Hi. I h@te u. Amber Brown is 10 years old she’s in 3rd grade and people make fun of her because her last name is Brown like a brown crayon. Her only friend is Justin. The book is about Amber Brown and her bestie Justin. So in her first class the teacher did a field trip which was going to China. Which was pretended for fun. The bully was calling Amber names in class such as crayon and telling people if they need a brown crayon they could use Amber ! In the other periods, she still got bullied! Although, Justin was always there for her. In the last class, everything was normal. After school the teacher asked her and her mom to have pizza with her and her husband. The next day Justin had to go on a trip for 2 weeks. When he came back, he shared his trip with the class but the bully in the class was so rude he said he was boring. When school was over they went to go to Amber’s home. Justin brought his little brother and they ate bubblegum and told jokes! After school Amber checked the list of friends she would like to have. At the end, she knew she would miss Justin and Justin would miss her on the trip {Because he had MANY trips in the future}. Bye!
Category: Uncategorized
Fun Thursday!!!!
Hi. I h@te u. Fact: The blog under this one don’t mind it it was joke. SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY PRETTY FRIENDS! So today is fun Thursday! So in my other blog, it was fun Thursday. On Thursday we do the CMFSB Game! CMFSB stands for Cringe My Fantasy Spoild Bat. Its like Squid Game? So in this game, our “players” is me duh, Khoi, my bestie Nani , my REAL TBFF is Dunia, last is Abigail. So first game we have new games btw, the first game is called the brain test! I don’t mean to be offensive btw =(. But yeah. My brain test would be a B. Khoi’s is a B+, Nani’s is a 7, Dunia is a 6, and Abi is a 6-. So Dunia and Abigail got eliminated. Next game is called I’m lazy. So the winner is me bye!
Random Blog…Face Reveal?
This is me lol. 🧍♀️ bye
~I. Don’t. Care!~
Hi. I h@te you. Fact: my friend Carter is so mean lol. SHOUTOUT TO ME. So my “school” friend has been like really mean to me~~~. Like bruh. I didn’t anything. He called me a like mean word. I call it the “id”. So I told him that we were not friends anymore I just play with him? Not just that I swear! He said he didn’t care if we were what people call “friends”. I also got him a b-day gift. I dont really care him. I just thought that I needed to get gift for someone… T be nice? I don’t know…? What I do, is that I told him to never talk to me. So now I’m going to get revenge inn him… =>. I’m going to tell EVERYONE he was mean to me and its true. Soon.. he will not even have ONE friend. Or at least we talk about being friends and that we will never get mad at each other or stop being friends, UNTIL middle school? I mean I don’t know if they really ment that. Thats to bad ’cause’ i don’t give 3 CHANCES. OKAY?! You have just lost a great friend. U look nice but u have a bad side. Your pretty ugly really. Bye!
~Fun Thursday!!!!~
Hi. I h@te u. What up? Today is fun we r skipping everything. Because today we are doing something fun! Its called CMFSB (Cringe My Fantasy Spoild Bat) Game! Find of like Squid Game. Anyways, first game is Elf, Royal, or Human? So I am a Elf. Khoi is a human. Ngan is a human. Cookie aka my mom, is a human. Dunia Suell is a royal <3 (idk her totally). Nam is a weirdo aka a human. ~+_+~ me be like. TQ is a elf for sure. TD is a royal. TL is a human. Bien is a ugly person or human. Ok so lets see who past! Me bc I was doing my job, TQ, TD, Dunia, thats all! Oh~! Were down with four ppl. Next game is the beautify scale. My beautify scale is loading……… 6/10*so sad*. Dunia’s 7.5/10. TQ 8.1. TD is a 8.9. Everyone past bc they got a 5 and up =]. Ok last game is kindness scale. Dunia’s is a 8.9. Mine is a -1 jk its a 5.5. TQ’s is a 5. TD’s is a 9. WiNNER TD! Second is Dunia! Third is Vien. *Gun Shots*. POP LIKE A LOLLIPOP! GG!! Bye!
~I Came Back For You Duh {New Intro}~
Hello, I h@te u.Shout out to Angel for being nice. Fact: I came back from my Arizona/California trip duh I didn’t leave forever. So in California, I went to the arcade with Angel, Khoi, and Angel’s friend Lisa. When we came back, we went to grab some boba~. Umm, then we went to eat sushi. After we played a little Roblox. When we were done, we went to bed. The next day we went to Arizona. When we finally got there, we played all together. We also went outside. After we went to eat. The after day, we went to eat. After, we went to the trampoline park. We had lots of fun. Then we ate dinner. At the dinner, we tried the cookie-cutter, aka the O_Sauka Game. It was pretty cool but I died. Thuclam won. The next day was pretty boring. That’s all. Then we went home bye!!
