So TQ wrote a blog stating I am obsessed with her friend Dawn probs bc I made a name for me and my besties. Shes so annoying… but yeah I still look at her profile and some of her friends. Its so annoying! Btw I promised to do a dream job reveal! And I dont have one =D. I’ll be poor. Anyways so like I don’t have anything to really talk abt but TQ killing me saying I’m obsessed with Dawn yeah I like his fit but just bc I keep looking at his profile doesn’t mean I’m obsessed with him. Tq is really smt to say that. Tbh Tq is actually annoying 6/10 rn. She keeps writing annoying blogs like shhhhh NOBODY INSIDE ME CARES. Anyways I’m done bye!
Category: Uncategorized
SO if you are a fan of my blog and have been reading my blogs, you should know Devon & Akari. Devon is 14, the oldest. Akari is 10, the middle. I am 8 the youngest. Devon & Akari are my online friends I have known for about 1-4 months! But my family still doesn’t trust them D=. But today I made a name #notdaDAVS I got the idea from TQ & Dawn. The word “da” in “#notdaDAVS” stands for “the”. And ofc DAVS, D is for Devon she is first bc she is oldest, A is for Akari bc she is the middle so she goes in the middle. V is for Vien, I’m last because I am the youngest. The end!
2022 Life [so far]
I’ve been having a great life. But at the end of the blog, I will share with you guys a lesson I learned in 2022. I have not been failing classes, but sometimes its my friends I don’t like. They know I’m smart but they still talk bad about me. I mean SOMETIMES. And they are annoying a lot lot too, most of the time. But they have always been out for me. Olivia does the most btw. My teacher Ms. Mariani is still my bff other then my online friends Devon & Akari. Who my family is doesn’t trust. But they are always funny, are GOOD! They never curse which my family thinks the 14 year old Devon will do. Its not gonna happen if she is a good person. Which it didn’t happen. But anyways the lesson I learned is…. 3….2….1 KHOI IS STILL A SMELLY RAT 😡💔😏😏😏🤢🤮 HES SOOO SMELLY. Bye
Jennie Lara & The Mystery of The stolen Jewels
CHAPTER 1 Ms. Le: It was the very first day of Spring Break, Jennie Lara and Parker were outside waiting for their mother, Mrs. Lara was buying some jewelry from Parker’s Jewelry store. Mrs. Lara’s sister Parker, owned the store. Mrs. Lara got the name Parker, from her sister. “And said “Con con!!” Parker kept making nonsense jokes. “I still don’t get it,” Jennie said. Parker started to close her eyes. “What are you doing?” Jennie asked tapping Parker on the shoulder. “I’m playing the memory game liked how it did in “Cam Janson & The Mystery of The Stolen Diamonds,” Parker explained. “Oh I thought you didn’t like that book ay??” Jennie said. The conversation was interrupted when the jewelry store alarm started. Jennie turned to the store. Parker screamed. “HELP!” Parker out her hand on her chest. A woman whispered to a man, “It’s already loud I don’t get why she is so like that.” CHAPTER 2 Trust: Mrs. Lara rushed out holding her sister’s hand, Ms. Le’s hand. “Em!” Ms. Le lowered her body. “Girls!” Mrs. Lara and Mrs. Le came to Jennie & Parker. Jennie turned to the footsteps she heard, it was a 2 ladies walking down the street with a ton of bags. “Those girls shopped A LOT,” Jennie said. Jennie told her family to stay there while Parker and herself went following them. Ms. Le said, ” I trust them.” Parker and Jennie ran along. They suddenly stopped at a small house. Parker pointed to a open window. “There!” “Oh you can just walk in through the door!” someone said. Jennie and Parker turned, it was one of the girls they saw rushing out with lots of bags. “Come on! We will NOT let you get away,” the lady said. “Not scary,” Jennie said. “Lets go!” the lady yelled. CHAPTER 3 Risk it for the Biscuit: The girls knew they couldn’t run, it was to risky! Then they notice the other lady admiring the jewels she stole. “Great!” the lady put the bag she was looking at down. “I knew it was them, the store was missing a lot and they had a lot,” Jennie whispered. Jennie and Parker got locked in a small closet with a window- an open one, the one Parker was pointing at. “Well we dont have to risk it anymore,” Jennie said, ” But we basically got kidnapped! “Not your followed them!” an adult voice said. Parker pointed to the open window, it was their aunt and mother! “We can’t just let you go off by yourself,” Mrs. Lara said. A police man was with them, followed by 10 others. CHAPTER 4 Jewels!!: Jennie, Sophia, Mrs. Lara, and Ms. Le returned to the store. “Here,” Ms. Le handed them the jewelry they asked for. “Bye!” Ms. Le said, smiling. The End
MY FAV PICS (the bunnys are Biscuit’s/Beget’s memory)
CREDITS FOR BUNNY: Pinterest (search up bunnys on Pinterest)
all of them are from Pinterest
So lemme tell your about a story
I once went to a vacation house in Cape Coral! When I first got there, I went for a shower/bath! Then Bien arrived and me, Bien, and Khoi played zombie, ghost, all fun things until bed time. The next day, I woke up at 8, so I changed into my swim suit and we went on the boat! It was so cool. But our boat went sooooooooo fast! It was lifting on the front tip!! The wind was blowing right in my face! But once we were at the boat gas station, me, dad, Bien, and Khoi went to eat burgers, then we went home, went swimming, and then showered. Of course we played some games until we went to a Italian restaurant. Then we went home. The End
use this if u r hurt
(::[ ]::)
things u need: 2 (, 4 :, 1 space, 2 [
I originally found this made by: Liz
The best song
like idc
so i hate books. except for my school books. anyways my mom an dad makes me read book to much. and they a
re like “if u wanna be a judge they read, SO READ” and im like idc. maybe i dont have to be a judge. (i am gonna be doing my dream job reveal soon)
dude like stop-
sooo today i went to brush my teeth. I have an addiction well i call it a condition of like moving my head backwards bc it hurts. I actually have lots but today my dad was making fun of me .-. like it flipped me- and like dude stop-