I Got a Laptop!

Yesterday, I got a laptop from my dad. It was not a Surface Pro since it costed too much money. So I got another laptop that was smaller. It was good, had 4.00 GB of RAM and 3 GB Usable because it had to use 1 GB of RAM for other stuff. When I first got my laptop, I installed all the apps and programs I need. I installed WinSCP So I can edit my website. Google, for my default web browser. Firefox, a secondhand browser, and Roblox. When I was charging my laptop, I accidentally plugged the charger into the audio port. I then later found out that it was labeled audio port and I found another port that said DC IN. I plugged my charger into that port  and it finally started charging. When I turned on the device after a full shutdown it booted up asking for my password. I entered my password and then guess what happened. It showed a black screen so I had to restarted again and the same thing happened. After several restarts, I powered it on and it showed a black screen. I waited several minutes and played Roblox on my desktop computer and it finally booted up. My laptop can even turn into a tablet by detaching the keyboard! I’m also scared that my mom will find out because you will know what happened if she finds out. So bye guys! Hope you enjoy my blog!