Month: August 2021
First Week of School! – why first week of school is hard
Hey guys, so the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL, just passed! It was a lot. Middle school was A LOT harder and we had class schedules. I had six classes. If you said, what was the most boring class? I’d think it is math, or ELA. *English language arts”. We could order our lunch and it was a lot of fun. Now, was it hard? Yes! And I will tell you why. For college, Living in a dorm can be super exciting and fun, but it’s probably one of the harder adjustments to tackle when you get back to campus. From the public bathrooms, to the tiny beds, to the ALWAYSSSSSSS CHANGING temperatures, it takes some time to feel at home again. At home, you lounge around watching Parks and Recreation all day in your pajamas, but back at school you’re faced with a real person schedule. Between clubs, classes, meetings, work, and breakdowns over how tired you are, how are you ever going to get anything done? Would I rather be at home instead at school? YES! At home, you get to eat GREAT foods on a good plate. But at school, your stuck with broccoli and jelly, on a lunch tray. CAN YOU BELIEVE my old school washed used lunch trays that were made out of Styrofoam? EW! Anyway, that’s my opinion on the first week of school. I made some new friends, and that was great too. BYE.
Dad keeps making me write BLOGS!
So, my dad keeps making me write blogs, and I am gonna tell you why you should STOP writing blogs! From it being a time waster, to it making you no where in life. One common affliction currently plaguing many aspiring freelance writers is that they start a blog because they’ve heard they should. Next, they fall in love with the blog, and then spend way too much time on it. All at the expense of finding the paying clients they need, and without examining what they’re blogging about or why. Blogs isn’t like an article for the New York Times or anything, its just a draft, that you will never go back at. Plus, I don’t even think you will earn money by blogging. And my dad forcing me to write blogs, in fact forcing the dreaded NguyenUSA Community to write a blog? That’s just pain. Unfortunately, the typical diary-you-put-online type blog posts rarely attract many readers. And they don’t make a good writing sample for luring clients, either. Businesses want fact-filled posts written on a single topic, not random posts about your personal thoughts. For an example, say Nam writes a blog about his self thoughts and stuff, to the average person on the internet, that’s basically Lorem Ipsum to them. Lorem Ipsum is like an example text to test a site, and to other people, that blog Nam wrote, is Lorem Ipsum, basically plain, nonsense, and boring. So yeah, that’s why I think blogging in the NguyenUSA Community is BAD.
I’m getting a new plane in my Flight Simulator!
So today I was playing my flight simulator, and I wanted a new plane other then my Airbus A321, and I wanted a Boeing 757 or 767 because the cockpit design was better (in my opinion) and Boeing planes were more controllable, other than Airbus which had a flight computer restricting how you fly. So I looked at the Boeing 767 and found one by Flight Factor, a plane design company. However, I knew I couldn’t afford this since it was priced at $92 US Dollars (USD). I decided to look at the Boeing 777, a long haul plane. I found the Boeing 777 Wordliner, which is the 200 or 200ER I think. It was called the Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional, there was an extended one which costed $64 USD, but I didn’t find anything that made it different. I also later found out it is the 200LR, which stands for Long Range, meaning this type of triple seven can actually go further in range. I wanted this plane since it was modern, not as modern as the 300ER version, but was pretty nice. Also, this plane was operated my Malaysia Airlines 370, which randomly vanished over the Indian Ocean. The plane has no protection system, meaning I can crash the plane easier. On the Airbus A321, when I tried crashing it, it would try to save itself from crashing, but I managed to crash it anyway. The plane also has a “touchscreen” (which is a screen you can click on in the simulator), it allows the pilots, or me to look at plane checklist’s, steps to start an engine, steps to land the aircraft, and more. This is a truly great aircraft, and I hope to flying it soon.
My Security Camera fogged Up
So one morning after it rained, I went to check the security camera system, when I found out one of my cameras outside had this white cloud in the middle, I first assumption was that it was just small fog, so the next day I checked, it was still there. I went outside to check the camera and took a look, there was moisture behind the lens. I was a bit worried, since videos on YouTube said that if this happens, you might need to replace the camera. When I put it in rice so it could dry off, it got worse. A primary cause of condensation in security cameras is that they are not properly sealed. Often times with cheaper cameras, they do not offer the water-resistance rating they claim. These should be avoided as most times, they will quickly fail and you will spend more money replacing them with the proper equipment. To prevent security cameras from becoming foggy at night, another good solution is to put a small packet of silica gel inside the outdoor CCTV cameras. Such desiccant materials are capable of removing moisture and drying out the air and thus, avoiding CCTV camera condensation problems. Unfortunately, the only silica gel I have is from a seaweed packaging, plus, its almost impossible to stick the gel in and then take it out, since I cant disassemble the camera. I hope you enjoy this blog, and I will see you next time, bye.
What it is like without grandma
So my Grandma isn’t at home for now, she will return soon. Now that she isn’t home, I have to do the dishes, which is a lot of work. In fact, took me 30 minutes to wash the dishes today. Wasn’t used to the workflow. Nothing changed much about the food though. Also, I have to sweep the garage, which is not a lot of work to be honest. She is helping one of my relatives take care of some kids in Louisiana. She will be back in about 6 days. A lot has changed now that she is not here, I have to feed the bunny, but it is a big pain since the bunny was really aggressive after she escaped during a thunderstorm. Usually I would find Grandma taking a walk and having a sip of coffee in the morning, but now at 6 AM, not much happens. 7 AM, my parents wake up, 8 AM, I wake up and so does my sister. 9 AM, we have breakfast and do things. Now when we have lunch, my parents cook, and for dinner, we usually eat out. But when my Grandma was home, she would cook meals with us. I said this already, but a lot has changed. She would also usually do the laundry, but now sometimes I do it, and my mom does laundry. Biscuit has escaped multiple times, and the house has been re – organized a bit. So I hope you enjoyed this blog, and I will see you next time. Bye!