the asian girl in my class

stacy lauren. i love her for many reasons! she helps me on work and she lets me take pictures of the floor on her phone. but her name is so weird. yet ive got used to it. anywho, when a substitute or other kid walks in. something racial has to come out of their mouths. yesterday.i was in 3rd hour. we had a substitute, nobody listened. me and aubree were talking, then aaron and zach threw things at us. aaron, 13, its his 2nd year of 6th grade, disgusting, has had 14 gfs probably in the past year, racist, annoying. zach, short, says hes 13 but hes as tall as a 4th grader, has the IQ of a 2 year old, also just known as a very bad bad kid. then i looked at aubree. aaron hates me a lot, he goes in aubree’s comments section on tiktok, she posts me. he says “shes mad annoying.” i just attacked him right back, he deleted my comments even though they get a lot of likes :(. and he deletes the tiktoks comepletely sometimes.  anyways aarona n zach got mad at me and aubree cause we were talking about aaron repeating 6th grade and is dating someone that he doesnt even seem interesting in. so they did the thing where they stretched theier eyes back that is supposed to be “asian.” they called aubree indian and then said other racist things, aubree is literally hispanic but okay. so i asked them, “are you white?” zach was even more angry and then they kept doing that, one of aaron’s friends emersen is a really cool friend of mine. hes a bad kid, but hes not rude thinking its cool. he over heard them and then called aaron and zach a monkey……. aaron and zach didnt get mad, the whole topic changed. and i didnt talk to them again. but, during my lunch, me and aubree threw 2 water bottles on their heads, actually we missed. so i threw a packet of goldfish to zach. didnt do anything. but yeah!

Ngày 7, Tháng 1, năm 2023

Nhanh quá, đã qua năm mới. Cả nhà con mới về từ nhà bác Trường sau hai tuần nghỉ lễ. Lần này tụi con được đi trượt tuyết ba ngày liền, nhưng có vài người không đi ngày thứ ba, trong đó có con, TD, Khang. Thay vào đó, Cậu Ngân chở tụi con đi lên phố chơi và ghé một tiệm boba. Trong khi đó mẹ phải ở nhà làm việc vì mẹ không muốn xin nghỉ. Mẹ muốn để dành cho những chuyến đi chơi lớn hơn, ví dụ như hè năm sau sẽ đi Do Thái.


guys, i like using spotify, khoi rn: ewww. i dont have problems with soundcloud, ive never used it in my life. maybe you can listen to music offline, but still, spotify is better. all i know about soundcloud is that theres a lot of ads and light mode. ive had premium for spotify for a while, thanks to my loving sister! and someone i will not name that paid for my spotify for 3 months, which is a lot of money. i am no longer in contact with that person, thank da lawd. any adults reading this dont know these artists, but my top artists are: keshi, beabadoobea, pinkpantheress, ericdoa, taylor swift. yes soo cool. my genres: indie pop, pop (idk what the big difference is, spotify says so ok), hyperpop(yes i LOVE), kpop, rap. dont ask about the rap, i like some songs okay. my a quarter of my music comes from thuclam and thuc, another quarter from tiktok. 15% of it from aubree, another 15% from all of my friends, and 50% from me. me and the majority of my friends have a similar music taste. cause tiktok drove us all in the same direction. its quite cool.


