Today, I’ll show you how to crash a plane. First, you can bring the nose down to 30 degrees. Once you are at 1000ft, the “PULL UP” alarm should sound, if it doesn’t, good luck not knowing when to pull up but keep on putting the nose down. And BOOOM!!! YOU CRASHED! Another way is to bring back the throttles and bank to the right and left steeply. If your aircraft is equipped with a “BANK ANGLE” alarm, it will sound warning you you are banking to steeply and you are about to go into a sink-rate or a stall. Stall means failing, Sink-rate means descending too fast or your aircraft is sinking. Another way is to OVERRUN the runway. To do this, set an approach on landing and bring both throttles to maximum. When landing, don’t deploy reverses, speed brakes, and brakes. Keep the nose down or the plane will climb. Enjoy once you see the plane overrun the runway and the plane crashes. I hope you enjoy this blog! Bye guys!