My New Game Ro-Street V2

Once again, I was told by my mom to write another blog. One day, I got a spark in my head. If my metro game isn’t going to be popular, why wouldn’t I make a game everyone likes? So I sat down and thought for a moment, and then it hit me. I was going to make a city game! As I have seen people playing games like MeepCity, BloxBurg, AdoptMe, and GreenVille, I thought I was going to make a game, and it is going to be called Ro-Street. Now my metro game got me 43 Robux, so maybe my City game would earn me 1,000 Robux! So I dashed to my dad’s computer, launched the Roblox Studio and started designing a house. After that, I grouped all the welds, walls, floors, and furniture into one model. I then duplicated it and started building a neighborhood. I also made the roads, added restaurants, pool, and a park. I have used some models to build it, but I might delete those models in the future and get some of my developers to help me build stuff. I added HD Admin which is like an admin console, I modified the code, and I made a game-pass that gets you VIP admin for 100 Robux. Roblox says if someone purchases it, I will get 70% revenue which is great, that means I can earn 70 robux per VIP Game-Pass. Now, I just need to advertise an ad, and people will start playing it. If a player that joins my game and has a premium member, I would earn Robux depending on the time they stayed in my game. I think the game I am making will succeed, and I will be rich in Roblox and be popular as well! So I hope you enjoyed the blog guys! Bye guys!

4 Smart Living Room Lights = $100

Recently, I got 4 new hue ambiance lights for the living room. It costs around $100 bucks but that’s not a big deal am I right? Just kidding, it is a lot of money. I only get to spend that much very rarely. The lights in the living room can change color temperatures. Now, you can even sync the lights to music by using a 3rd party app. If you don’t want it to be synced but want some disco lights, you can use the app on a PC called Huetro and navigate to ambiances> club > select rooms > start. You can also use the app called LightDJ on the google play store. So far, my experience with the lights is really good and I plan on putting some light strips under the couch or behind the TV. Now, I am thinking of expanding our smart home to different products like the August Door Lock, Nest Learning Thermostat, and a smart vacuum. The smart vacuum could be useful once my mom finally lets my bunny live in the house with me so the smart vacuum can clean up its droppings. But when it goes number one, I have to clean that up manually. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!

KhoiUSAsocial (V3.5)

Today we are going to talk about KhoiUSAsocial. KhoiUSAsocial is a social media platform like Twitter and Facebook. It runs on Internet Information Services 10.0 (IIS). When you visit the page, you might notice the URL redirect you to However, people may think it could be a Trojan website and IT IS NOT. This is completely normal because if you go on face book, it would do the same but you wouldn’t see the URL change. So if it would change the URL, you could see this: https://123.4.567.890/. So lets move on. On KhoiUSAsocial, you can find a drop down menu, you will see a button that says media gallery, about us, and COMING SOON. Then, there is a chat box which has people talking in it. Then, you will see the latest news articles. Right now, me and my friends run the platform. It is using Windows Server 2016 Essentials to run it. I also need a backup so Gavin has my websites backed up on his PC. And if you ever use my computer, I have guest account disabled so your not ruining my servers. So for now my employees are busy so I am just running it by myself. I hope you enjoy my blog guys Bye guys!!!



We are getting Optic Fiber Internet!

2 weeks ago, we noticed our internet was slow, so we played with the router settings to get our internet fast again.After 2 days, our internet shut off completely. We called ComCast if they could fix the problem but it still didn’t work. We then tried replacing our modem to see if it would fix the problem. It worked just for 7 hours and it broke AGAIN. We decided to restart the modem and that was it. We had no internet for a week so we decided to switch over to AT&T. They said they would install optic fiber cable internet which blew my mind because it was 1000 mpbs internet or you can call is 1 gigabit internet. Yes people, this internet is 900x faster than your internet. This means I can run 10 4K HD games, have 15 video conferences, 30 people surfing the web., 25 people watching 720p videos on YouTube, and have 5 Windows servers. Now that is a lot! Oh and we also have smart home devices so our internet would be in some good use. And they also say it is just $60 dollars! That’s right $60. But we all know they will increase the price over time to $80 dollars. They also claim it should be 1000 mpbs internet but it may be actually 600-900 mpbs. When the guy finished installing the internet, the internet was fast. I also had to reconfigure all my port forwarding. Now my servers will operate better. This also means I will hog up all the internet. The real speed I found out was around 200 mpbs which is disappointing because our devices need more bandwidth.  I hope you enjoy this blog today guys! Bye guys!

