So last week we went to Peru and it was great. We first drove to Miami International to catch a plane. We flew on VIVA airlines to Columbia, and then from there we flew to Lima Peru. At Lima, we stayed at this apartment complex, and they had cold water, but we made it work. The next day we flew to Cusco and we got to see Macchu Picchu. Before we went to Macchu Picchu, we stayed at a shady place which had no A/C. I threw up due to the elevation and I woke up at 2 AM. All I had left was ramen so I cooked up some and ate while watching videos on my phone. The next day we had to take a 2 hour bus ride and 1 hour train ride to get to Macchu Picchu. I took a lot of videos there and it was very cool and antique. I never thought I would go to the places inside my World History Textbook. The next day, we went back to Cusco and we stayed at another hotel called “Kila Sumak or Kila House”. It was decent. The day after, we flew back to Lima Peru and stayed at a good hotel. Finally, we flew to Columbia for a 13 hour layover and then flew back to Miami. This was one of the best trips, thanks for reading!
2022 Ohio Trip
It’s been at least a year since we went on a trip to Ohio. We left for the airport at around 5 PM or later (I forgot the exact time) since we had to drive all the way to FLL International Airport. Our flight departed at around 10 PM (forgot the exact time again) and we were in the air for about two hours. Once we landed, it was about midnight at 12 AM. My phone had died by then and we shuffled over to the car to get to my uncle’s house. Once we arrived at the house, everybody went to sleep. The next few days were uneventful, and I got to go to Meijers Market for the first time. Most of the day, I would be stuck on my phone watching random short videos since my cousin Thucquyen had to use my sister’s computer to play her games. My sister didn’t even get to play much, and when the computer was not in use and I got on it, my sister would see and say she wanted to play on it. (What? Why couldn’t you just begin playing before I got on or just wait until I am done??) Anyway, the last day of the Ohio Trip was the only eventful part. We got to go downtown for some Dim Sum, a popular Asian/Chinese cuisine. After that, we got to ride on the RTA subway. We went eastbound, and we stopped along the way at a park. At the park, we hung around there for around 30 minutes and I also went to the convenience store with another cousin to get some water and Arizona Tea. When we went on the train back west to get home, we stopped at a coffee shop. I got an iced tea, but it wasn’t really sweet. My dad then tasted it, and since it wasn’t that sweet, he put some sugar into it. It made the tea a bit sweeter, but I think a lemonade would’ve been better. After all of that, we finally went back onto the RTA train and came back home. The next day, we flew back to Florida with my cousins Thucquyen & Thuclam. Hope you didn’t enjoy my blog, and I will see you every other day.
“I finnaly began using the WordPress font tools” – Says Nobody
Louisiana Trip
Last week, my mom, my sister, my grandma, and I went to Louisiana. The drive there was uneventful, we stopped by to pick up our grandma, and then we continued to a hotel in Destin Beach, FL. It was good, we spent the night there at the next day, and we continued our drive to Louisiana. We stopped at a KFC, and I found it interesting since the KFC had a Taco Bell right inside of it, so it was like a partnership. When we ordered, the first interesting thing happened. There was a fight between an employee and a customer, and they were cursing at each other. The customer then left and went around the store and then they called the cops. After the incident, we continued the trip. When we got to Louisiana, we got explore many places. We went to a water park and they had a cool lazy river to ride on. Unfortunately, I later got sick for 2 days so I wasn’t able to do anything except stay in bed. We then went to a rural zoo where it was a 2 hour drive away. It was pretty hot out and we had no cellular service, but we did get to see some giraffes and deer. After all of that, we went to a casino to eat there, and it was pretty large, however I prefer the casino we went to last time as it was nicer and had more things to do. So that is basically my trip, I hope you did not enjoyed my blog. Bye and I will never see you ever again.
Going to Peru!
So about a month later after school ends, we are going to go to Peru. My cousin’s such as to Queen totem and being are also going to be coming but unfortunately angel won’t be coming because she hasn’t got back from her trip to Vietnam. Yesterday my dad bought the flight tickets for the family to travel to Peru. To go into Blanco be flying on American Airlines since they have a family member who works at that company, however me, my sister, and my dad, will be flying on another airline. I believe that the airline is going to be called Vivo. The flight will take us from Miami airport to Columbia. We will have a 2-hour layover at Columbia until we catch the next flight to Lima Peru. Once we get to Peru most of our family is going to be there and work on spend about one day there. The next day we will go on another flight to a town called Cusco. From there, we will take a train to Machu Picchu which is the ruins of an Inca civilization. After going to Machu Picchu we will take a train back to the town and then take a plane back to Lima, Peru. From there we’re going to go home. Thanks for reading my blog today guys and I hope to see y’all later. Bye.
Cape Coral Vacation Home [NEW UPDATE AND BOAT!]
