Writing Class Part 2

Welcome back kid’s now we are going to write a story so please get out your writing book. Someone tell me what makes a story good….. ok no one that’s ok. So when you write a story make sure you write the word’s right. And at the being make the first letter capitol. At the end of the story or sentence put a this. or ! or , and a ? So that is it it is now PE and I will see you. BYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TO be continued….

Welcome Math Class Part 1

Good morning students my name is Vien Nguyen. But you will call me as Ms. Nguyen because you MUST call teachers their last name. So this is math class today we are learning times math, so lets begin. 18×15=270 12×7=48 now write these math problems……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ok now that you are done lets continue 20×11=220 12×12=144, so write it down…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ok so for today home work write 4 math problems. Thank you see you after lunch for writing. BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To be continued…

Khoi called me D##!! He calls me many things!

Guess what!! I know you know because you red the title but yea so at lunch I was a bad kid lets just say I was super doper bad so my brother said I was bad so that’s true I said some mean stuff back to him when he said it to me. BUT you didn’t hear the bad part he told me to Shut ##. But before that he told me that I’m D##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me HE said I’m many things even mom and dad well to mom and bla bla bla so just wont to teel you that. BYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is a good fighter?? Me Khoi Nam TQ ThucLam or ThucDan??

As you know I have ton’s of cousins and today I’m going to have a fight and it’s called who is a good fighter me Khoi Nam TQ TucLam or ThucDan?? I know It’s an easy answer. So ThucDan or Nam is the best and then Thuclam and then thucquyen and then Khoi and last but not least me. So thats the obvious answer and question of the day is who is the great fighter in your family. Dont worry, I know everything because I am the best. So yeah and ThucDan is the oldest and that is why I think it is her or nam and I hope you enjoy this blog. Bye! Vien!

Khoi Need’s To Chill Out

Khoi need’s to chill people he is crrraaazzzzzzzzyy I know that crazyyyyy! He run’s every day and nigh!!!!!! You cant do that, can you? Well when I am watching my best best most like videos Khoi wont’s me to play school really maybe you shoud just go to sleep or watch a movie. But now is the worst part of the best when I say yes we play but then he hurts me and I don’t say it o I hurt him but that was  not a joke then he get’s mad and hurt’s me and then Khoi and ME get’s in grounded. I mean when I’m grounded I have to do more work like write a blog I actually write a blog when dinner is over that’s to Khoi there is a change of plan thank’s a lot KHOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that’s all for today se you guys later. BYE

GO AWAY COIVED-19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE I”M NOT KIDING

As you all know the vires is spending and I hate it for many resins but I also like it. 1. I do not like it because I can not go traveling, 2. I have to put on mask on mather what, 3. I cant go to the park, 4. many things are closed, 1. y I like it, Because I do not have to go to school I can learn at home, 2. I don’t have to put no mask at home, 3. I don’t have to put on uniform. So thats all the resins y I like it and not like it have a good day. BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next Place I Will Go, My Cousin House!!

Today I am going  to my cousins house. I know I said my next place  I’m going to is China but  that is to far  away from my house so I am going to my cousins house 🏠. And I will be in a car for a day and a half. My cousins are Poul and Peter and Peter is 7 or 6 and a half Pou is 4 or 5. By the way I will be making a video of when I’m in the car and when I there so please go on my YouTube channel I have 2 sus and  a picture of a painting 🖼 that says Never Stop Dreaming so bye!!!!!!!!

My brother hacked the WEB!!!!!!!!!!#####Can NOT WRITE A BLOG UNLES YOU CREAK THE PAS## PAS DEATH

As ya know and red the name of the blog my brother hacked the web and I creaked the pas so wen you go in web five sec later it will teleport ya to Khoi’s web their is a blog y he is doing this but u don’t have to read the blog but do not worry it was a prank by Khoi, the now he fixed it so you know what was going on if someone really did that then I’d be crying I no my brother wood regret doing this                                                                                                                   me too




And yes I wanna help him, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If u servev

When will we go next??

So many people are like Vien wen are you going on your next vacation? This is your answer maybe wen the vires ends. But I want to go to Chana because I want to see the great wall of bla bla bla, I also want to make a video and post it in my YouTube channel I have 2 sub and its called Never Stop Dreaming so now I’m going to watch Black Pink How you like that so have a good day. BYEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 100th Day Of School!!

Happy 100the day of school people!!!!!!!!!!!! Today we are going to learn about it. People in my class bring 100 things to school to share with the classmates and the teacher. Some classes eat 100 things that the students bring. All classes do things on the 100th day of school. In math classes we count to 100! In writing we write about it but some don’t do anything! But if they don’t, it’s ok because it’s there choice. So they get to pick it and you can pick it if you do things to celebrate 100th day of school. So that’s all. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!