Our Cruise Vacation Is going to happen when Thanks Giving Comes

Last week my dad told us that this thanks giving we will be going on a cruise. We would take a plane from the USA to Europe. We will then take a cruise and the cruise will take us to Italy or somewhere else I forgot. My dad also said our cruise would be better than last time. I also estimated that our flight time would be 9 hours. Last time when we went from Newark to Japan, it took us like 13 hours and our flight was also delayed too. Back to the topic, after the cruise arrives, we will stay at a hotel for 1 day and come back to the cruise or it might leave us there. We will then book a flight back to the USA and our vacation is over. I am looking forward to this cruise and I always love cruises. Last time when we went on a cruise, Thucquyen, Thuclam, my sister, Angle, and other people came with us. The cruise had a pool and even a night club. We also got to explore the cruise since we know it very well. Our state rooms were small and on that cruise, Y vien also got lost and got picked up by security. But I hope that doesn’t happen to this cruise. My dad also said that the cruise was brand new and I think this is its first voyage so what could go wrong?  So I hope you enjoy this blog guys! Bye guys!