I love my mom Cuc.🥰

Hello my name is Vien and I love my mom because she loves me too and she takes care of me and she takes me to school 🏫.And she kiss me and she makes her own cheesecake and she shares her cheesecake and she plays with me and she Helps me do my homework And she takes me home from school. And she also knows how to make jello and when she makes jello she always shares it with me. And she also buys me clothes and shoes. And that is all I want to tell you guys see you at the next blog bye.💝

TQ and ThucLam coming over part 2



Hello my name is Y Vien and I’m back with another blog with TQ. The blog will be about TQ and ThucLam coming over part 2, and once when I woke up I had the best day ever, so I went to wake up TL. But then when I just open the door TQ woke up so I just decided to wake up TL and now I’m gonna skip the part where we ate breakfast, and now I’m gonna tell you guys when I was eating lunch. It was good until I started getting mad and in trouble. Now I’m gonna y’all about when we were playing games, so TQ and Khôi were playing capture the flag. And capture the flag is in Roblox, and if you don’t know what Roblox is Roblox is a game for kids to play and build games on it. Then I me and my cousins and brother ate dinner, for dinner we ate pizza! And now I will start playing with my cousins and brother. I’ll see you guys next time in my next blog. Byeeeeee!



My Tooth Fairy.

One of my teeth was wobbling for about 2 weeks, and at the same time a new tooth was coming out. My dad did not know until one day when he brushed my teeth at night time, then my mom got to know about it from my dad, and she asked me to let her pull out the wobbly tooth, so the tooth fairy could come to me at night. You know what, in the next morning, I found out there was 5 dollars under my pillow from the tooth fairy, and I also got prize from my dad for being brave and strong. That was about my tooth fairy. The end.

P.s. This blog was typing by my mom.