My online friends are changing my life D:

Yes they are and they will always. I made more online friends today. I don’t even know their names cause in the name box they put Read my Shirt, and another one said a bad word so yeaaaa. Another one I forgot. She calls me sister for some reason. Oh and another friend Levi he is funny and I called him fat ha ha ha ha. Another friend was. I forgot :(. So I made……five new friends! I quit on Chloe I JUST WANTED TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER. I don’t care anymore she told me to die and she wouldn’t care. I’ve been thinking my revenge plans for her (I’m not tho I have nothing). I wanna go home and have play dates with my friends. I wanna go back to TNTT. My nails are growing so much. I haven’t seen it grow in a while. Cause I USE TO BITE THEM. I’ve seen my nails even longer. I don’t understand why they need to be long. Read read raaad so rasassd. I want my mom to get exactly what I want for my birthday cause I’m turning 10

So get me a LOT of robux. If not get a new iPad.

Reasons why my iPad is a cursed

1. I lagged out at least 4 times a day

2. MY storage is out I keep having to delete things

3. It’s slow (kinda)

just get me a new iPad

Oh and my iPad can break chargers yes yes it can it has broken two chargers just by my iPad I promise my iPad is haunted

bye nobody.



oh and my dad can too :> He will….hopefully he is better than my mom

What I wanted my Summer to be like but obviously it didn’t happen



The beginning of Summer was in Ohio everything was great, then I got some news Khôi was coming. BEEEEEEEEP. One step that I didn’t want.


Khoi left everything was normal playin games. That’s the end.


Until Khoi’s dad was coming and my mom. MY MOMMMMMMMMMM. ANOTHER THING I DIDNT WANT IN MY SUMMER


Then we drove to Virginia tbh I thought it would be bad. IT WAS AWESOMEEEEE


We drive to Florida? 17 hours in a dum dum car. Not good, even my mom was there. We drove to an airport then she went poof…just like that.


This is where it all ends. I’m going home in a week. Really excited to see my best friends again. I MISSED THEN SO MUCH DUDEEEEE.



I’m here in Virginia after six hours. TL Bien and I watched The Croods. Now I’m here. I don’t know the names to any of the people who live here, so ima just say we broke into this house. I sleep next, then I wake up. Now I’m writing a blog to play the games ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  UHHHHHHH I’m wondering where my stuff fox went. I left it here a long time ago. I don’t know the gender ;-;. The name was Twix. I miss Twix I don’t remember a single memory at home but here. I’m not addicted to games. I’m not a whole different person when I get my IPad. I AM ME ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I still listen TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD.



Just kidding who cares ( I care if it’s about me). :))))))))))))))))))))) I’m not excited YEA I’m so excited. Yay!

:( Summer is ending

I have another friend Ava, but she is an online friend. I met her a long time ago in the story game Hotel. When school starts it’s gonna be hard to play. :T face





Now im talking about something totally different.



Stella. Stella is from Corte from my old school. We weren’t friends but I would see her. Now Ava and Stella are good friends now, UNTIL. Not until. Diane was also Stella and Ava’s friend. Stella liked Diane more though. Diane was Vietnamese too. Yesterday Stella pranked Ava saying she got a Mega Neon Parrot. Then I met Diane like talk to her. I got on a call with Stella then she added Diane. We played  Area 51 Siren Head. It was so fun, but I had to go to sleep :(. Today I called her the whole day, but not Diane she sleeps all day. Lalaalalalalalalalalalala


Btw I joined Turdol today…


She ignored, but she didn’t seem mad, then she left ;-;

My grammar sucks (don’t blame me)

My grammar is bad, BUT DEAL WITH IT BECAUSE THATS HOW IT WILL BE. Don’t blame me. Blame it on my teachers, and I don’t look at my blogs twice. I don’t like writing blogs like I said. Most of the day is games. Yesterday I made ANOTHER new friend, but we will probably get mad at each other at one point. I don’t know her name. She was on the floor and her name was Walking Rug. I asked her to be my friend out of no where. We were also at a party. I went because I was bored. She left, BUT I FRIENDED HER! Yesss. Then I went to sleep. I’m doing some pranks of my friends now or random people on Roblox. I would sing random songs. I have like 7 songs I wrote down. I need a lot more. TELL ME MORE. Byaaaaaaaaaa.