Using Windows Longhorn in VM Virtual Box

Have you ever heard of Windows Longhorn? If you were born in the 2000, you have used it. People who have used it didn’t know that Windows Longhorn was actually Windows Vista. Longhorn was a Beta version for Vista, so if you used Windows Longhorn, it would look almost like Vista and Windows 7. Now, I got a hold of the Installation file of Windows Longhorn, but I need the product key. And I am not asking my dad to gt one because I am just testing. (I might even install a virus on it) I am using a VM Virtual box so it is like a computer inside a computer. If you could give me a Windows Longhorn product key, tell me in the chat box. Thanks. RIght now on the install page, I am stuck on the product key information page. If I could find a non genuine product key, I can get past that page but not activate windows yet. so It will be great if I am able to get it working. Maybe when I turn 110 years old, I can ask my dad to buy me a bulky tablet off of ebay so I can run Windows 8.1. So I hope you enjoyed this blog guys! Bye guys!

My Dad is Going to Get Me Windows Server 2016 Essentials!!!

If you didn’t know, there is a hidden version of windows in the market. Well, sort of. So today my dad was willing to buy me the Windows Server OS. He would get it right from Ebay, that is a very good choice because you can get it for LOW prices. Right now as I am typing, the server is configuring the AD DS Services (Active Directory Domain Services). I am also trying to fix network driver problems which I hate. My dad says I should go for the Windows Server 2016 Essentials, not the Standard or Data-center version because my “company” KhoiUSA LLC. is worth not much. Plus, I only have 4 employees, those are My Dad, Gavin, Zachery, and Sanjay. I also made a Learning Platform in 2019, My Website in 2015, and a hosting platform which failed in 2017. Now with my servers, I can run all my website at once. Also, my employees can connect to the server and edit it. We also have a competitors company called Haiboni Inc. I think. Jack was the founder of Haboni Inc. and he used to be one of my employees. But he quit and made his own company. I know that his company is going no where because he barley made progress. Meanwhile, I have been making lots of progress with Windows Server. I could run Windows Server without a product key but that was only for testing. But I am now testing, so I am going against the law so I want to be LEGAL, not illegal. Windows server also forced me to make a super unhackable password. So good luck breaking in people who don’t like my company. Windows Server gets frequent updates every 3 days, so it’s more secure than other computers. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys, Bye Guys!

Windows Server 2012 R2 Terror

It was 3 weeks ago when I made the dumbest decision to downgrade my computer from windows 10 to windows server 2012 R2. I did the installation and it worked. I made a domain and my website was running on it. However, this came to an end. I was going to update and enable the update feature and it said you were 108 updates behind. I let it run and after I came back in 4 hours, it said updating at 3 percent. I freaked out and let it run overnight and I went to sleep. The next day I woke up in terror. The PC was still updating at 3 percent. When I got back from school, I searched up on Google how to reset the C drive in cmd prompt. When I restarted the PC a couple times, it thought I might have broke the hard drive so it said diagnosing your PC. I then went to the troubleshoot page and pressed on CMD repair mode. I then typed in the command to reset the drive. It then said now resetting at 19 percent, I wasn’t patient enough so I shutdown my PC and it was the dumbest thing I ever did in my whole life. I booted it back up and it said fixing your PC, then it shutdown. This happened forever as a loop then I found out I deleted the repair files. I then shutdown my PC. Got my USB drive and put windows server 2019 on it so I can upgrade it again. It didn’t work so I opened up my computer, took out the hard drive, and it was heavy but gladly it used a SATA connector. I got distracted by the ram and took it out to look at it. When I tried putting it back in however, it didn’t snap in. I booted the PC with the ram loose and the PC started beeping but the screen didn’t come on. I was like horrified. I pushed the ram in and gave up hope. The ram still didn’t work. I then tried this for the past few days and I concluded my PC was dead. Now, I extracted the ram and the hard drive and man the hard drive was heavy. I ran to my families old computer and I plugged it in. Now, I am opening it and putting a new hard drive in it. I am now running Ubuntu OS from Linux corp. Now, I am gonna tell my dad to buy me a hard drive connector to USB so I can plug it into my dad’s computer. After that I will wipe it and then plug it into my family’s computer so I can install windows server 2019. Worst time in my life. Maybe my friends were right. They say I’m not a computer expert and this happens. They were right, I’m not good at computers.

