Today, I will talk about my smart lights. Now when I was young, I had Hue Lights. My dad bought us a starter kit and some other light bulbs. We installed it and I played with it. After some days, we went to buy the lights for the office. It was a Hue Ambience and it can change to warm and cool shades of whites but no colors, the other lights were just white lights and were dimable. After a few days, a light blew out in the office and it was a Hue Ambience. So today we are going to buy a new one. I stopped using Hue after a while because Hue wasn’t very good. But Lifx was too expensive so I went back to Hue because it was cheaper. I also didn’t really need color lights so it was fine with me. I also think that my unused Lifx bulb can be used to decorate our house on Halloween. I also think later on I might buy another light bulb so I can put it into the kitchen. Right now I have a portable light fixture in the kitchen with a Hue White light in it. I can control all the lights from any device and anywhere, even from Italy I think. So I hope you enjoyed my blog guys! Bye guys!
Category: Technology
Our Faulty Router
Today, we decided that we are going to get a new router. Now we are going to do this because our current router keeps on powering off after a few minutes. It also has a bad WiFi band because some of the antennas broke. But I like this router because it has a lot of features like time control, blocking websites, blocking user’s to the internet and more. But we will get a new router because this one is faulty now and we bought it in 2018 and it broke in 2019. So I guess we will throw it away after 1 year of using it. My dad said we will go to Best Buy to buy it so we can have the internet right away, but we might not need to buy a router but we can buy a switch and we will have internet but it won’t be wireless and we will not have security. So we will buy a new router and then I can finally put my cameras outside but I might not. So once we buy the new router, I will have to set it up again and then I will just throw the old router into the trash can with its plug too or I will dissemble it to learn about how it works! So I hope you enjoy this blog guys! Bye guys!
Making Roblox Games
Last week, my famous The Titanic game suddenly got deleted. Let me tell you briefly about it. So it all started out when I got my first robux! After that I got an idea that inspired me to make a game. So I made a game called The Titanic, and so I opened up Roblox studio which allowed me to make games. I then searched up titanic in the toolbox. The toolbox has a feature that allows you to search up models which I use a lot. I found this model and it was good for my game. I could use another better model but I chose that one. After that I started searching for stuff like admin, and alarm system and stuff like that. I used Khols admin infinite and then used HD Admin. I added tables, chairs and lifeboats. It was a master piece but the only thing is the models were made by someone else. After my game was made I created ads and that gave me a hit. People started playing it and 15 people added to their favorites. After some weeks, I earned the Brick smith badge. It means that my game got 1,000 visits and I was happy I got that. After some more weeks I was about to get 2,000 visits! But right when I was about to achieve that, my game got 5 dislikes. People found out that it was made out of models and people stopped playing it. The visits chart was booming but then the chart showed me that the visits were decreasing. It went on decreasing until there were only my friends left in the game. Shortly after that, my game got deleted. It was because there was an error in the game scripts. So now it’s gone, my hard work was for nothing. So I decided to make a new game called cruise ship simulator! I started finding a small cruise model and added stuff to it to make it awesome. I haven’t ran ads yet but it was working out great. I added HD admin and my Roblox friends were all happy that a new game was coming out. I also added an elevator to it too. Level 3 was a elevator sight seeing. The doors would open and there would be a glass wall in front of it so they can look out and won’t fall. Level 2 was the outside deck. It had sun beds and vending machines. It was also where the lifeboats were. Level 1 was where the rooms and dinning are, at the stern of the ship it had a disco party, sunbeds, and a DJ board. At the bow of level 1 stands the dinning tables. My friends start playing it and they like it. Right now I have 2 likes and 1 favorite. My goal is to make that new game famous and have 10 people playing it all at once! I will also try to learn scripting too. So I hope you enjoyed my blog guys! Bye guys!
My Website Growth
My website is on it’s latest release versions. I have been updating it alot but not much people go to it.I have worked hard on it from the first version of my website which only displayed my face and said “Hi, my name is Khoi and welcome to my website!” to the latest version of my website. I added new plugins this month. My first installed plugin was phpFreeChat. It is a live chat room. The chatbox on my home page is just for you to type a quick message or share something with others. But the Live Chat Room is used for chatting with people in real time. Another cool plugin is MyBB, it’s a plugin where you can make a forum and people can updated to my website. They can learn about new updates and stuff like that. One time I got an E Mail from an architecter saying he had a really cool code but then I sent a reply to him but he never replied back. I am going to work on getting the code of an HTML calculator so I can put it into My website. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!