NEVER byaaaa ಠOಠ

You want a long blog?! TO BAD I WILL NEVER (just this once)

I don’t like writing blogs. I wrote a blog 800 words before. This will be about games so you can stop reading it mom if you want. Yesterday I saw Chloe’s party in Meep City. I joined it! She was mad, and she kicked me from the party. Next time I joined I hid. And this is what she said while I was hiding “LETS CELEBRATE SHE IS GONE” she hated me a guess. I was also hiding with Ava! She got her head stuck in the roof ;-;. She got out, then Chloe’s friend found me. Then Chloe came and kicked me. I tried a lot of times she found me. I MADE FAKE ACCOUNTS AND SHE KNEW IT WAS ME. Ava couldn’t make fake accounts. She was there, but she kicked Ava. Ava had to hide in a good spot. TL helped, so she went to the party acting like she didn’t know me. TL left the party to go friend my THIRD fake account I made. I just wanted revenge, she  cursed at me and her friend told me to commit rope and neck. On my third fake account it took a while before she knew it was me. Bien TOLD HER IT WAS ME, but it tags thankfully. TL and Bien didn’t take this seriously like I did. TL said she was me, THEN BIEN WAS ME. She kicked both of them. I was tired of her kicking. I’m not friends with her but I follow her. I always do that with my friends that get mad at me and then unfriend me. I had to go to sleep after that. She seriously hurt my feelings tbh. In my mind I told myself all the bad the bad things I would do if I could ever hack into her account. She was my best friend, but online. She also said she was almost put into a mental hospital for cutting herself, and lots of more dark things. She was a 5 grader by the way. I’m friends with her cousin tho, but her cousin plays Fortnite all day. I’m not forgiving her :3. Buh bye fellow peeps.

how much I want robux and nobody can stop me(not about games)

I want a LOT of robux. Yea. Hopefully in school I do well. I’ll try my best to get my ROBUX! I think I’m going to get straight As in first quarter. I don’t know about the other quarters tho. 🙂 I’ve been thinking of what I would buy if I had 10,000 robux. I also    want that much robux ;)))))). Royal High is getting boring now. I usually play with my friend but she was grounded. She isn’t anymore but if I join her she’ll just be playing with another friends so i’ll be lonely. Royal High also came out with a huge new update. Well I guess it was about games. Next! TL and TD are-UGLY! Just kidding TL is nice and mean to me. TL is mostly nice maybe. TD is nice. :I. That’s it. It was short but I’m waiting to do something! <3

Are you really still reading my blogs ٩◔̯◔۶

Today I got back from a trip. We went a trip. Done bye guys











It took three hours to get there and for some reason I was hot. Bien and Y Vien sat in the back with me. On the way I got a Sprite. Bien was really bored too. I got my iPad taken too but I know I would get it later.When we were really close I looked at the other really nicer houses. Our house was pretty big too. I thought our house was going to be fancy and prettier. My mom and dad were already there. I went in and said “wow” a lot of times while looking through house. It was kinda cool. Not as much as the other houses tho. Oh and just something that happened one of my online friends deleted their account. Didn’t even tell us anything about it. Anyway I don’t remember after but I think I ate or showered and that’s the end. I’ll resume this some other day I’m lazy right now. I’m not actually but I wanna call my friends.


Hello another blog :)))))))) About my online friends I actually now have four. The one account that shares with his sibling is now siblings. That’s all about them. It’s time to do somethingggg 😀

I don’t know what to write :(. Blah blah blah blah. Hmmm yesterday we went on a picnic and it was fun. It was the same one I went last year. I skipped rocks again too :D. And I heard that next week I’m going camping I don’t wanna go! I wont have wont have WiFi and then i’ll lose my streak on Adopt Me. I’m also near getting the golden egg in adopt me and it’s really rare! Then after I get i’ll play Adopt me more often. I also have a Royal High daily gift but I can’t see my streak so it’s ok. BUT ADOPE ME IS NOT OK. My streak on Adopt me is almost 100 ;-T. And I went camping a lot of times before. 🙂 But when we go there will be a lot of us =,=. I don’t know if that’s good or not but that’s it.












