Today, I will be leading the blog boycott. What is a boycott you ask? Well, a boycott is when you don’t use a service for a period of time. My dad keeps on asking me to write a blog, and I AM going to take a stand. From February 5, 2021, we will start at that date and END on March 5, 2021. This will last a month. If your parents still make you write a blog, just write it in ENGLISH and just write 100 words. Add, #ForcedToWriteBlogDuringBoycott at the title if you are forced to write a blog. Why am I doing this? The reason why is all my cousins do not like writing blogs, and so do I. So, if our parents keep making us write blogs, we can just say no or write a blog with just 100 words and add #ForcedToWriteBlogDuringBoycott in the title. The blog boycott begins NOW at 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Goodbye.




Guess what guys, when I tried to write this blog today, the WiFi keeps cutting out. I am so frustrated because of this. This happened so many times that it is virtually impossible for me to get good, reliable internet. The internet went from GREAT to WORST. Most of the time when I am playing a game, the internet cuts out and all my progress is lost. I just hate it. We use AT&T wifi with optic fiber internet, but my dad decided to be cheap and get the SLOW internet plan which is also available on the coaxial internet. So why did we upgrade to optic fiber? I honestly don’t know. As of I am writing this blog right now, the WiFi is unstable. Some of you guys may be thinking, “Oh Khoi, it is just a small issue! Many people are using the internet due to Covid-19, so chill out!” Well, you are WRONG. When I got my projector and decided to test it’s WiFi capabilities, the WiFi kept on cutting out! Please note, I was NOT using the internet at the moment but was just communicating over a local area network, this would NOT be affected by people using the internet a lot due to Covid-19. Well, I hope you enjoyed this blog an- BRUH. MY INTERNET LITTERLY CUT OUT AGAIN. WELL BYE, BECAUSE I AM DISSAPOINTED.

New Epson Projector Powerlite 905!

Big news guys, it’s the blog you have been waiting for. Today, I received my projector package from FedEx, it was the Epson Powerlite 905, used in classrooms today. The projector was priced tagged at $119.99 and was used. When I got the projector, it had a few slight scratches but it operated phonolemy. It was working great and I loved its cleanliness. I really recommend you buying this SUPER CHEAP projector here. This projector model is listed as Powerlite 95 but it is actually Powerlite 905. Projector gets very hot and needs a 2 hour cooldown before opening it up for maintenance. I am also responsible for maintaining the projector, as it has an air filter that needs to be replaced every 2 months. The projector has a good amount of 1810 eco lamp hours left, but normal lamp hours are 0. I think it says this because I am using eco mode right now. This projector is so powerful that I couldn’t capture a projected image on a computer camera, so I had to lower it at its lowest setting and it was still bright. A price for a new projector of this type on the Epson website is a whopping $825.00 USD. This projector is so popular that it became out of stock in such a short time. I hope you enjoy this blog guys, bye guys!


Hôm nay con sẽ nói tại sao con thích chọc ý viên. con thích chọc ý viên tại xì mổi khi con chơi game, ý viên chọc con, thi con phải choc ý viên lại . Con cũng thích chọc êm tại vì ý viên sẽ khóc.

I Just Got Sick!

So yesterday, I got sick for no apparent reason. It just happened, one day, I woke up to a bunch of headaches, it was like my brain exploding when I least expected. I vomited 3 times yesterday, which was very painful. I went to sleep at 8 pm yesterday and woke up and 4 am today. My mom came to comfort me at that time which was very nice of her. My mom insisted me on eating kimchi soup as it was good for my body when I am sick. I am right now downstairs, writing this blog. I actually started writing upstairs in bed. I am still a bit dizzy but I will try to keep on resuming life normally. Tomorrow, I think I will be mostly recovered. I hope you enjoyed this blog, and I am about to vomit, wait… wait, *vomits*.

New Projector

Hôm nay bố nối con sẽ mua projector cho con. Projector của bác hậu bị hư và con dùng nó không được, bác hậu củng nối là kí máy củ rồi. Chen nên con sẽ mua mot kí máy mơi, nhưng mà bố nối là nó phãi rể thì bố sẽ mua.


Because my dad said I have to get a projector at a cheap price, a decent projector at $100 and lower would mean the projector itself would be pretty crappy. So this time, I am going on ebay and hunting for USED – Like new Epson Projectors, I heard they got decent projectors that aren’t blurry like my first one. Anyway, I am still searching but I will find a projector and I will let you know when I find one.

Hôm nay con mỏi viét tiéng viẹt!

Hôm nay con mới viết tiếng việt! Bố chỉ con viết tiéng viẹt, con phải vô mọt cái website và cọ tiếng việt và bóng nút. Bố nói con chỉ có viết bốn chữ. Con thấy thucquyen làm Google Translate, cho nên con phải đánh thucquyẹn


Blogs, blogs, BLOGS!

I just had to write another blog by my dad. I always have to write so many blogs and it is just so annoying, I don’t even have any topics to write about! In 2019, I had to write a blog every 2 days or even every day. But I guess I have to do it because I have not written in a long time. Everyone who is on the community list will turn into an author someday. Sometimes I write too many blogs that I run out of topics to write about. I am also supposed to write 200 words as a standard which can be more stressful. All my cousins agree that they do not like writing blogs, so what if we could find a way to stop writing blogs altogether? Well, that will be a whole different story. However, if I liked writing blogs and I wanted everyone to write blogs, I could edit the code in the website so that it would redirect them to make a new blog page. Forcing them to write a blog and once they finished, it will bring them back to the normal website. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed today’s “weird” blog guys! Bye guys.


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New presents!

Today, I got new presents! You may be wondering why because Christmas is over, but the package took time to get to Florida. The first present I got was a mini warning light. It is a battery-powered light siren but does not make a sound. It flashes a blue light and can be turned on via a physical switch mounted on the siren. It is also made in china. The next present I got is the crime scene police tape??? I really don’t know why I got this but it is kinda long. I also have an idea to use the tape to tape Nam all over and use the siren in his face (LOL). Anyway, today was a very fun day. My sister (Y Vien) got a present which was 4 bath bombs. It had shapes like a heart and a ball. She has not used it but I saw videos that when you put it in your bath tub with water, it “Explodes” with colors and also makes you smell good. I hope you enjoyed this blog, BYE!