So today I am 80% sure my sister has covid. She was next to a person who was infected with covid so she is going to be quarantined. When she was doing her business, she got angry about it and tried to spread her covid to me. I laughed at her and then she started screaming angrily. When I finished all my HW I watched an old video of Y Vien having a tamper tantrum, she started getting angry again and tried to steal my keyboard. (Which she failed) I am basically going to avoid her for 2 weeks since she has the CORONAVIRUS. She cant even take care of herself and social distance. One time I told her to social distance and she refused and wanted to stay next to Zara (my friends sister). Basically, since she wasn’t social distancing in the beginning, she might have covid. When me and my friend dismissal, I told him I wasn’t going to go to the dismissal area with him and was going to wait a bit so we could be separated. My sister is so attached to Zara that she wont budge going away from her. I asked Viens friend Olivia if she was her friend, her exact words was, “Well, I’d say kind of because she is sometimes rude to me. One time, she called my drawings ugly.” My sister one time told me that I had a fat mouth, so I decided to teach her a lesson by going up to the meanest teacher and telling her what happened. I then made up a fake story that she was going to have detention. When she got into the car to go home, she broke into tears. She says I am a little baby, but isn’t that being a baby? Anyway, I will see you next time.