I Just Got Sick!

So yesterday, I got sick for no apparent reason. It just happened, one day, I woke up to a bunch of headaches, it was like my brain exploding when I least expected. I vomited 3 times yesterday, which was very painful. I went to sleep at 8 pm yesterday and woke up and 4 am today. My mom came to comfort me at that time which was very nice of her. My mom insisted me on eating kimchi soup as it was good for my body when I am sick. I am right now downstairs, writing this blog. I actually started writing upstairs in bed. I am still a bit dizzy but I will try to keep on resuming life normally. Tomorrow, I think I will be mostly recovered. I hope you enjoyed this blog, and I am about to vomit, wait… wait, *vomits*.

New Projector

Hôm nay bố nối con sẽ mua projector cho con. Projector của bác hậu bị hư và con dùng nó không được, bác hậu củng nối là kí máy củ rồi. Chen nên con sẽ mua mot kí máy mơi, nhưng mà bố nối là nó phãi rể thì bố sẽ mua.


Because my dad said I have to get a projector at a cheap price, a decent projector at $100 and lower would mean the projector itself would be pretty crappy. So this time, I am going on ebay and hunting for USED – Like new Epson Projectors, I heard they got decent projectors that aren’t blurry like my first one. Anyway, I am still searching but I will find a projector and I will let you know when I find one.

Hôm nay con mỏi viét tiéng viẹt!

Hôm nay con mới viết tiếng việt! Bố chỉ con viết tiéng viẹt, con phải vô mọt cái website và cọ tiếng việt và bóng nút. Bố nói con chỉ có viết bốn chữ. Con thấy thucquyen làm Google Translate, cho nên con phải đánh thucquyẹn


Blogs, blogs, BLOGS!

I just had to write another blog by my dad. I always have to write so many blogs and it is just so annoying, I don’t even have any topics to write about! In 2019, I had to write a blog every 2 days or even every day. But I guess I have to do it because I have not written in a long time. Everyone who is on the community list will turn into an author someday. Sometimes I write too many blogs that I run out of topics to write about. I am also supposed to write 200 words as a standard which can be more stressful. All my cousins agree that they do not like writing blogs, so what if we could find a way to stop writing blogs altogether? Well, that will be a whole different story. However, if I liked writing blogs and I wanted everyone to write blogs, I could edit the code in the website so that it would redirect them to make a new blog page. Forcing them to write a blog and once they finished, it will bring them back to the normal website. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed today’s “weird” blog guys! Bye guys.


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New presents!

Today, I got new presents! You may be wondering why because Christmas is over, but the package took time to get to Florida. The first present I got was a mini warning light. It is a battery-powered light siren but does not make a sound. It flashes a blue light and can be turned on via a physical switch mounted on the siren. It is also made in china. The next present I got is the crime scene police tape??? I really don’t know why I got this but it is kinda long. I also have an idea to use the tape to tape Nam all over and use the siren in his face (LOL). Anyway, today was a very fun day. My sister (Y Vien) got a present which was 4 bath bombs. It had shapes like a heart and a ball. She has not used it but I saw videos that when you put it in your bath tub with water, it “Explodes” with colors and also makes you smell good. I hope you enjoyed this blog, BYE!

some company stuff

As you heard, I made a company named KhoiUSA LLC. Usually, I am up by 7:30 because I usually begin company prep at 8:00 on no-school days. In the company prep, employees check their emails, look at the updates, and skim the calendar for upcoming tasks. At 9:00, all the employees start working on their tasks. This can be writing articles, publishing books, modifying the website, and more. My task is to keep the website running and publish the articles or books the employees make. Usually, at 4:00 PM, all the employees go off work and some stay back because they want t continue working. And sometimes, things don’t go planned. In one case (on my last blog), my site went down and all the employees were locked out of their email. It was chaos, the site home page was not loading and the server which made the site working would not turn on properly. I tried recovering it but after an hour of recovery with no successful attempts, I scrapped the server and rebuilt my server from a backup that was made 10 months ago. To be honest, I think I like the days off because I get to play some games and get a break from hours of work. So, I hope you like this blog on how employees work at KhoiUSA LLC. and I hope you will become an employee too! Bye guys!

The Best AirBNB

Today, I am going to talk about the best AirBNB on this trip. The best AirBNB was… The Saratoga Springs AirBNB! In the AirBNB, it was roomy and a cat was roaming around and bumped into us! The cat was very cute and crawled on my lap once. We got to watch some TV and the house was big enough for the ghost game. However, my cousins were not in the mood for that and just watched TV. (Selfish) The house had 2 air conditioning units (I think) because there was 2 thermostats which was super cool. I never seen that before. Also, the house had a old CD Player which had a needle that was touching the top of the CD and played the music. There was also a robot vacuum but it was only for the cleaning people. When we left the house, the cat I was talking about was curious and went on our cars. My parents spent like 10 minutes trying to get the cat away from the cars. I think the cat formed a bond with me and my cousins. So I hope you enjoyed this blog, byeeeeeeeeeee.

Chaos of 2020 Vacation

Today, I am going to talk about the Chaos of 2020 Vacation

  1. Idaho Snow Chaos
    So I and my family were in Idaho. We rented an AirBNB deep in the woods which was creepy because it was so dark. The worse thing was that when we left the AirBNB for the first time, the snow stopped the car from moving. We had to change gears, go fast, and try to not go too fast and slip sideways. However, we managed to get out successfully, and for me, it was a kind of terrifying experience.
  2. Terrifying airplane experience home
    When we were going home on Spirit airlines on the big A321, it was a peaceful flight. However, more than halfway into the flight, disaster struck. I was just half awake, half asleep, lounging around in the comfortable seat when BOOM, the plane started falling and then stopped, then fell and started banking, and so on it went. This went on for about 2 minutes, a group of passengers behind us lets out a yell as the plane turned into a roller coaster.
  3. My face was DRY
    When we arrived in Utah, my face started drying up because the weather was changing, heat, cold, heat, cold. This pattern made my face dry up. It was very painful but now that I am home, it has stopped, and my face is now smooth, not rough.

Our Bonkers Trip

This week, I went on a crazy trip and I will tell you all about it. It was approx. 6:30 PM when I woke up. My whole family began packing and I made sure Biscuit the bunny was comfortable without me because my neighbors were gonna take care of her. Me and my family stumbled into the car and drove to the airport. We only had 10 minutes left to get to the gate when we got to security, I had a thought of missing the flight just like what happened in Italy. We flew from FLL Airport and flew all the way to PHX Airport where my cousins came to pick us up. Once we got home, we took a shower to get off any viruses that could of infected us. The next day, we went to Page, a small town in AZ. My dad had booked an Airbnb there. It was a 3-hour ride there, I even made a snack bar in the car which held all the tasty snacks. We played the ghost game when we got there, pretty sure we played it for about an hour. When we got to the next Airbnb, there was a lovely cat that bonded with us. It was so cute, one of my first animal interactions with animals in the house (Airbnb). We then drove to Idaho, where our last Airbnb was. The weather caused my lips to dry and it was PAINFUL! There was so much snow they made arriving and departing the last Airbnb difficult. After that, we drove to Utah where our 2nd Airbnb was. We rented a hotel which wasn’t quite fancy and stayed for a night. After that, we went to Las Vegas which was the BEST place on the vacation! After the hotel stays, we got to go back to Phoenix which was my cousin’s home. We showered, ate crawfish, and relaxed. Person [REDACTED – HIDDEN] scratched my [SEALED]. End log………………………………………