Deaf People

Today my dad told me to write a blog about deaf people so today this blog is about deaf people. Deaf people are people that can’t hear anything. Usually when someone is deaf, sight becomes their most important sense. Deaf people can use American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate with other people. ASL is a type of communication that deaf people use and people show there hands and make signs on their hands so deaf people can understand what they are talking about. Solutions to fix the problems of deaf people is a hearing aid. Deaf people use hearing aids to hear better. These devices are put into there ears and let deaf people hear easily. There is another device that they put on their ears and a person talks to them by putting a microphone to them and speak into it and the talking is transmitted into the device at the deaf person’s ear. Sometimes people become deaf at a certain age or at the time they were born. Deaf kids go to a deaf school so teachers use ASL to communicate with their students and teach them ASL too. So I hope you enjoy this blog guys! Bye guys!