So today I am very excited to announce that our cape coral home now features a new BOAT LIFT! Last week, I went to the Cape Coral home to do maintenance on it. My family was also busy installing a new pool light (which failed) and we have installed brand new garden lights! With the new garden lights, the backyard now looks brighter at night. The boat lift was also installed a while ago and we took the boat out to the gas station to fill it up with some environmentally burning, lethally toxic, highly flammable, risky, and poisonous diesel (the entire gas station smelled like diesel, and it was next to a restaurant)! After that, the cousins and I returned to the vacation house by car. Along the way, we stopped at Culver’s to eat burgers and fries. We also got Khang a burger for him to eat at home. Also, when we were at home, I thought Khang was doing schoolwork all day on his laptop when in reality, he was playing some games. Luckily, it wasn’t as annoying as Thucquyen using a stolen ID to get voice chat on Roblox (which is illegal, called identity fraud, and get her sentenced to prison) and her screaming on the game. Anyway, we also got a brand new POOL HEATER! My cousins and I have all been dying for the new machine and I set the temperature to 84 degrees F. We jumped into the pool and swam around. However, as soon as the pool heater turned off, it turned cold and we all left. We spent around 3 hours in the pool, too. Anyway, I hope you like this blog post and I will come out with new updates! See you soon!
P.S. I am working on a new update to that has a better interface and allows people to FINALLY upload videos to share. I am also working on a DM (direct message) system for nguyenusa too.
No blog ideas
Today, my dad told me to write a blog. When I got to my dad’s computer to start on the blog, I had no blog ideas. So when I have no blog ideas, I ask my dad for blog ideas. Now 60% of the time is when I have blog ideas. So since I had no ideas, I decided to write this blog. This blog also has no point, I also found out I have more blog posts than my parents. I am below Thuclam and Thuclam’s mom.I just need 1 more blog and then my rank would be next to Thuclam. One time I got access and full control of Thuclams blog. Turns out that she was using the admin account, so anyone else using that account will have full control over Thuclams blog. for me, I have another account. So back to the main topic, as you can see, the “Accessing Thuclams Blog” topic could be my blog idea but I wouldn’t have much ideas to write about it. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!
Our Bunny
So today I’m going to talk about my bunny. My bunny is pretty good and she is doing well. We usually let her outside. Now. We feed her these gray pellets and a lot of hay and she seems to like it, every morning I usually wake up and then I go feed her some water and food. One time she escaped her cage and then went roaming the neighborhood and she was gone for about 2 days. Now we usually let her free roam our whole yard and garage and she is very happy, sometimes when I’m restocking her cage with her food and water she usually creeps up behind me and is waiting to be fed. She also likes to sleep under my mom’s car and right next to my bicycle because it gives her a feel about security. I wish we could let her inside the house but my parents say that she’s too smelly. She also likes to sleep behind the water boiler which I think is kind of dangerous because it’s hot there. Sometimes when she’s exploring and I tried to pick her up she usually tries to run away so it’s a bit hard for me, but sometimes I’ll just let her go into her cage by herself. I like her but last time we had a bunny My dad sold her on craigslist for free so hopefully this doesn’t happen with this bunny. Anyway, I’ll see you guys later. Bye.
Cape Coral Home
So we went back to the cape coral home in Florida and it is almost done renovating. We replaced all the fans with newer ones and the pool has warmed up a bit. Today, my dad’s brother is going to the house with a couple of friends’ families. We also got more parcels in the mail delivered and were unboxing them to install them in the house. The weather now is pretty hot and the house is located next to a baseball stadium. There is a Walmart Neighborhood Market near us, but it isn’t as big as the Walmart SuperMarket that I live next to. Internet in the region is a bit unstable, sometimes it goes out so we can’t fully rely on the connectivity here. A few guests stayed here before we came, and we actually earned $3,000 from them staying here since our house was listed as an “Airbnb”. There isn’t much to do here and I would usually prefer to stay home instead of here if not many other people would be here right now. I hope you enjoyed the blog and I will see you next time, bye.
feelings connected to emotions/feelings
for some reason my mom made me type up this blog
summary: your feelings are connected to your actions or the other way around? idk.
so first of all, whatever you do which are actually called actions are connected to something actually called feelings. so basically, the feelings or emotions you currently have will reflect and affect the actions you do. For an example, if you were happy, you would laugh more easily. If you were angry, then you would probably be annoyed more easily. so basically, your emotions practically control 70% of all your decisions that you make. sometimes, your actions can also affect your feelings. our feelings influence our thoughts, feelings, behavior, and outcomes. also, it can also be affected by the type of person. if a person we love does something to make us angry, we may not want to feel that anger because that’s painful, and not in line with the love we have for the person. there are a lot of varibles that can affect actions.