~Writing Improvement~
$Toxic Gold is Pure?$Welcome! Not gonna lie that was c-c–c-c-ingy. I’ll work in it ~+_+~. So as u know, I’m in 2nd grade. I am bad at writing its only a 3 aka C. SO I’ve been working hard-ish? Now my grade is a 4, aka a B! So a 5 is A, 4 is a B, 3 is a C, 2 is a D, and 1 is a F. Shoutout time! SHOUTOUT TO AYLIVIA WASSON. She’s always believes me. Gives my pets is “Adopt Me”. Fact: I can write sideways. So I am pretty happy because Thanksgiving break. I am also going to Knott’s Berry Farm in California with my cousin Angel or maybe Angel and Khoi. So I was planning on going to Disney Land. Yeah… It was closed so I couldn’t go. So now I am going to Knott’s Berry Farm. I dont have anything else to write. Good.. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Bloody Love Live: Story Time! (For 8+ if it was a movie then PG)~
Once upon a time, in a hidden place that none knows, lived two sisters. The oldest Klone, who was 16. Crokie whos 15. After a while Crokie died to a lion. “K-K-K-K-,” Crokie took her last breath. “CROKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,” Klone ran. They lost there parents when Crokie was born. Everyday Klone went to Crokie’s soul. Blood came on Klone’s body but she was brave. Soon Klone started dating a boy named Ushi. *2 years later*. Later Klone found out Ushi cheated on her for her only bestie Sakura “Ushi?” She ran. Ushi was arrested for drinking. Klone got older. She wasn’t successful… Yet she adopted the homeless. She even slept on the floor with a sleeping bag! Soon Sakura came and begged her to help. Klone always said yes to helping the good. Ushi got out of jail said sorry, and begged. Klone helped and gave 1k but nothing else. She got a new boy named Koss. They got married, became successful, and had 1 daughter Quinn, and 1 son Sane. They had a great life. Moral: Bad beginnings, and middles can still have AMAZING endings! Hey guys! Vien here. Hope u guys enjoyed the Blg. Remember its just a story! Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
~New Edits For My Blog {New INTRO!}~
$Toxic Gold Is Pure?$ Hey guys! Today I’m adding new edits to my blog. First edit is a new intro! Second is I’m always going to tell a fact instead of the question of the day. Fact: I just finished eating dinner. Next please! I’m always going to do a shoutout. SHOUTOUT TO BROOK BAKER FOR KINDNESS. Phew we are getting close! I am going to give the shoutout person a piece of candy, or I will let them write a Blog. Brook Baker s getting piece candy, because she’s my school friend. Thats all. I dont have anything else to talk about so I’m very sorry. I mean it I swear. Please dont get mad =<. If u do I am sorry. I can’t give u a shoutout unless u earn it by the way! So keep working! I have great candy from school I save. Good bye guys!
~!The Song Saints!*Music Blog listen to the song Saints, while reading blog*!~
I’m sorry but your story isn’t adding up. Think your a legend is lie to keep my mouth shut. So I am testified of crimes your keepin score of! Why dont u throw me to the wolves?! I thought u were one! Your standing there like an angry GOD. Countin on my sins just to cross them off! Saying in my tough was to loud to trust. When in my blood couldn’t keep u… My.. DEAR!! YOUR NOT SO INNOCENT!! YOUR FOOLING HEAVEN’S GATES!! SO U WONT HAVE TO CHANGE!! Your NO SAINT, YOUR NO SAINT. (Yeah)………………………………….. Your revelations told like NOTHING of the PICTURES! You read between the lines, and dont stick to the scriptures. You only follow rules if others with u. That doesnt’ sound so holy, only playing VICTIM! Your standin there like an angry GOD! Counting on my sins just to cross them off! Sayin that my tough was to loud to trust, and in my blood couldn’t keep u. MY DEARS!!!!!!!!!! YOUR NOT SO INNOCENT!!!!!! YOUR FOOLING HEAVEN’S GATES! SO U WOT HAVE TO CHANGE. Your no saint, your no saint. (Yeah)… So keep your judgement for someone else I’ve had enough. So keep your judgement for someone else I’ve had enough. So keep your judgement for someone else I’ve had enough… and keep your judgement for someone else I’ve had enough. MY DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR NOT SO INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR FOOLIN HEAVEN’S GATES SO U WONT HAVE TO CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR NO SAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR NO SAINT!!!!!!!!! Yeah….