Hello. Todays question of the day is I’m ugly on the outside but weird on the inside, what am I? The answer weird. Why? Bc what ppl mean by you’re beautiful on the inside, means you’re nice! So inner beauty is you’re personality. So I’m weird. But I’m a lawyer. Well I want to be one… But thats my problem. So I don’t care about my issues my past is something I cant undo… But I can fix what my destiny. I am a bad person, and I know it myself. But I don’t care about what u guys say about me. Bc I am myself so dont judge me or else! U better hear me. Or maybe I’m just a weirdo trying to waste you’re time. By the way! U should watch you’re back!! I warned u about everything. So don’t forget! I’m a lawyer I can do something to u! Byeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!