Nam, Bien, Angel, my annoying sister, and I decided to go down the ravine in the forest near the house. It was around 1/4 of a mile, but the uneven terrain in the ravine would slow down our progress. We began treking down the ravine, the first part was the easiest as it wasn’t steep, and there wern’t many obstructions except the occasional fallen tree. After a bit of walking, we encountered the second part of the ravine which was a small creek. There was a “sewage” tunnel that had a small amount of water flowing out and into the creek, however, the were many rocks throughout the creek so we could practically walk on it without getting wet. Unfortunately, after a feet we encountered a roadblock. There were a bunch of fallen trees intersecting eachother which made it a bit difficult to cross without getting wet. We managed to get across though by crawling other with some rocks below to step on. After getting through the main difficult part, we went to the side of the ravine as the creek got deeper. Unfortunately, we were met by another roadblock as the side got too steep ahead and we needed to find a detour. The intital plan was to crawl across a fallen tree that went above the creek. Nam and Bien crawled across sucessfully while Vien somehow sank her foot into mud. I then found another way to cross over by climbing over stable rocks, so Angel and Vien followed me across. After crossing the creek, we continued treking down the ravine and arrived to the end. From there, we wen’t through the forest reserve and intercepted a trail that went back up to our home. We hiked the trail for around 5-7 minutes then treked back through the elevated forest for another three minutes. We esentially made a full circle and returned back to the house. I hope you enjoyed this blog and I’ll see you next time.
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