Another Vacation

Today I went to Louisiana, to get there, we went to Houston, Texas. There, we rented a car then drove to Louisiana. I met my cousins and they got a new house. The floor was made out of wood and there was a backyard. When we were in my our room, there was a box full of toys and I ssaw a nerf bullet and I thought where could the Nerf gun be? I then saw it at the bottom of the box and got it. We then played war so Y Vien and my small cousin went  destroyed Y Vien’s base on Y Vien’s team and I was with another cousin. We then watched TV and our cousins went to sleep and Y Vien and my mom went to the Nail Salon my niece owned. So today my mom went on a plane to fly back to Florida since she has to go to work. Yesterday, there was also my cousins birthday and he got legos and we also went crab fishing on that day. So I hope you enjoy my blog guys! Bye guys!