it is 2023, wow so cool. id write about some online life stuff, but you dont care. i dont have anything to say, its nice to be home, cause i hate everything. can i talk crap about aubree now, even though its rude, she does it too and started it too. im still best friends with her, but its cause i dont know who can replace her after and i dont feel like changing, she has every class with me, and knows too much about me. last year me and my friend adrian were mad at eachother, he kicked me so hard it hurt for days, i forgot why, and then it wasnt that physical but i pushed him mulitple times to the floor, we’d keep yelling at eachother. but then he said “you dont even know what aubree says about you at rise.” rise as in the gifted program. after that, me and adrian became friends again. but i was confused, what could aubree possibly say about me, not to my face. that was just the first clue of the betrayal, for the year. this year, i text her a lot about stuff, and then shes says: yeah i totally agree (even though i have no clue what ur talking about). even after i send her paragraphs about everything. she ignores it all, but i use to think she DID read them, just didnt reply. cause i do that. but turns out she doesnt. and at school too, ill be talking about something, then the next day be like: so do you remember when i talked about that one person? she’ll say no. of course she’ll say no! she doesnt care about what i have to say. you see, in every duo, theres a person that talks, and theres a person that listens. i am definitely the talks, she agrees too, but shes not the listens, she pretends to listen. and it sucks that only now i realize that aubree is kind of cruel. i always listen to her, always defend her name. she knows it too, when she wrote an appreciation letter to me she acknowledged it. this one guy snitched on aubree before, i went off on him, he got rejected by over 3 girls already, which was good cause if those girls said yes, theyre on my kill list. say no to dating in middle school, its corny!! last thing aubree did to me, which was just a few weeks ago, leave my letter to her at school. i gave it to her in the morning but its my rule that you cant read my letters to you until one of us is gone, reading it infront of me is scary. and she read it after i left that day, i put my heart and soul into that paper. it hurt my hands after i wrote it. she left it at school. one, if she cared about that paper, she’d cherish it and BRING IT HOME. how could you forget a paper about how cool you are. unless you dont think its cool. of course, accidents happen, but its like if someone got me a paper that says: dear thucquyen, ur the best!. i would take it home of course, cause its true. two, leaving it at school wasnt the big problem, i put the word suicide in it cause my roblox pet died, wow! principal thinks im suicidal and calls my mom! dad says, i make my family to bad, ok? yeah i got in trouble for it, of course, i dont why, cause if im suicidal, arent u supposed to be preventing me from it. but anyways, aubree is something else, she said sorry, and i believe that its sincere, but leaving it at all, its cruel to me. i have plenty of more examples.

my friend kirstjan gave me a sweater as a gift. and i wore it like a normal person, and aubree asks if she can have it while i literally have it on. is she dumb or dumber than dumbest. i said no, and she ignores me for 4 class periods. she went to the bathroom with her phone for a long time, probably complaining about how much she hates me, cause the jacket just means sooo much. she denied the fact she likes kristjan, shes ALL OVER HIM. ties his hair, gives her stuff to him, gives her jacket to him, and he doesnt even wear it. it just adds more weight on him when he ties it to his waist, then she complains how COLD SHE IS. it makes me so angry, im glad were not a trio anymore, its true that trios never work out. kristjan and i are best friends, and aubree and i are best friends. for now!

Bye, stay safe

winta brek

its pretty much tradition to go to nam’s house for christmas. but this year it was pretty much lamer than before, it snowed, yay. but just being there felt a little different, not gonna state any reasons. christmas for me was supposed to have atleast a tree. but okay, what my mom  would say is: its not like youre willing to take care of the tree or put it out and away. she’ll always find a way to make myself seem worse about what i say. but i literally dont care! i went snowboarding, yay. i loved last year’s christmas and new year. i had lots of fun this year, lots, and lots of  sadness and being emo-ness. last year i got to say merry christmas with aubree, and i get to do it again, cause shes still my best frienddd. and my online friends i had last year are still here. slayyyyyyyyy. but this winter break wasnt that interesting.

something more important: u a hater

my spotify wrapped was quite interesting. my mins listened were 44000 something, thats right, i listen that much, cause music is my life.

i love british people

also europeans, especially my european friends, they the bessssst

nam is my best friend!

hi there, nam and i are spending quality time together and watching american vandal, not kid appropriate but hey, im mature. its really weird, but interesting, too long. theres 2 seasons. if i like the first season ill watch the second with nam aswell. but so far, im on ep 3 and its quite freaky, dont watch, dont yell at me for watching it, blame nam!


