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very good blog about ginger bread Y Vien
It is still uneaten in the fridge
ah, right
when I see you guys typing in here, it usually means there's a new blog
Looking forward to the Vietnam trip coming up
good blog Y Vien. Short on the details of the Vietnam trip but I feel good that you remembering my birthday
good and long blog as usual, Duy Nam. I think everyone likes to see you express your true feelings about the vietnam trip even if they are negative and not many good things to say about the trip
That said, I like and hope you see things in a more positive way some day. I could choose to feel negative about almost anything as well. But not only it doesn't help me much, it also prevents me from seeing the good, positive and beautiful in people and things around me. And there are many!
Good analysis about college application process. You gave us a roller coaster ride throughout your essay Nạm and to me it boils down to (very similar to what you said): getting into Ivy league schools is hard and tough but we are not measured by that. Good if you could get in but it's also good if you don't. Why? Because it keeps us humble which is one of the best virtues, if not the one, a person can have in my opinion.
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