Khoi Broke the Roof (time: 2)

A long time ago Khoi exploded the toilet and the roof basically broke. It took place in Ohio.

So on 12/27/23, Bien, Khoi, and I were playing a game and Khoi started hitting the roof with the light trying to be funny. But the plan took a turn for the worst. The roof technically broke and dust fell everywhere. It landed across the room, too! It was pretty disgusting.

The first time, Khoi pooped and I guess something went wrong. Then when I peed, I flushed the toilet and the toilet exploded. It was nasty and gross. This was the 1st time he did this.

Anyway this is a short blog so I will add another one.

I protest against eating the same foods every single time we go on vacation. Its always Chinese food, Vietnamese food, or some other Asian food˙◠˙

So thats the end of my blog. Goodbye people.

how world hunger starts

World hunger is a very bad issue. But I know how it “starts”. You see, I have some life experience that is a prefect example of how world hunger starts.

On 12/22/23 on the last day of school before winter break, I was playing a game with my peers called “Pop the Pig”. Where you feed the pig/piggy chef some burgers and watch as the pig grows. If the pig pops on your turn because it is too fat, you win. I won every time (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°).

So this is how world hunger starts: You eat too much. When you eat too much there won’t be enough for others.

Sometimes people eat animals like pigs. Humans use pigs for leather, glue, fertilizer, and a variety of medicines. But sometimes, we eat pigs for bacon, which is problem because if we eat ALL the pigs, we won’t have enough for leather, glue, fertilizer, and a variety of medicines (unless we use something else). 

If we eat pigs too much others won’t be able to eat pigs because the pigs have already been used.

This is a friendly remined to save the environment and don’t over eat for no reason.


Thing I believed that wasn’t true

All the cousins most likely fooled me before and I actually believed a lot of it! So I shall tell you a few things I got fooled by ranked from least to greatest.

5. “I’m the CEO of McDonalds”

I didn’t exactly believed this, but I 2% believed this. So I one day, the cousins and I went to Barns and Noble at Tampa (LOTS OF DRAMA HAPPENED THAT DAY BUT WE WON’T GO INTO DEATIL). Nam opened his wallet and had tons of money inside. He “says” he doesn’t get money from his parents so I asked: “How did you get all the money?” and Nam simply replied: “Because, *points finger up and pauses*, I’m the CEO of McDonalds,” Nam said. So yeah, I played along, but I didn’t really believe that he owned one of the biggest fast food brands in the world.

4. “I’m moving to Switzerland 2024″

The 5th biggest lie I thought was true was when Nam said he was moving to Switzerland. He said he wanted to go snowboarding. I believed him for about… 20%. Then everyone said he was lying, and Khoi called me gullible! Normal. Moving on!

3.”There are no cows in Florida”

I have to admit, this is the stupidest thing I ever believed. I was at Nam’s house for the weekend because my dad went to a funeral! I tried some of Nam’s milk in the fridge, and it was so yummy! It was creamy and tasty. It had tons of flavor, too! I asked why it was so good, and Nam said it was because there are no cows in Florida. I believed it 60% and then my dad reminded me I saw cows on the way to Cape Coral, IN FLORIDA. Gosh I’m s silly.

2. “Theres a ghost in the Ohio Basement” (THE LAST TWO ARE VERY IMPORTANT)

TL and TQ  got me to believe a ghost lived in the Ohio basement. They said they had magic powers and could talk to him, and if I asked for power, I would be UNalived! So yeah I was scared. Until I realized they were lying. I believed this lie 90%, I’m such a goose.

  1. “I have a girlfriend”

Now this lie, I believed for years. I believed it for about 1-2-3 whole years. Nam said he had a girlfriend. TQ and TL then asked him one night, “Nam are you gonna tell her?” by “her”, TQ was referring to me! I asked what they meant, and TQ, Nam, and TL paused. Then they said, “Emily is a boy” and of course they were joking. Soon I realized they were big liars. And I have evidence.

So I got fooled by Nam mostly, and honestly, its my fault. I’m too gullible. So heres a life lesson: DONT BELIEVE NAM!!

i’m sorry?

On November 30, 2023, 11/30/23, a girl in, my class got pushed when running in a game. I won’t specify her name, but lets call her “Emilyisnotreal” (Emily-is-not-real). Emilyisnotreal was bleeding and blood dripped on the concrete. It was kind of nasty. Anyway a girl who is her “friend” said she was overreacting. I won’t specify the girl who is “friends” with Emilyisnotreal, but lets call her “Zxcvbnm”.

The following day, December 1st, 2023, 12/1/23, we were playing the same game when Emilyisnotreal “fell” while NO ONE was around her. She “broke” her ankle she says but 5 mins later, she was smiling. She was even LIMPING with the wrong leg! The next day my classmate messaged my school group chat that she saw Emilyisnotreal in crutches and a cast. I’M SORRY WHAT? That girl was grinning like she just got chocolate from MrBeast. On Monday, December 4th, 2023, I saw Emilyisnotreal in crutches. Zxcvbnm was talking to her at lunch as if she never called Emilyisnotreal a liar. On Tuesday, Zxvbnm said she was only nice to Emilyisnotreal because she was “right next to her”. And then Emilyisnotreal said on 12/6/23 she won’t wear crutches no more because she is an “independent queen”. And a staff member actually convinced her that. Ok I’m just saying everyone in the class doesnt believe you when you say you “got hurt” we just all help so we don’t get in trouble.

