Hey guys, today I’m going to talk about school so… in first grade my teacher is so nice. In math we lean doubles, or plus, or minus. So first we do the announcements in the morning then fine arts then writing lunch reading, and social and science. So that’s all for today see ya bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Category: Uncategorized
All About My Roblox Avatar
Hey guys today I’m go to talk about my Roblox avatar so I have rainbow hair and I have a black shirt with a bear on it I also have black pants and cool shoes. And I also have kitty hears that is y my name starts with (Kitty) and my name on Roblox is KittyTheBest. So I hope you guys like the blog and if you guys play Roblox don’t forget to follow me bu bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Time Being Band From Roblox!!
Hey guys! Today I’m going to talk about my first time being band from Roblox!! So our story begins… so I was going to play Royal High on Roblox but then… Roblox said KittyTheBest my name on Roblox anyway was band from Roblox!!!! So then I went to tell my brother Khoi and he said… they think you r a hacker, but I was not!! I was so mad. But I com down and I was fine. The End. so guy I hope you guy enjoy listening to my blog and I will see ya lext time, Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Trip to Airazona
Hey guys, I’m going to talk about my trip to Arizona our story begins… the flite was four hours long.I went on the airplane. Then I went to my cosines house. The next morning we went on our first road trip. And we arrived at our first air BnB. Then we went to another BnB. And then our last air BnB. Then we went to a hotel it was nice. And then we went to our lass hotel in Los Vagos. Then we went back to Arizona. Then we went home. So guys that’s all for today I’m so sorry I did not publish any thing for so long but, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Story telling lena a helping hand.
Hello my name is Vien And today I’m Telling you guys story So let’s get reading. Mama and papa bear were like most parents.They wanted the best for their cubs. Brother and sister were like most cups. They wanted the best for themselves like and not only the best For themselves And not only the best, but the biggest and the most as well the best place in front of the TV,the biggest piece of cake, Move over! No, You over ! I’ll take that ! Oh, no Call take that one! I’ve got the most! No! I’ve got the most! As mama lay their, And she thought about how cubs learn. Cubs learn by doing. Then mama bear was at the supermarket. The cubs were a little nervous about Miz McGrizz. She was really older even other than gramps and Gran and kind of bent over. When mama and the cups were loading their groceries into the car, Miz McGrizz came out of the supermarket pushing her little haha collapsible Shopping cart. Where you going? Called mama. To the bus stop, she said. The bus goes right by my house here. So does our car, Said Mamma. Cubs, Help Miz McGrizz Into the car and pool her things in the truck. That’s very kind Khama said Miz Grizz. Careful now, said Miz Grizz. These steps are sather rickety. What’s This? Asked sister. A radio, Of course! Goodness Khama said Miz McGrizz. I don’t know about that period I don’t a have and garage. You have a yard, don’t you? Said brother. You can have a yard same! And that’s what happened. The End. I see you guys next time!!!!!
I love my Dad Ngan
Hello my name is Vien and today I will tell about how I love my dad. My dad buy us favorite dinner, and he brushed my teeth sometimes. He fixed my hair. He takes me to the park when my mom is at work. He plays with me. And I love my dad. I will see you next time on my blog. byeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love my mom Cuc.🥰
Hello my name is Vien and I love my mom because she loves me too and she takes care of me and she takes me to school 🏫.And she kiss me and she makes her own cheesecake and she shares her cheesecake and she plays with me and she Helps me do my homework And she takes me home from school. And she also knows how to make jello and when she makes jello she always shares it with me. And she also buys me clothes and shoes. And that is all I want to tell you guys see you at the next blog bye.💝
TQ and ThucLam coming over part 2
Hello my name is Y Vien and I’m back with another blog with TQ. The blog will be about TQ and ThucLam coming over part 2, and once when I woke up I had the best day ever, so I went to wake up TL. But then when I just open the door TQ woke up so I just decided to wake up TL and now I’m gonna skip the part where we ate breakfast, and now I’m gonna tell you guys when I was eating lunch. It was good until I started getting mad and in trouble. Now I’m gonna y’all about when we were playing games, so TQ and Khôi were playing capture the flag. And capture the flag is in Roblox, and if you don’t know what Roblox is Roblox is a game for kids to play and build games on it. Then I me and my cousins and brother ate dinner, for dinner we ate pizza! And now I will start playing with my cousins and brother. I’ll see you guys next time in my next blog. Byeeeeee!
TQ and ThucLam coming over to my house
Hello my name is Vien and my cousins have come over, my cousins are TQ and ThucLam. And when they got here, my brother Khoi wanted us to play with his bunny, Biscuit. But then Khoi wanted to go inside cause it was too hot so we went inside And now he wants us to play airplane. And ThucLam is the flight attendant and now we will go play airplane!
When you could play games?
When you are six or under you are not allowed to play games, if you are 7 or older you can play games. My mom told me that. And I cannot wait until I get to play games next year. 🥰
I use Google Voice to write the words except the “next year”, I typed it by myself with my mom’s little help.