10 Tips to help you not get the corona virus

1. Wash you’re hands 3x more a day.

2. Have a distance of 6 feet in between people.

3. Do not touch face unless you have a clean face and hands.

4. Clean things people touch many times.

5. Drink a lot of water.

6. Workout more.

7. Stay home if you do not work.

8. Eat you’re greens.

9. Do not touch other people.

10. Wash you’re hands after touching dirty things.

Corona virus

Corona virus is a virus that is spreading around the world. It is very dangerous. The news say that do not go close to groups that are 10 people big or over. Many people panic buying toilet paper and more. Some people say that wash you’re hands 3x more. before flushing the toilet, close the lid so germs don’t come out. About 35 states of schools have shutdown and also gyms are shutting down. Instead of have 1 week for spring break from school, it is 2 weeks cause of the  Corona  virus. Wash doorhandles, toothbrushes, toys, tables, handles on the toilets you have and more things that you touch a lot. There are many news reports about the Corona virus spreading. Some stores and shops are still open and food is being handed to and sold. Remember to wash you’re hands and clean you’re things more often to help prevent making you have the Corona virus.