
Yesterday we went fishing and played smash, let me tell you about it.

Dad said we were going fishing at 8:00. Nam and I were playing smash bro’s when dad told us it was almost time to go fishing, so we continued playing and Nam kept spamming attacks on me. A couple minutes later, dad said that we were going to go fishing so we went upstairs to get our jackets. When we got down, I asked dad if Khang was gonna come too, dad told Khang if he wanted to come and Khang said no. So we came outside and dad was waiting in the car. We got in and we just sat there waiting to get to the fishing spot. About 10 minutes later, we got to the fishing spot. There was a bunch of rocks so we had to climb them. The rocks were slanted so it was kinda hard to climb. I finally got the the rocks we were going to go on and I sat on the rock Nam is sitting on. The rock was a little slanted but it was flat, not like bumpy. Dad gave Nam a fishing rod and Nam started fishing. Then dad gave me a fishing rod then I started fishing.we fished and no fish yet, our fishing rods kept getting stuck. Dad had to free our fishing rods a lot. When it was about 9:00 we started to stop fishing and just rest. It was like 9:30 then Nam and I were talking about jojos bizarre adventure. We said that part five jojo looked just weird but it was just the intro that was the best. At 10:00 we were walking to the car to go home and the guy with an 11 pound fish was on the sidewalk, he said that it took him 2 hours to get it, no other fish. Worth it right? We got to the car and dad said that he was jealous of that guy. We got home and I watched Nam play smash for a little. Dad came inside and said that I had to go to sleep. So I went to sleep in dads bed.

Blog in the hotel 🏨 part 4

I sit on the couch, a few minutes later, mom and dad gets back. I continue doing homework and then we eat breakfast or lunch. Then again, we play Super Smash Bros. It’s one of my favorite games. Nam kept beating me. I get tired of playing Super Smash Bros and we play FF7, the best game in my opinion. It gets late and we stop playing, We all go to sleep. A couple days later, I get up and I find dad outside on the balcony again. Mom is sitting at the dinner table doing her makeup. Nam and Khang comes up and we all do our homework. After that, I go outside on the balcony and I watch dad play a puzzle on his phone. I play it a little bit too, dad tells me to go inside and eat breakfast. I look through the glass, it was hard to see but I saw mom getting ready for pho with the leaves. I come inside and mom says that food is almost ready and to get the sauce ready. I put the sauce on the table and the napkins. Mom finishes getting the leaves and then we all go eat.

Blog in the hotel 🏨 part 3

I sit next to Khang to see what he is doing on his phone. Then I stand up and walk in circles. Nam takes out his phone and we play Final fantasy 7 (FF7). After playing FF7 for a while, we go eat pho again. We eat and then finished, I was full. Then we continued playing FF7. About 10 minutes later, we went to bed, but we could still play for like 5 or 10 minutes. I went on Nam’s bed. We continued once again, on FF7. A few minutes later, I was sleepy 💤. I asked Nam oof I should go to bed, he said “If you want.”. I went to bed and waited for dad to come. A while later, I got off the bed and looked for dad. Dad comes out the balcony door. We went to bed and slept a good night sleep. I wake up and I see nobody. I check Nam and Khang’s bedroom, they’re sleeping. I go do homework (istation). After that I walk in circles, trying to find something to do. Nam wakes up and does homework.


To be continued…

Blog in the hotel 🏨 part 2

After playing Super Smash Bros, we eat pho. I set the napkins and the sauce. I sit on the couch when I finish and then everyone else finishes. Nam takes his phone out and we play FinalFantasy7 (FF7). As we play, dad says we have 5 more minutes to play, I feel sleepy at that time and dad takes me to bed. The next day, we walk on the beach, we go out of the hotel room and I see the big gap again, I feel like I will fall down if I go close to the edge or the building will collapse while we are in the building. When we get to the elevator, dad said to use our knuckles to push the buttons. When we get down, we start looking for the beach entrance. We find an entrance, but it is closed. I say “Maybe the other side of the building.”. We get to the other side of the building and we find a restaurant and the entrance to the beach. I stare at the sand, then I step in it, it didn’t feel so bad until… *crunch* ow… as we walk closer to the water, I start running. We get to the water and walk, A few minutes later, Nam and Khang go on their phones but continue walking. We walk and walk and walk then… OW! Sand got under my foot and made a hole in it, every time I put pressure on it, it hurts. I try  to hide it and pretend like nothing happened, but my foot had to walk awkwardly. Dad figures out that my foot got hurt and he takes the grain of sand out. We keep walking and it still hurts. I don’t think that it still has sand in it, I check. Then I see no sand. Dad wants to get to the horizon. Many minutes later dad looks on the map and… it goes about a mile or two away. So we walk back. I ask dad “What would happen if we kept walking?” Then dad says “We would sleep on the sand”. About 10 minutes later, I catch-up to Nam while he is on his phone. We finally get back and we get in the elevator again. We get in the hotel and I sit down. Khang sits down too but he leaves his shoes at the couch sandy.


To be continued…