Last time, Thuclam, Bein, and Thucquyen came to my house. Thucquyen and Thuclam came to my house first and we played together. When Bien came, they stoped playing with us and played with Bien, Y Vien and I were alone so then we did our own business like they weren’t here. There was also one time when TQ cheated at chess (in my opinion) she didn’t tell me that I was checked and then she ate my. Oh, and one time Thuclam had a Tamper Tantrum in a BRIO (a restaurant). She was angry for some reason that here glasses were broken since her church teacher steeped on the pair of glasses and now are bent. She said, 📢 THUCQUYEN! FIX MY GLASSES!!!!!!!📢 Calm down! TQ tried to fix it but she coudn’t. TL did it again and TQ coudn’t fix it. TL the did it for the last time but TQ refused to because I told her to keep on playing Helix Jump. We ate our food then the Fire Alarm Went off. But actually all of city places fire alarms including the parking lot sounded. Maby TL pulled the fire alarm??? Another time was Thuclam uses my computer without permission. I had to force here to use the Guest Account so she doesn’t mess up my computer. Thats all for today, thanks for reading this blog! Bye Guys!