Not The FSA Test!

On the month April, We are going to have an FSA Test in 3rd grade. AND I’M A THIRD GRADER! I’m scared, what if I fail and can’t go to 4th grade? To calm things down, my mom said I wont fail and my friend Obed said that he joked that if the test was taken on April Fools Day, we would get all zero’s. And as you know what I’m doing right now, I am trying to get 100 words! Right now, I have 84 words??? I do it again later, anyways, my dad said that if I had 20 posts, I would get a SIM Card, but my posts has to have 200 words and 10 sentences. I now have 117 words! Great! My dad said I had to do 200 words for each of my recent blogs. Thats to much work. So i’m just gonna try to entertain us in the meanwhile we reach 200 words! Here’s a story. Once upon a time, a plane called American Airlines Flight 837 took off from Miami International Airport. Meanwhile, JAL Flight 357 was taking off. The turbulance from JAL was shaking American Airlines. Thanks for reading this blog guys, Hope you liked it! I can’t wait until my SIM card will come! Bye!

I Don’t Like Most Kinds of Fish

I don’t like most kinds of fish, but I’ll tell you the ones I like. The fish I love is the fish they make in the Japanese Restaurant.

Today, my family is gonna eat fried fish at home! It smells bad when I smelled it in when coming down stairs. I can smell it while typing down my blog I think. I also smelled it at at the stair case. You guys also know that I need lots of blog post ideas to get a SIM card. it also has to have 10 sentences and 200 words. I’m typing this down to get lots of words in my word count. I now have 111 words! Great! My dad said I had to do 200 words for each of my recent blogs. Thats to much work. So i’m just gonna try to entertain us in the meanwhile we reach 200 words! Here’s a story. Once upon a time, a plane called American Airlines Flight 837 took off from Miami International Airport. Meanwhile, JAL Flight 357 was taking off. The turbulance from JAL was shaking American Airlines. Thanks for reading this blog guys. Hope you enjoyed it! Hmmm… Not 200 words yet! Let me sing a song. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb! Mary had a little lamb and he sheep pooped on her face! Hahaha! Bye!

20 Posts?

If I had 20 posts and if it had 10 sentences and 200 words, I would get a SIM card. I also made this post so I’d be 3 posts shorter to my SIM card. If I had a SIM card, I would have access to calling and cellular data. I could call me mom, grandma, and my dad. Maby even my sister (If she didn’t loose her phone), and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, make this blog long and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE everyone like my blogs and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE that I would get a SIM card and finally PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get me lots of blog ideas and make all my new blog posts longer, and yes! I now have 120 words in total. Great! My dad said I had to do 200 words for each of my recent blogs. Thats to much work. So i’m just gonna try to entertain us in the meanwhile we reach 200 words! Here’s a story. Once upon a time, a plane called American Airlines Flight 837 took off from Miami International Airport. Meanwhile, JAL Flight 357 was taking off. The turbulance from JAL was shaking American Airlines. OH WAIT! WE REACHED 205 WORDS! YAY!!! I hope you guys enjoy my blog post and thanks for reading it! Bye everyone!

I’m Gonna Get a SIM Card!

I’m excited because when I get 20 blog posts with 10 sentences and 100 words, i’m gonna have a SIM Card! I wonder what it’s like to call in windows 10 mobile. In my last post, Sanjay and me attempted to dial 666 in the phone dialer and the emergency dialer, nothing happened. Sanjay told me to call super man, he said his phone number was (561) 111-1111, I called it and a SIM error happened. He then changed it to (911) 111-1111. I didn’t dial it because it might dial 911, and yes!!! I have 86 words now!

My blog goal now is to get more posts than my mom, which is Thucuc. If you see her, she has 36 posts, but one day, I might have more posts than nam. The highest guy on the blog post ranks. I now have 131 words in total. Maby even more because of my thank you ending. Thanks guys for reading my blog! Hope you enjoyed it! 😃

Today, Sanjay came to my house. We played Roblox, we played Trains (Classic). We then went to five guys. We ate french fries and hot dogs with burgers. Sanjay didn’t eat beef so he ate a pork burger. Sanjay and I attempted to call 666 on my phone, but then got an no sim error, then we tried calling 666 in the emergency dialer, same thing happened again. Sanjay then went home. I also went back home too. My dad said we were gonna invite Sanjay with us to see the movie, How To Train Your dragon. I agreed and went to take a bath. I then took my desktop computer or PC upstairs onto my table and there I am, typing down my blog. I hope you guys enjoyed my blog! Thanks for reading this blog! 😃

My Tooth Fell Out

Yesterday, my tooth fell out when I was eating a gummy bear at the move theater. Before that, I was eating nachos. It was so hard to eat I couldn’t chew fully. When I could chew again, the nacho cheese was all gone. So I dipped my finger into the cheese and putted my finger into my mouth to eat the cheese. Goodbye guys, hope you enjoyed my blog.

I Like My Website

I like my website because it has cool things. My website has videos, games, a chat-box, and music! On the chat-box, you can put in your shout. There is also even a solar system. You can look at  planets there. And music, I have The Muffin Song, and Mine Diamonds! I also have so info about me on Roblox too! I also have so images. Like here’s one, it is an image on google maps I took by snipping tool and I saw the sun when I zoomed out on satellite mode. I even saw the sun!!! I also have some versions of my website. The first version was horrible, it was just a image of me and a text the said: My first website! My second version was diffrent and a BIG improvement. And my last version, The best one. Which is version 3. It got deactivated because of some offsite source links. And my version, 3.1! Kind of… But is the version I have right now. So bye guys, hope you enjoyed my blog!

i am gonna fool around with also wrong gramar and speling!

Sometimes, I’m dizzy!  I play the phone too much? Or sit up to MMMMMUCHHH?!?! LETS GET DIZZY! I vomit on the chair! I poop on the chair! I PUKE IN THE TOILET.. And on OOF!! I POOP LIKE A RICH GUY!.., JUST LIKE- diaria! POOP POOP POOP POOP!! YAYAYA. I vomit on the door, I vomit on the phone, I vomit on the computer, and I vomit on… MY FRIEND!!!!! POOP POOP, IN YOUR PANTS. LIKE  THUCLAM, THUCQUYEN, AND NAM AND BEIN…. AND KHOI!!! I love Ice cream, that has peanunts and puke! Like a phone who poops, and the cat sits like a rat. Grammar error grammer! grammer eror graMER. i hate gramer, i hate poop. but i love cursing with poop. and i love my abc”s. i love airpNES. and i hate….. cmgop : cox media GRUP of poop. i now have 144 words! i shreik and scream every 5 second. and…. have a bad day with vomit guys!