How to Set up Wireless SV3C IP Camera from Amazon!

PLEASE: THE CAMERAS FIRMWARE MAY DIFFER FROM THIS INSTALLATION! This is also a quick start guide and is designed to get your camera running quickly.

Set Up Camera using INTERNET CABLE:

Step 1: Connect the power cable to your outlet.

Step 2: Connect the UDP or Ethernet cable to the cable and router.

Go to Set Up Camera to Network to continue!

Set Up Camera using Access Point Mode:

Step 1: Connect the power cable to your outlet.

Step 2: Attach the included antenna.

Step 3: Connect to your cameras WiFi network. Check your user manual to see password EXAMPLE: IPCAM-XXXXX

Section 2: Set up camera to Network:

Step 4: Download CamHi app and open it.

Step 5: Press add camera then press search camera.

Step 6: Click your camera and name it then press save.


Default username and Password: admin

Step 7: Open CamHi app and press your cameras setting icon.

Step 8: Press change password and set your password then save.

Step 9: Your phone will disconnect from camera and will say wrong password.

Step 10: Press the edit button at the top right corner to edit your cameras username and password.

Step 11: Click your camera and put in the new username and password then press save.

View camera via Computer (Use internet explorer for best functionality):

Step 12: Log in to your router’s login page. The address might be this:

Step 12: Go to a Client IP Table or it could be connected devices section.

Step 13: Find your IP cameras IP address and type it into the search bar.

Step 14: Enter your new password and username, If you didn’t change username and password, please type in admin for both username and password.

Step 15: Install the active X plugin.

Step 16: Refresh page when done install then press allow and you will see camera live feed.

That is how you install the camera!


My New Geenie Smart Doorbell

Today, my dad and I went to install the Geenie doorbell. Our old doorbell had problems so we decided to pick up a 40 dollar smart doorbell at Walmart. when we took off the front cover of our existing doorbell, the first problem came. The company which installed it painted it so we coudn’t get it out. My dad used a wedged faced screw driver to cut off the paint that was holding the doorbell plate to the wall. My dad found a small opening in the side of the plate so he put used a wedge screw driver to peel the plate off. The plate fell off then what inside was 2 wires. Those wires are for transferring power from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. So which cable was the signal? Maybe it went with the positive terminal because the negative terminal would supply power. And the power would then come out of the doorbell and into the positive terminal before going to the chime box. When setting up, the manual required us to mount a transformer in the chime box. The transformer wires would connect to the TRANS and FRONT port. But me and my dad didn’t care and didn’t want to open up the chime box. So we just decided to continue the installation. Once the installation was finished, The doorbell turned on. When I was holding up the doorbell, my hand felt a spark. Oops, my dad didn’t turn off the circuit breaker and that was ON PURPOSE. We were also required to shut off power to the doorbell but we didn’t. The reason why was because there was no switch for the doorbell. So when we first plugged it in to the wires and wired it all up, the doorbell booted up and was flashing rapidly. I scanned the QR code and then the doorbell lights started turning to a solid blue. Installation complete. I like this doorbell but the talk wasn’t working right but I still like it. So I hope you enjoyed my blog guys! Bye guys!

Our House

Today, I will talk about our house. Right now we are in the 21st century, and that means houses are getting smarter everyday. So our house is just starting as a smart home. We have a smart home control panel which is a phone taped to the wall LOL, smart lights, Alexa, smart TV’s, smart washing machine, and good security cameras. Now let’s talk about smart lights, our ALEXA can control them so I can say “Alexa, turn on kitchen lights” and the lights would be on. I can also make them flash to a dance party. Now Alexa here can do lots of things. When our smart light motion sensor is triggered, Alexa can send an announcement saying it’s triggered. Our smart TV can be controlled using our phones. Our smart washing machine can be remotely controlled by a phone but I don’t know how to do it yet.  So now I was thinking we can get a smart doorbell from Ring so then I can talk to people outside on my porch. I also want the new nest learning thermostat so it can LEARN what temperatures you like so I can go to it automatically. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!