Today, I will be leading the blog boycott. What is a boycott you ask? Well, a boycott is when you don’t use a service for a period of time. My dad keeps on asking me to write a blog, and I AM going to take a stand. From February 5, 2021, we will start at that date and END on March 5, 2021. This will last a month. If your parents still make you write a blog, just write it in ENGLISH and just write 100 words. Add, #ForcedToWriteBlogDuringBoycott at the title if you are forced to write a blog. Why am I doing this? The reason why is all my cousins do not like writing blogs, and so do I. So, if our parents keep making us write blogs, we can just say no or write a blog with just 100 words and add #ForcedToWriteBlogDuringBoycott in the title. The blog boycott begins NOW at 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Goodbye.

