So guys! Yesterday my grandma had to go to babysit at someone else’s house. So from now on I work just a little bit more for me and my family! So my mom said we could visit her sometimes… But she also said I can come with her to pick my grandma up! Every 2 weeks, she comes back for 1 day to hang out with me and my family! But I’m starting to miss her already! I feel like it has been 1,000,011 years! But she said she would come back one day… SO I just have to wait . FOEVER! I’m just kidding I still have my family. So I’m happy! Good….bye….guys…bye…BRUH. So the reason why I wroyte this is because I have nothing else to write about. Bye guys have a great or night or morning or afternoon!
Category: Uncategorized
Okay This Is The Story Of My Vacation//VB {Vacation Blog}//By Vien Nguyen
Ok so I came back from my trip 3 days ago. First, I’m gonna tell u about the vacation ðŸ˜ðŸ¤¡. So first I went to Virginia or Washington D.C, for Christmas I couldn’t wait to open my gifts-. The next day felt like Christmas- or it was Christmas! Everyone came that day and we opened own presents! So the next day we had to drive all the way to Ohio ugh it was bad. But me and TQ were watching the best GCMV with an s at the end I didn’t wanna add it though =>. The GCMV yeah u guys are like is that where u got the VB OEB and MOB things from? WELL GUESS WHAT YES IT IS. So in Ohio we shower. We played after that but the next day is after this sentence. SIKE I LIED ITS NOT. When I woke up Khoi was up so we went upstairs together bc we woke up in the basement. I ate cero then the cousins woke up! But sadly the adults made us do a 1,000 piece puzzle and it was Khoi, but Khoi didn’t even do it!! INSTEAD HE JUST STEP ON IT AND PLAY ROBLOX WHILE WE WERE WORKING!!! Isn’t anyone gonna tell him one day that he isn’t the only one on Earth? So everyday we did the puzzle. But that day was really fun! Since TQ was there, me and her luv or love playing Roblox together but she doesn’t ALWAYS enjoy me… I have to admit I’m the annoying’s person I’ve ever met…! But Nam thinks TQ is more annoying than me which I’m so glad about. The next day everything was the same except I asked if we could have Korean BBQ, so we did. The next day I played Smash with Nam and Bien and TQ joined us including TL she also joined… We had fun but I always lost until miracle came Bien really beat Nam!! So me and Bien were fighting Nam and we actually beat Nam!! After we had to go sleep. I can’t remember that good but I think the next day my family and I went home. Bye guys!!
Silent Music Part Two//OEB//By Vien Nguyen
*Plays piano* Quinn: Dad? Is that u playing? WAIT WHY AM I FADING? DAD DAD DAD WAIT!! DA——–D!! *Wakes up* Quinn: Dad? Wait I need to pack my bags I’m leaving today! {After packing bags}. Quinn: come on Frankie. Or do u want me to call u Frankie the lazy hamster? *Follows Quinn*. Quinn: Thats what I thought! *Sips coffee* Brian {Stepdad}: Morning Quinn breakfast is on the table. Lanie {Mom}: Oh thats for u Brian she can make her own, shes 14 years old anyway! Quinn: See! My own mom doesn’t love me… so thats why I’m leaving to Aunt Chelsea. Lanie {Mom}: Idc about your jokes u brat. Brian {Stepdad}: LANIE DON’T SAY THAT TO QUINN. Quinn’s POV ðŸ’: Is Brian or dad really standing up for me ? Quinn: I don’t need your help Brian. Goodbye. *Closes door*. Lanie {Mom}: Hey wait! No no no. Shes already on the streets I see her! Brian {Stepdad}: I’m sorry. {At Aunt Chelsea’s House}. *Plays piano*. ???: Hmm? Whos at the door so early? Big bro the door! ???: Hello? Quinn: DAD?! YOUR AT AUNTIES HOUSE TOO? Jackie {Dad}: Yeah why are u crying?! {After explaining}. ???: I’m so sorry Quinn! Quinn: You heard it Aunt Chelsea? Aunt Chelsea: Yes… I’m truly sorry. Welp my company needs me I have to go bye! Quinn: I mean Auntie or your sister is really rich! Like her house is 3 times Lanie’s 2 story house! Jackie {Dad} POV ðŸ’: Did she grow apart to much that she calls her own mom Lanie? Jackie {Dad}: How about we go to the concert I’m going to be playing the piano. *Walks pass them* Aunt Chelsea: Sounds good we can go a 3! *After the concert*. Quinn: DAD U WERE AMAZING!! Aunt Chelsea: Yeah u were… can I talk to u for a sec Jack’? *Nods*. Jackie {Dad}: Quinn stay here I’ll be right back. Quinn: Alright! Quinn’s POV ðŸ’: Time to follow. Aunt Chelsea: Jackie, why did u leave Lanie? Jackie {Dad}: I didn’t leave her I was force to MARRY her so I divorced her after tthe marriage but the girl I loved didn’t like me sooo. Yeah… Aunt Chelsea: What? I can’t belive it! *Whispers* Did u hear that? *Pulls curtains* Jackie {Dad}: Quinn? Why did u spy on us? Quinn’s POV ðŸ’: Should I lie? Quinn: I’m so sorry I didn’t want to stay there so I followed u guys. I’m so sorry. But was it true that u were forced to marry mom? Jackie {Dad}: Yes. To Be Continued…
Silent Music//OEB//By Vien Nguyen
*Places last fork*. Lanie {Mom}: Alright were all set! Quinn, please get ready for dinner. Quinn: Alrigh-t *door opens* ? *Runs fast upstairs* Brian {Stepdad}: Babe! Aww thanks for my favorite. Brian {Stepdad}: QUINN DEAR GET DOWN FOR DINNER! Quinn: Shut it up! Your not and never gonna be my dad! Lanie {Mom}: Quinn SHUT UP U KNOW IM RIGHT HERE. Quinn: THEN DO U LIKE ME OR DAD BETTER?! {After 7 seconds of silence}. Lanie {Mom}: Dear I love u but I feel like Brian-. Quinn: I knew it u wouldn’t even spend money on books for me instead u go on trips to THE DUMB MOUNTAINS DAD TOOK U! Well MY REAL DAD! Oh and btw dumb Brian I bet u want me gone by tomorrow well better news cause’ I will be gone in 1 hour! Lanie {Mom}: Brian! *Cries on Brian*. Brian {Stepdad} ðŸ’: What have I done? Hey um Lanie lets just play piano! Lanie {Mom}: Music is only called silent music without Quinn or my other husband. To be continued….
