My website is on it’s latest release versions. I have been updating it alot but not much people go to it.I have worked hard on it from the first version of my website which only displayed my face and said “Hi, my name is Khoi and welcome to my website!” to the latest version of my website. I added new plugins this month. My first installed plugin was phpFreeChat. It is a live chat room. The chatbox on my home page is just for you to type a quick message or share something with others. But the Live Chat Room is used for chatting with people in real time. Another cool plugin is MyBB, it’s a plugin where you can make a forum and people can updated to my website. They can learn about new updates and stuff like that. One time I got an E Mail from an architecter saying he had a really cool code but then I sent a reply to him but he never replied back. I am going to work on getting the code of an HTML calculator so I can put it into My website. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!
Ping Pong
I Think everyone should play ping pong. Here are my reasons why. Ping Pong is good for our body. It helps us exercise and we get to be better at hitting when the ball hits our racket and you swing it so it bounces on the table then back to another player. It is also played for fun since you can play it when you are bored. So that is why I like ping pong. My dad bought it when we were in New York. He got a message saying it was delivered to our house. I think the best player of ping pong is my dad since he plays everyday. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys, bye guys!
Y Viens Room
Today, I’m going to write a blog about Y Viens room. So when you go into her room, you will see lots of papers hanging on the wall. You will also see a doll place where she puts all her doll toys, on top of the bed is papers hanged on the walls again. Next to her bed is a desk with all her stuff. It’s hard to walk through the doll place since there are so many objects blocking the way. Next to the doll place is a closet. She puts her stuff she doesn’t use there. My room has a closet and I put my collection of stuff in there. My room is also organized and has alot of space since its clean. My room doesn’t have papers hanging on the walls and next to the end of the bed is a desk with a computer and I’m typing my blog on it, not on my laptop. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!
The Day At Five Guys
When we went to Five Guys, we ordered our dinner. Once we were eating hot dogs, Y Vien started teasing me. So how does she do that you ask? She talks about stuff and looks at me in eye contact. That’s the weirdest teasing method of all time. When we were finished, Y Vien keeped on teasing me. When my dad was bringing our dinner, Y Vien was about to do something to me so I just threatened to kick her. When I was on the car, I turned on this song, Y Vien didn’t like it so then my dad said, “Just wait, w its gonna start playing latter.” Once it started playing, Y Vien didn’t do much to it so I guess she was trying to tease me. I tried to change the track but my dad wouldn’t let me so sat in the car until we got home. So I hope you enjoy this blog guys! Bye guys!
New York
Last time, I went to New York. We went to Fort Lauderdale International Airport. We then went on a plane to New York. When we arrived at New York, we left the airport and hanged around in the New York City. We wen’t to a Korean Restaurant and ate there. When we were done, we went to buy some stuff for my mom. I ate a hot dog at a food truck. Once we were done, we drove around the city and then went to Liem’s house. We played there and we slept there. The next day, we went to Best Western Hotel. The weather on Saturday was bad so I din’t enjoy the day at Best Western very much. We also ate supper at night at a Korean Restaurant again. We didn’t eat much since we ate dinner already. On the next day, we wen’t somewhere in New York but I forgot but then after that we went to the airport and my sister and me built a fort there since our boarding was at 7o’clock and it was 4:00PM. We then wen’t on a flight but it was delayed until 10PM. We then finally boarded the plane and we were then on our way back to Florida. I hope you enjoy this blog! Bye guys!
