Lima: It was cold and the water was FREEZING… the next day we walked around the place, and went to a garden with grass shaped like some stuff. tHE HoTeL tHerE WaS BAd
Cusco: Everyone was tired, me Khoi, and my dad threw up. !I HATED THIS PLACE MOST! ITS SO BAD, THE HOTEL THERE SUCKS AS WELL
Machu Picchu: We went onsooooo many busses and trains just to get to a ruin… I threw up after every buss ride. At the ruin, we went up lots of stairs to get to the top of a mountain… to… take… pictures… BRUH the hotel was also bad
Back to Lima: The hotel there was the most fanciest, And nice one. Oh Khoi lost his earbud case there.
My opinion: There are lots of bad things of Peru than good things of Peru, but overall, THE RICE WAS SWEET!! THAT IS SOOO GROSS! YUCKKKK I LIKE ASIAN RICE BETTER
PerU gET beTTEr NOw