I remember my dad telling me ThucCLAM was bad. She has a history of bad choices. One time on the cruise, ThuCLAM announced in the buffet area 3 times and in the lobby 2 times that I farted. No one really cared but a small couple started looking at our whole family. Another time was when Thuclam smacked me in the face. So she has very bad choices. Also, when Thucquyen and Thuclam were leaving the elevator, Thuclam pushed Thucquyen because she was in a bad mood. Maybe the elevator cameras saw that! And also my dad asked Thuclam how was you day, than Thuclam smaked my dad in the face. My dad than told Thuclams dad so she started crying. She keeps on thinking she can get away with that stuff and I dont know why. Another time was when Nam and me were in a fight. Then Nam coudn’t take it anymore and threw a chip bag in my face. I wished my camera was there to record but I didn’t buy any cameras yet. So now, I will be able to show proof to my parents that they hit me, but if they denies it, I will have to bring on somewhere that cant be retrive it from, or I will replay it a million times ans show it to my friends, or maybe post it on the INterNET. Just kidding, I will just show it to Bac Thuc and more people. So Thuclam is very dagerous. Maybe one day I will catch it on my cameras and show it to you for proof.