So today I will be rating my cousins (including Khoi). (From oldest to youngest and not including Angel’s sisters bc I don’t hang out with them that much)
ThucDan: TD is usally cool um I don’t really know shes always caring, could be better but shes ok I’ll give her a 7/10
Khang: Hes eh idk hes ok 6.7/10
Nam: Nam is cool but he always teases me but not like in a– bad way? 8.2/10
Thuclam: Me and Tl fight sometimes but she makes us food she is cool so 8.5/10
Khoi: Khoi is ok teases me WAY TO MUCH gets mad bc I snitch and give a dislike on his games but he is so sweet once in a while and yeah. 6/10
TQ: TQ is SO COOL complains a little tho but she is so fun shes loud tho. But yeah 8/10
Bien (bean): Bien is so nice, he always makes sure to make people not feel left out, he makes sure I am ok =) he plays with me so 9.8/10
Angel: Angel is so nice always kind does fight with me but other than that she is an angel herself. 8/10