PUT ON UR PANTS. So I’ wearing a dress and it shows my underwear. Nam and Bien and saying put on ur qwertyuiopasdfggyrfty6uyghfjytg jviucyjhgf6ryfhciucyjhfg 78fuyxfbc7u6yhgfbv pants. bye
~Fun Thursday!!~
Hey guys! Umm its Thursday just wanted to let u know that we have no fun Thursday bc Im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad at Carter
When You Leave Me At Home By Myself//OEB{Original Entertainment Blog}// By Vien Nguyen
GUYS DON’T EVEN LEAVE ME AT HOME BY. MY. SELF. Here’s why. *Opens door and sighs* Y Vien I’m taking your brother to my friends house for 2 days. Please be good your old enough to take care of yourself. *My POV: WHAT? IM LITTERLY 8! Oh whatever*. *After they leave* LETS GO GO GO GO *hops everywhere like a bunny*. Lets see what in the fridge… *opens door*. LUCKY CHARM GIMME FOOD!!!! *Wish’s for food*. {Guys sorry to pause the OEB but I do have a lucky charm and it work 4 times!} *Looks around* OHHH~~ MOCHI. {After eating mochi}. *Goes on computer and plays Bloxburg*. Ugh I’m bored… oh! Lets see if Khoi’s online on Roblox…. and I oop! He’s not. WHATEVER!! I’ll go make dinner. *My POV: I’ll make ramen with lettuce!* {After dinner} *Breaks Khoi’s pencils* Oops? Who care I’m on vacation~. *Grabs pop-its and infinity cube* *plays cutely* I’ll get ready for bed! *reads book*. I’ll go to bed. {The next day}. *Feeds bunny aka Biscuit*. I’ll brush my teeth. Now that I’m done I’ll make my bread! *Plays piano while the bread is cooking* I’ll eat now. *NOM NOM NOM*. Okay I’ll just play and then-. Oh no oh-! I need to go to the bathroom!! {So then I used the bathroom and then watched tv and after I watched tv, I went to cook dinner! When it was cooking I was reading book. Then I had dinner got ready for bed and fell asleep on bed}. *Wakes up* YVIEN! Why did u break Khoi’s pencils? MOM! Oh sorry hi! Hey Khoi? Pftt. *looks down*. {After 47 seconds of silence}. Its okay Y Vien, just be careful next time ok? Okay mommy! So guys thats it pretty long Blog for me I beat a record. So good for me! I hope u guys enjoyed! Good… BYE!!!!!!
GUYS I SWEAR IM GONNA HAVE TO RETIRE FROM TYPING CLUB-. So it all began… Me and Carter made a deal on Friday! Who ever is in first place by the end of the weekend, is safe! Btw I am not bc I’m in second, BUT on the other hand………. CARTER IS IN NUMBER ONE SPOT. He has 326.?k points!!n I ONLY HAVE 323.?K!! Im yo lazy so I don’t want to type!! Guys… did u even know the loser has to retire aka STOP DOING TYPING CLUB ?!{But u have to when the teacher says}. I can’t belive this….! I’m gonna lose to MY OWN GAME. I won’t lets this happen. I’ll get Khoi’s help! Part 2???????????
My Opinion On School//MOB//~_+=$*Cringe My Fantasy Spoiled Bat*$=+_~
So as you guys know, I LOVE SCHOOL. But here are the 3 things the only things, that I absolutely HATE HATE HATE !! #1 {My least FAVORITE} the teachers are EXTRA STRICT. Like I almost lost a Christmas Party because we were loud in the Café {Cafeteria}!! We got our party back though! #2 {Second Least Favorite} the lunch menu is from a different school! And then taste like the WORST TYPE OF NIGHTMARE. #3 {I’m not that mad about but STILL} I always have to wake up so early!! But other then those 3 reasons, I love it. Remember its just my opinion. I really don’t care about what u say. I just hope its not something good about Khoi aka my what they call “brother”. Guys, MOB stands for My Opinion Blog. But I think That is enough of a MOB M-O-B today! Good Bye!!!
So we are not having ANYMORE MORE OF THE NONESENSE!! BECAUSE MY BLOG IS TURNING INTO A YOUTUBE CHANNEL. What happened?! Idk but.. today I am calling the phone company by my bother. Right now as I’m talking… if I take a look… OH! There under some problems. I just got a call. Idk but its not working at the moment. I called them. WOW ITS NOT WORKING BRUH 💔🤣!! Stay tuned for part 2! Bye! I have to go to bed.