i should live in a coastal area

If I lived in a coastal area, like Hawaii, which is where I want to live in, this is how my dad would go (as a grown woman).

I start off my day by waking up and opening the window right next to my bed and smelling the beach. Next, I go to my bathroom where I get ready for the day. I brush my already sparkling teeth and wash my face. Then, I go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I would say making pancakes is a once in a month thing to do because of all the steps. It’s simple to do but takes an hour just to make it. So I think I’d just eat oatmeal like a grandma or eat avacado toast. I would make a smoothie aswell beacuse first off, it’s healthy, second off, it tastes good, plus, coffee is gross so I’m not drinking that bitter bean. Maybe in the future a new coffee bean will be invented or something and it’ll taste like chocolate. I will probably drink that instead.

After I finish my meal, I will get ready for the day by changing into some actually clothes and get ready for work. I hope I actually have a good job, but it can’t be that bad. I wanna own a business or be a lawyer. I think I have some potential.

For lunch, like breakfast, would be really yummy. I think I’ll make a  salad or order from somewhere, because for dinner on weekdays, my dad normally gets Chipotle or something for dinner.

After, I would do some more work because I’m trying to make this realistic I guess, but after I will watch TV or use my laptop. I’m not saying “play on my laptop” because I’ll be an adult, but I will use it for my entertainment.

Dinner will probably be rice with something Asian or I’ll cook something good, like tacos or pasta. But right before dinner, I’ll shower.

After that, I will just relax and do something I want to do before getting ready for bed and going to sleep.

My day doesn’t really have anything to do with the beach, but I think it’s a plus. So I should live in a coastal area.


word count: 380

summer in europe

So first, happy lunar new year yay. This is the year of the snake, and I was born in the year of the snake so that is how you literally know this is gonna be my year, and what is a good year without a good summerrr. My dad told me we’re planning to going to Europe for summer and I’m pretty excited. I’m also suppose to go to Ohio, too.

By the way, everyone is graduating this year. Thucdan is graduating college (omg), Nam is graduating high school, Thucquyen is graduating middle school, and I’m graduating elemantary school, although it’s not that important compared to everyone else so yeah.

My dad said the plan for Eupore is only for 5 days which is pretty crazy to be honest. Plane tickets are also expensive so I think it’s not really worth the money but it’s fine, as long as I go to Europe. We are spending the first few hours in France first. Then later that day, we are going to either Belgium or Netherlands I don’t know. That means +2 contries to my list of countries that I’ve been to. After that, we are going to either Beligum or Netherlands (whichever one we didn’t go to first), and then back to France for a few hours. I personally love France the most between the 3 contries because I have more knowledge about it.

Also, why can’t we go to countries that I actually know. I’m not complaining but why would you ask me to learn more about contry I have no basic knowledge about? Anyway, I have no intrest in it so I don’t wanna start from stratch to learn more about the country. We’re barely spending time in the country I’m most excited about, France. I was also really looking forward to going to like Switzerland or something. I wanted to go snowboarding since I’ve only snowboarded once in my life. But it was really fun and I wanted to try it again in Switzerland.

Thucquyen’s family is also going earlier and they get to go to Switzerland. It doesn’t matter that much though because my mom’s planning on taking my and her family on a cruise to Greece, Italy, and I think another country for a few weeks, TO ACTUALLY GET HER MONEY’S WORTH.

Anyways, I’m still very grateful that I get to go to Europe this summer after years and years.

Thank you for reading this high quality, top tier blog.


word count: 415