:) My Royal High addiction

Soo now I don’t play Adopt me very much anymore because I was scammed and ya. And then now Royal High has replaced Adopt Me I’m really good now, but in the game I  can get scammed so ima be careful. Also somebody is going on my account… And used my robux and now I have 3 and they used all of my money in Adopt Me! I had 2000 I was saving and they wasted it. And they changed my avatar a lot of times. That lasted like a week and I was mad now. I decided to CHANGE my password and now it has stopped because of ME. And I suspect…somebody at Lanvy’s house because my account is still on one of the computers it might be Vinh or Lanvy….ORRRR hacker but now it has stopped and ya. So about royal high I’m really good and I play it daily now. I have 2 online friends well one of them share it with their sister but the sister is also a friend to its 3. I also play with them in Royal High daily. And i got bloxburg that costs 25 robux and I think it’s worth it. In bloxburg you role play, build ur home, and work for money, but im  bad at building. But I decided to build I house now. I looked up a bloxburg house I can try but I didn’t find any I liked and I was poor I gave my NOT ONLINE friend 1000 dollars to help her build her house so I was poor but I started my house and now I need to work more but I’m LAZY so ya. And  now that I got pretty good at Royal High my friends are jealous. And when I became friends with them I didn’t have much and now we switched places.And every single day I always do the same thing… wake up with bien early,homework, milk, go outside to write Vietnamese, play in the basement with TL if there is time or play goat simulator on bien’s Old iPad and TD AND KANG WAKE UP TO LATE. After lunch ipad and play and after like two hours I shower and play for a little and dinner and then the rest I play until 11. And repeat all Summer and I like it so please don’t change it mom or other adults. Bien gets mad at me for playing royal high so much and Nam its mostly a GIRl GaMe there are skirts, heels and more. That game is kinda laggy but mostly not. It’s a really popular game now and Adopt me is one too. And now Nogc, Boy, Mai, and Lanvy. But they call me a lot and sometimes I call them. But if I don’t call them they will SPAM CALING MEEEEEEEEE. I think they stopped now because I told them…-v-. Yes that’s a face. Hmmm now what. This blog is long huh. I did it because my English blogs are going to be gone when my mom is going to make me right it in Vietnamese DAILY I bet. And some people I bet don’t even read it because now most of it is Vietnamese. And probably parents read it TnT. That was another face a crying face you should know why. And y’all SHOULD KNOW I WRITE IT ON PAPER AND THEN COPPY COPPY I SAY INTO TH COMPUTER it’s so boring and tiring. And Khôi is coming tomorrow and Nam said he is going to bully him and I don’t mind that. And will he bring his megaphone again? I don’t care if he does but TL does. 100 More words. I have been barely watching YouTube but I don’t care. By the way TL and TD keep downloading Tik Tok I think that’s how you spell it but yea. What is with Tik Tok. I don’t like it. But they do. BUT WHYYYY IS MY QUESTION. They are obsessed with it. And all my friends like it and have it I think…. TL watches to much. And we have a Minecraft survival world and out of nowhere Kang said he was going to join and at that moment we all though despair in our world so we said it “NO”. But he did so yea…he put the despair on me and killed my poor donkey and…even worst…MY UGLY HOUSE. I called it that because Nam, Bien and TL called it ugly so yea. It’s burned and I now have to live with bien’s small house and I’m going to try to make it bigger for us and now after kang did th bad stuff we know what to expect when we comes back… but we is inviting me to join the dark side….should I do it? Well I got uhhh almost 800 words COME ON YAY 800

i told my mom I would do 700 HAHA anyway I think it’s my new high score BYE GUYS!