No Water Pool
When I went to the pool, the water was low and the pool was dirty. It had bugs on the side of the pool, they need lots of cleaning! Anyways, when I was swimming, I saw bug eggs I think. The bug place was stained. Now, you know what the pool will look like. Picture this, you go into this pool and see a worm next to you and run out of the pool. Well, when my dad, sister, and me were at the pool, I saw a worm at the bottom of the pool I think and we didn’t dare to go to the worms place. Now, the pool is clean and back to normal. So I hope you enjoy this blog! Bye guys!
If you visit my website, I can track you from my home page, to all games page. It can tell me if your using windows 10, iPad, ChromeOS, or Windows 7 (Which will not be in support soon). It can tell me you IP address (Example: 174.185.983), It can even tell me if your using Chrome, Firefox, or another one. It will tell me when you came to my website. I also check the logs often too, If you try to access the file, you won’t be able to since you don’t have permission to do that. Here is an example:
(This is a real person, it’s me | Stuff that has — means that I don’t want you to see it, Mozilla/5.0 is Chrome)
4/12/2019 13:22pm: Array
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /home1/nguyenua/public_html/khoiusa
[HTTPS] => on
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3
[HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] => gzip, deflate, br
[HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] => en-US,en;q=0.9
[HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL] => max-age=0
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36
[PATH] => /bin:/usr/bin
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /home1/——–/public_html/khoiusa/index.php
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[TZ] => America/Boise
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[argv] => Array
[argc] => 0
————————————-END OF EXAMPLE—————————————————
So that’s how I know who you are and I could track you down if I wanted to because I have you IP Address. Hope you enjoy this blog! Bye Guys!
I Got a New Domain Name
Last time, my dad got me a New domain name. It was Now my friends can remember it and go to my website whenever they want. The good thing about this domain is that it is short and it is cool. When planning what domain name I could get, I chose but my dad said it was to long so he offered me to get I didn’t like it since I wasn’t used to it, I now like it since it’s short and I’m used to it. ON my old domain which was and it was free, it was a SUB – Domain. I was going to make my friends a website but if there subdomain was part of my website, it would be like this: khoi’ So then I made it to khoi’s They don’t really care about their website so I’m planning on to delete sit. Hope you enjoy this blog. Bye guys!!!
I Got a SIM Card!
Today, I got a SIM Card. When I remembered I was mad that I didn’t got a Sim Card yesterday, I was mad. I now fell bad. Before I got a SIM Card, I went bike cycle riding at the Commons Park. I went 2 laps. ! lap with my sister, and the other lap alone by myself. We then went to Pollo Tropical. WiFi was good. Last time the WiFi was so bad I couldn’t watch any videos. We then went to T – Mobile. When we came there, I was just expecting a SIM Card adapter but my dad got me a SIM Card. When it was inserted the SIM Card, I had to reboot my phone. We then had to activate it and my phone number was 440 something because my dads driver license displayed that my dad was born in Ohio. We then changed my phone number to (561) 344 – 3515. I then got a message from T – Mobile that said, Welcome to T – Mobile Quest. It said No to don’t get messages so I replied No. I test called and it actually works! Only thing is that my dad didn’t purchase Cellular Data. When we went out of the store, I made a call to my dad and Y Vien picked it up. I talked to her and then hanged up. On the way home, Y Vien made a video and I was waiting to get home. I called 511 then hanged up. When we came home, I made some Voice mail configurations and took a bath. I did some more configurations on voicemail and I went downstairs to watch Y Vien and my dad playing chess. My phone was on low battery so then I charged up my phone. I then went upstairs and here I am, typing down my blog. Thanks guys for reading this blog! Hope you liked it! 😃👍
I Like My Website
I like my website because it has cool things. My website has videos, games, a chat-box, and music! On the chat-box, you can put in your shout. There is also even a solar system. You can look at planets there. And music, I have The Muffin Song, and Mine Diamonds! I also have so info about me on Roblox too! I also have so images. Like here’s one, it is an image on google maps I took by snipping tool and I saw the sun when I zoomed out on satellite mode. I even saw the sun!!! I also have some versions of my website. The first version was horrible, it was just a image of me and a text the said: My first website! My second version was diffrent and a BIG improvement. And my last version, The best one. Which is version 3. It got deactivated because of some offsite source links. And my version, 3.1! Kind of… But is the version I have right now. So bye guys, hope you enjoyed my blog!
Making my website.
When I made my website, I knew coding. My other versions of my website were good to me, since a file got deleted, I knew I had to start over. So I made it modern, when I was making it, I used a coming soon page. Somehow it got deleted so I kept on working on it. I was going to use a drop-down menu but that took to much work. So now I use a static menu bar. I added music on my website too and it had videos on it. Now my website has Tic-Tac-Toe and Chess. I also edited my error 404 pages and my website will always get update packages. Every update may just have one update or it will have many updates, such as the error updates. I hope you like my website and if you have any comments, press the comment or send an email to me which is, Thanks for reading this short blog. Bye guys!
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