sToRy SuMmArY

It was a normal day, Rafe was walking down the halls. He found out that there was an art contest so he decided to enter. He submitted artwork and then started to do his classes. He knew that he wasn’t going to win but he won the contest. He was eligible for a free trip to Australia, Rafe was excited. Rafe told his mom and his mom told him that she was going to come too. Rafe was disappointed. When he arrived in Australia, he went on a 7-hour bus ride to Sharks Bay. He stayed in a shack of Mayor Coogan’s house. The kids there decided it was a good idea to joke around at Rafe. Rafe then came to the contest place to show the artwork. He was also working with a group to make a movie. But right after the movie was being made, mayor Coogans kids and the kid’s friends ruined the scene! The group was very mad at them and decided to set revenge. The very next day, the exhibit was going to show everyone the contestant’s artwork. But, the revenge happened. The group made a scary monster and made it scare everyone. They even flooded the exhibit with gooey water. Everyone panicked as the group laughed. Mayor Coogan’s kids were running around like crazy too. Suddenly, the monster was out of control, making it even more powerful, it later got destroyed by hitting a bunch of outdoor portable toilets. I haven’t read the whole book so this is a: THE END.