Title: Pool Party
Yesterday, we went to Mataio’s house. We played Titanic, Cruise Sinking, and Investigate the Titanic’s crash in the pool. I liked the game called Cruise sinking the most even though we had to stay in the deep end and experience what it’s like when a ship sinks and you are swimming in water. We only had 4 lifeboats and each likeboat holds 1 person but there was six of us. So when the lifeboats were launched, everyone would race and climb on top of eachother to claim a lifeboat. When we were playing, Peter would always claim a lifeboat, push it off the ship and just drive away before ship sank. He also woudn’t share it. The lifeboats were actully floaties too and sometimes, we would push eachother off the lifeboat and claim it. After playing the game, we would chill and play zombie in the pool but for some reason, Peter decided to push me to the deep end for no reason. The pool had some water features and Mataio would always hide behind an artificial water fall. We ate some Pizza and it was so good I ate a lot. I alsk loved the vegatable pizza that had spinich, cheese, and potatoes. After a long pool party, we rode in the back of a pick up truck and dived into a hot shower. THE END!