First time on the Airbus A319 and the Airbus A321
When I was going to New York, I was on an Airbus A 319 plane. It had 1 wing exit and was a small version of the Airbus A 320. Everything else was the same and the overhead seat panel was normal, it looked like it was normal like any other plane until when you get on to the Airbus A 321. Now this is a bigger version of the Airbus A 320. It has no wing exits, but the exits are next to the wing like a Boeing 777. The overhead seat panel looked modern and new. The flight attendant call button was lit blue and again, everything else was the same. When the plane crossed the runway, the wing strobe lights turned on so other planes can see our plane. When we were preparing for takeoff, a plane was landing on another runway that crossed our runway and a soon as it left the runway intersection, we took off. I wouldn’t do that if I was the pilot. There was no wake turbulence, so I guess the plane was small. Right after takeoff, I fell asleep and when I woke up, the plane already landed at parked at the gate. That was when we were going to Florida from New York. Now when we were going to New York, the plane took off and I stayed up on the whole flight. When we were landing, the plane landed and speed brakes deploy (Speed brakes are the flaps on the wing that open upon landing to slow the aircraft and keep it from taking off again.) and then thrust reversers turned on (Thrust Reverse is a function on the engine that makes flaps in the engine open up so airflow will also be flowed to the front of the plane, this helps the plane slow down) then claps started and we were in New York. So I hope you enjoyed this blog! Bye guys!
The Painful Room
Y Vien owns a Room now. She can kick me out. I used to play in that room but I’ll now have a pain of getting in to that room. Plus, she is so protective about it! so now when I go in there and I break something, she will start having a temper tantrum. You even have to knock on the door to get in there! Now, she is even more bad. She gets mad even more now days when she got that room. When I go in there, she puts lights on the door handle and plugs it into a outlet next to the door. When we get in, she says you have to walk over the lights. That’s weird for putting light on a door handle. When she didn’t own the room yet, the room was an office. At first she thought my room was her room. She started hanging her stuff everywhere. Soon, she owned the office. Now I don’t need to get bothered by her. So bye guys! Hope you enjoy this blog!
A Check Up
Today, I left school early since I had to go to a doctor check up. They said no shots. Phew! SO first, they asked questions about me and put light into my ears and they looked at it and my mouth. Then they checked my front private part. They then tested my URINE! Ewwwyyyy, why would they do that???? I know already btw. After that, they tested my eyes with this machine. When they tested my eyes, it showed colors next to the camera. I then looked at my eye test results paper left eye was weaker then my right eye. So I got out and I had no shots! If I had shots, I would be screaming in the check up room. When I was in the room, I looked at a cabinet and it showed a poison or a nuclear sign. So I guess if you open that cabinet, you’ll get sick right away when you see those bottles, you will be at risk since it can be harmful to you. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys, bye guys!
New York Trip
This weekend we are going to New York. We are going on a vacation. We were going there for a trip and for something else but I forgot. I’m going to bring my new laptop with me to New York. I’d be happy if my cousins were coming. We are gonna stay in a hotel, I wish the hotel room is big so it has a dinning room with a kitchen, bathroom, and a bedroom. So if it doesn’t, I’d would end up doing everything in one room, except for using the bathroom. I haven’t been to New York for a long time. One time, the new York population grew so big that the government was worried that they wouldn’t have enough water. So they took down the towns of Neversink and bittersweet so they can make a dam so ten New York would have more water. So I hope my trip to New York will be great! Bye guys!
I Got a Laptop!
Yesterday, I got a laptop from my dad. It was not a Surface Pro since it costed too much money. So I got another laptop that was smaller. It was good, had 4.00 GB of RAM and 3 GB Usable because it had to use 1 GB of RAM for other stuff. When I first got my laptop, I installed all the apps and programs I need. I installed WinSCP So I can edit my website. Google, for my default web browser. Firefox, a secondhand browser, and Roblox. When I was charging my laptop, I accidentally plugged the charger into the audio port. I then later found out that it was labeled audio port and I found another port that said DC IN. I plugged my charger into that port and it finally started charging. When I turned on the device after a full shutdown it booted up asking for my password. I entered my password and then guess what happened. It showed a black screen so I had to restarted again and the same thing happened. After several restarts, I powered it on and it showed a black screen. I waited several minutes and played Roblox on my desktop computer and it finally booted up. My laptop can even turn into a tablet by detaching the keyboard! I’m also scared that my mom will find out because you will know what happened if she finds out. So bye guys! Hope you enjoy my blog!