It was not a good Christmas. We had some presents but the present I wanted comes on the day next to the day of the end of December. It was the IP camera I was talking about recently. When Christmas Eve came, we watched a movie called Godzilla, we ate some stuff and mini shrimp. The movie was so scary to me that I decided to go upstairs, disconnect the downstairs camera so I don’t see the horror in the movie, then I watched IP camera videos. The next day, we opened our presents and I got a game called Tipsy. So when I was buying my package, it said it is running late. I filed 4 complaints and they switched me from YUN EXPRESS to FedEx smart post. This means FedEx smart post will then send it to USPS then USPS will the bring it to my house. I also played some Roblox and then I got an update from FedEx that my package was still in CA. It was going from office to office and each office was just another town ahead. I was so fed up that I was about to file another complaint when I realized that might just slow down my package. So I will not file another complaint. I will never, ever, buy from a vendor that’s not from the US because it will take forever for it to arrive at my house. Very disappointed with AMAZON.