i have to spend an entire week with just me and nam, will be so fun

i got banned from roblox for a day for saying gay


recently my behavior has been not normal. which was just one thing that happened to me personally. but being in middle school is quite a difference from last year. id say i have two main best friends at school, kristjan and aubree. aubree and i are very good students for the most part, were obviously not perfect and a bit “ddddeeevviious” at times. like listening to music during class. which hasnt distracted me from anything, id say it makes me more comfortable. at my school people vape, turn off our hallway lights and scream for no reason, steal, break, fight, and most importantly: dont care who da fwik our teachers are. every week theres one big event that everyone cant stop talking about. whether its our grade or older, everybody knows about it. this week, da boys were playing basketball and then this guy fell and they had to  bring an entire wheelchair, i think the next day he came back fine cause he was clearly walking and running. this year, we’ve probably made just around 10 teachers quit. i didnt do anything. not me, not aubree. maybe kristjan. did you know you can get suspended for walking out of a classroom without permission?? they just made that rule up. i remember last year my friends invited me to go bang on teacher’s doors and then run away cause people on tiktok did it. i never did it, but ive witnessed it all the time. i would laugh and talk about it, that doesnt make me guilty. kristjan is very popular (like me and aubree cause we’re that cool) cause 1: hes extremely funny it hurts my stomach, 2: he stupid. i wouldnt call him a bad kid cause hes really dumb. but hes apart of the kids that do dumb stuff. this year he hasnt been suspended, id say thats a record for him. cause i got suspended before him. he didnt get suspended for knocking the life out of a kid for an hour, but i get suspended for making a kid cry. he only sent home, i was suspended. i dont really care and the suspension didnt even happen. one thing in my school that if you do, you’ll more than likely lose all of your friends and be alone for the next 3084985345 years is snitching. i would never, just kidding i do, when i want to. ive only snitched once this year so far, i do it cause i feel bad for the teachers that have to deal with such annoying kids. my friend alan got his phone taken away in the last hour of school, and then he took his phone back when the teacher wasnt looking. the teacher came back to him and asked for it, he denied that he took his phone back. the only thing that i was thinking about was: alan, i think you have one braincell, and i dont even know what braincells are. i looked at the teacher and made signs that he DID have it in his pocket right there. she knew he had it anyways. so then she said he was gonna get sent to the office, it never happened. he deserved it, but whatever now. im still friends with alan, nobody knew i was giving signs, it wasnt a big deal. i always tell my mom about what happens at school, its so fun. but my mom always thinks im about to turn into the dark side. which is possible but okay. kristjan is apart of the group so my mom tells me to avoid him, he sits next to me in 2 classes, i have 3 classes with him. hes a key to my master plan, which you dont know about. kristjan is a good person, i believe it, even though hes a very big liar, which i hate the most, hes still my best friend. i still hang around the worst kids, cause theyre my friends, and theyre pretty awesome. aubree and i dont always do the bad, i pick up trash okay.


tennis + me = wow

ive been playing tennis for a year. ive been in the middle class for a year and  like 3 months or so. ive only been in the highest group for 2 months, and that usually isnt enough practice for me to join a tournament. but this other girl was sick so i filled in for her. you dont know how much of a newbie i was. i barely knew how to score and ive never even played a real game ever. my first contestant was daniel. asian guy with glasses that took private lessons. i didnt know who he was, i was literally gonna cry. i thin you know what the outcome was. i lost. not horribly, daniel was so nice and awesome. he helped me call out the score when i was serving. and the score: 2-6. not that bad in my postion. cause it was my first game, and i got 2 sets. yay… but i was out of the tournament. daniel and i were on the same level, i just didnt know how to play a real game. it was his second time in a tournament, and he lost the last one. so that won must’ve felt really good, even if he was just playing against an amateur like me. daniel is cool. so for the losers, you get to play another tournament. and i went against sophia, she lost to thuclam. and i lost to her. 2-4. once again. im okay……. who likes tennis anyways. bye,



ok next time, i will not accept a loss, i will literally throw a fit and they’ll have no choice but to give me another chance and let me cheat and ill win!!!!


i like canada, toronto. its so pretty and the only thing i was excited for. one of the reasons why i like canada the most, is cause its like the u.s. and not gross. im not explain the trip like a story, i am gonna explain it MY way. its easier. montreeeeall. it was cold and has snow, i liked. but it wasnt as cool as toronto. the drive to toronto was fun and worth the wait, my dad says otherwise. montreal was kinda boring, and too much french. peru was horrible compared to any other country. khoi’s dad lied about knowing spanish, cause he says “poor favvooor.” we didnt have any language problems in canada of course. i also enjoyed watching the world cup (tennis and soccer only). everyone sucks at soccer. i realized, professional tennis isnt that cool either. not saying i play better, but they dont hit the ball as fast as i thought. i thought if i looked at the way they play, i could get better. but no, its fun watching them hit the ball back and forth. but the ball is so slow. anywho that has nothing to do with the trip. canada was fun, but i wish we went in a smaller group. traveling in a big family is something i hate so much you dont understand. kinda depends on who im with, but traveling with 15 people is weird and scary. drake tower, it is extremely tall and cool looking. it was the thing i was looking forward to the most. i dont remember when, but i saw a picture of toronto and saw the tower. not that im interested into the tower, but more of the city. yeah

toronto was cooler than montreal. lets not go again

ok but i actually really liked the library, so cool