Anyways no hate, just explaining what happened! (No opinion).

Name credits to my keyboard and Nam! Thanks for reading bye bye.

I l♡ve my m♡m

I love my mom. I wrote a blog about a year or 2 ago that I loved my dad, now its my moms turn. My mom gave birth to me. (Even though she says I’m adopted). My mom made sure to give me food and supplies I needed. She also bought me stuff I wanted, examples are: unhealthy food, stuffed animals, toys, and more. My mom makes sure I’m never hungry. Mom gives me money to have fun on field trips in school. She loves me and makes sure I know it. She is always there for me when I need it. Anways, she gets dessert for me too. She also gets me yummy sushi which I very very very very love it tastes really really good by the way! So this is the end of my blog. Its kind of boring because I dont have much to talk about but hope you enjoyed! Bye bye!!


For the main part, kids in school are gross. Learning is an ok experience though. Me on the other hand, I’m doing well in school, too. I have 2 A’s in 2 of my classes. The rest of my classes are B’s. I have an A in math and social studies (I got straight A’s in social studies this year and last year). Plus I’m learning advanced math. I won writing competitions. But in the rest of my classes I’m okay at them. At school my favorite classes are, writing, science, and social studies.

When I said the kids are gross, I mean it. They spit food around. They also fart and burp, my teachers are always yelling at them. I try my best to stay away from them, but they are everywhere, really. I am a pretty good student. I clean up after kids after school, too. I also find it pretty fun tbh.

Anyways, thats the end of my blog! Bye bye


So my birthday was on the 20th. I may have posted this too late… but thats okay!

On the morning I woke up, my mom gifted me a ring (love u mom<33). It was silver and then I went to get changed for school. I wore a white shirt with a super cute black/beige skirt(cant remember the color). I wore a red cardigan with adorable buttons on top of that. I took my cupcakes for school and in class everyone was saying “happy bday!!” to me. The day went smoothly. After school my mom and dad brought me to a Mexican restaurant. I also had cake with me and my moms friend (ty for the cake^^!)

On Friday, after school my mom brought me to visit my grandma (i really love her). On Saturday morning Me and my mom went to pick up Thucdan. We went to Disney World and it was so amazing. On Sunday my mom left and me TD and my dad went to the mall. After that we went to see a horror/thriller movie called “A Haunting in Venice” I got horrified after that (we dont talk abt that).

That was my birthday!! Ty for reading. I’m 10 now=)

p.s tysm tq for saying happy bday to me on my bday, it meant a                lot to me.

thx to all my friends too! (includes nathan, conner, valerie, ella, and my awesome class/school friends!!)

why I think Taylor Swift is the best singer =) (my opinion)

So I know a few of my family members don’t like Taylor Swift much, but I really like her. and heres why:

Taylor Swift makes amazing music. She makes pop music and country music. She is also a songwriter. Taylor Swift also donates a lot 😁. And shes really pretty, too. Her music is so good. I listen to her like almost everyday (not everyday but almost). She has a big heart and her music is great. Her voice just matches all her songs, too. Maybe one day I will like someone else, but for me (for now) I don’t think I will ever forget this queen.

By the way pls send help I don’t want to do this but my dad is making me do it. But I am trying to use all my words so I am going to go off topic hope you don’t mind and you don’t have to read this. I love popcorn so much. Also I love Marvel soooooooooooooooooooooo so sooooooooo so so much. I also have an obsession with tea nowadays. And since I have been a little sick lately but I am okay! And tea is so nice and pleasant. But thats the end, bye!!

life update !!!<3

Little quick life update.

Its been a little while since i have wrote a blog anyway.

Basically its September 2nd and my bday is in 18 days! Life is like normal as always. I’m visiting my grandma on monday❤️🥰🥰🥰 So I’m pretty excited about that, (also bc theres no school on monday). Also, I’m like processing the reason why if you walk around the world/earth, wont you go sideways? How do u go straight? Thats a question I’ll never stop asking. Also Taylor Swift is having a new movie 🤯❤️. I’m so excited. I also want robux. But lifes pretty good.

I also love food and coke nowadays (I always did but now I have a bigger obbsession). Also I do not want to do this my dad is making me for who knows why. I’m also going to Target after this. And Khois videos are so good. They are really funny! They keep me entertained. Khoi’s laptop is broken though :/. I also went to Target just now. But I’m finishing up my blog now ^^. Today has been pretty nice so I guess this will end of this blog! So bye, thanks for watching, have a good rest of your day!

my best experience with milk

Ok so one day, I was at school on a normal day. I was playing freeze tag with my friends but they weren’t the best, but its fine since they will get better and lets go nice <33333. Anyway they were getting frozen over and over again. But its fine since the really fast kids (maybe includes me) saved them. And to be honest, it made it way more fun (i’m being so psitive right now). And if i’m being honest, i dont really remember my best experience with milk. So i’m doing my best.

And I was drinking a lot of water (which i normally bring 400 ml of milk with me and end up drinking 300 ml) I drank all my water and I drank the water fountain water outside. But indoors, we only have refills, not water fountains!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀.

So I was pretty thirsty. Then I was also in my last class (science/writing). And I waited to be picked up at dismissal. Finally they called my name, but  my school is like 17 minutes away from my house (without traffic).

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT when we FINALLY got home, I washed my hands quickly and poured myself a glass of milk.

And that was my best experience with milk =)

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