Today, I was gonna play Roblox Flight Sim. My friend on Roblox went on a plane with me and I was piloting the plane so we took off and I decided to do a air collision so my friend said lol. We targeted at a plane but found out it was a military plane and it was fast so we aimed at a plane and tailed it and when it was about to land. When it was a few feet above ground, the belly of our plane hit the other plane’s tail causing the plane’s nose to go up and then we hit the control tower and the plane banked to the right. We then keeped on doing air collision’s and then we crashed. So we got the same plane, took off on the taxi way, and the crashed into the tower and I tried to bring the nose up but it was too late so the plane slammed into a parking lot. After this we played the game I made called The Titanic. It has a horn, Big boombox, portable boombox, a intercom, and a alarm system. We pretended we crashed into a ice berg and some other people joined us too. We then had a party on The Titanic. So I hope you enjoyed this blog guys! Bye guys!