guy was going to make me look like I drink too much coke at home. Next I got the pasta and meatballs. The pasta was pretty good, but I didn’t really like how it tasted like herbs. 7.5/10. The meatballs just tasted like normal meatballs, and it was still nice. 8/10. After we ate, we went to the dining room where people danced and I got an appetizer. It was cheese and greens. It was bad, 2.5/10. The next appetizer was something like flatbread with sauce on top, served with more greens. The flatbread was nice, but the sauce on top tasted kinda weird, not as weird as the potatos earlier. 6/10. So we waited soooo long to get our main dinner, and we danced a bit because it was taking so long. It came. I ordered the beef because I don’t really like chicken unless its grilled or something like that. The beef was much more tender than the steak from before. It had some sweet sauce, and it was a 8.5/10. Some people came around and gave us desserts. One was pretzels and cookie dough. It was  5/10 because I don’t like pretzels. The other was lava cake. 7/10 but I would like milk chocolate more than dark.

After all of that we just got a jar of chocolate and went home.

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