Recess in The Hut (historical fiction)

I raced to my new friend named “Nani”. As soon as I reached her I said, “Hii!” waving. “Hey!,” she said. “I was just putting my book in the little bush,” she said, pointing, “See?” Nani said, and I nodded . “Oh yeah, I have the reading club! I’m gonna go get them.” I rushed over to my friends. “Hey guys! Reading club now,” I quickly said, and then looked at them for approval. But they just looked at each other. “Yeah we know, Alyssa, but at recess?? I think maybe lunch,” my friend Bianca said, and I just could say, “Ok! Sure!” So then I went over to Nani and explained what just happened. And she agreed. But since she didn’t sit with us because she was in 4th grade, we deiced to not do it.

Nani and I role-played a bit. UNTIL…. some 5th graders came seeking shelter. We led them in and treated them before they left! But shortly after they came back of course, BUT THIS TIME THWY WERE HIDING FROM POLICE! Now that was a no no, but they soon left, and recess was over. I went to class, and wishing that me and Nani could continue playing, so I made a super-smart idea.

I pulled some paper and made a not asking for Nani’s ROBLOX username, and THEN after gathering some courage, I went up to my teacher, Mrs. Johnson, and asked her to give it to Nani for me. And she replied, “I’ll think about it,” and I wondered, “what did she mean by that?!” But it was betteter than getting rejected. SO then I now wait on 11/16/2022, at 6: 58 PM eastern time.