I’m in fourth grade :’) finally im a big kid (yes I am) im

¿Con đi học được một tuần rồi. Trường rât ít học sinh sinh vì corona. Ai cũng đeo khẩu trang suốt ngày. Tuần này con hư lắm, không đánh đàn, không làm bài, cứ chơi game và hay cãi mẹ. Nên lẽ ra con được qua nhà hai bạn sinh đôi, nhưng bây giờ thì không được nữa rồi. Mẹ nói nếu tuần này con cũng như vậy thì không được đi nữa. Con không biết là con có làm được hay không vì con lo ra, mà lại hay quên nữa. Còn tối qua con và TL không được ngủ với mẹ. Vi tối hôm trước hai đứa nằm mà cứ nói chuyện, nên mẹ vô đánh cho mỗi đứa hai roi và mẹ nói tối mai hai đứa phải ngủ một mình, còn nếu cứ nói nữa thì hai đứa ngủ riêng  luôn. Con không thích ngủ một mình tí nào nên hai đứa im luôn và ngủ lúc nào không biết. Còn  hôm nay mẹ sẽ chở con, ThucLam và bà ngoại đi tiệm để mua màu và đồ dể vẽ. Chấm hết.

im suffering someone please come take my mom

pool party on meep city :)

Today I played meep city. I teleported to Mona and she was making a pool. It took like 30 minutes, then someone told her to make it bigger (THAT MEANS SHE HAS TO GET A BIGGER HOUSE). She bought the cheapest house. Its pretty big but has no rooms at all and its a rock. She decorated everything. It looked like a beach. Her friends were there then her friend’s friends teleported so it was like a pool party. There was a snack bar she made, and I work there nobody else did but ME. The only thing there was were smoothies but who cares. It was really cool UNTIL……….This girl named Alex went pass where she shouldnt be and I told her to back up but she didnt, then another guy came and stole more drinks. AHHHHHHHH I WAS NO MAD I COULDNT MAKE THEM LEAVE. Alex also asked this girl to help her rob the bar :(. Yea most of the time I just see ppl go pass the line to the smothies. Mona left so I couldnt do anything at all. Everyone left at one point but there were these three other guys (I dont remember their name ;-;).  They had guns but it doesnt hurt ppl. They said ”give us the moneybag or die” and I said neither and ran in a big circle around the pool lol. I had to go so yea then I left.


I didnt go into the detail but the party lasted like an hour. I stayed the whole time. Much fun, and JAY DIDNT GET ONLINE AT ALL. He also called me poopy he wouldnt say bye to me but he called me poopy.



Mr clean is really chill. His avatar is funny and he is funny. His name is David but I call him Mr clean cuz his username is Mr clean. I always say hi to him when I see him. He is Jay’s friend. Mr clean has the funniest outfits. His real avatar is kinda like a slender.. dont ask what that is (if you wanna know play animations mocap on roblox and ask the girls).



thats all byeeeeeeeeeeee

368 words 🙂

Places I have been over the summer :) (I didnt come up with this title >:()

Mùa hè năm nay con được đi rất nhiều nơi. Con tới Ohio trước, sau đó cậu Ngân qua chở con ThucLam va bà ngoại về lại nhà cậu Ngân. Trên đường đi cả nhà ghé Virginia. Bác Trường cũng lái xe theo Virginia luôn. Lúc tới nơi là rất khuya. Sáng hôm sau cậu Ngân biến mất mà không ai biết là cậu Ngân đi đâu.  Mãi đến trưa cậu mới về mang theo một người, đó là mẹ con. Cả nhà ai cũng hết hồn. Hôm đó đông lắm vì có mấy dì qua đông chơi nên rất vui. Sáng sớm hôm sau là lên đường về nhà Florida. Mẹ con cũng đi chung để lái xe phụ cậu vì quãng đường rất xa, 17 tiếng. Bác Trường thì lái về Ohio với ba anh sau vì quãng đường ngắn hơn nhiều, có sáu tiếng thôi. Còn cậu và mẹ lái tới phi trường Jacksonville, mẹ bay về Phx. Cậu lái tiếp về nhà ở West Pam Beach. Continue reading “Places I have been over the summer 🙂 (I didnt come up with this title >:()”

What what what

Yesterday Lanvy came to pick me, Ngoc, Mai, Phong and MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. We went swimming it was boring cuz the the flamingo and doughnut float passed away with holes. Lanvy and I left the pool early and then ate. We played Roblox a lot. I played Meep City with everyone. Lanvy’s friend was there his name was Jay. Online friend he was cool. His outfit matched so I was happy. Mai and Ngoc were there too. They are also now friends together. It was fun. There was Jay’s friend but I didnt like him. He was like ”*crys*” and that stuff cuz Jay wasnt playin with him. His name was Jack he was also like Bien he was like a cat in the game. Jay eats ppl, but in game he said he was gonna eat ”the red lady”. I wasnt eaten thankfully, he also likes staying in the shower with sitting water on and with his clothing on. It looked like he was in rain. Also Jack said he was 14. Im sure he isnt he doesnt act like it. I wanted to know Jay’s age but he wouldnt tell. We stayed at his house cuz its big or some reason.


Also another friend asked me if I had discord we were playin epic minigames then they were like ”Join our call!”. There were 5 of us and all of us had discord but me. Lanvy tryed getting discord cuz of me I think so uh. Ngoc has it, and I think Mai has it but she cant use it until she ten. IM TURNING TEN. Im having more online class now sadly. Discord is the one of the things I want for my b day. Its free btw, and I can make my own acc (maybe). Robux is what I want.



bye ……………………vroom vroom

How much I care for my friends and iPad

I just read Khoi’s blog. Interesting, I would’ve played with him a lot more if…..maybe he would be nice to Y Vien. Or my friends didn’t care about me. Sorry not sorry Khoi. My friends I call I barely see. They go to Corte Sierra. I love my friends all I have to say. My iPad is the reason I can talk to them. Thank you dad for an iPad :>. My iPad is one of the most things I care about. Hmmmmm friends list HAHAHAHAHHAAHHA LETS










-Braylin ( I dont talk to her but she is still my friend)


I would do more but they would be online friends. I kinda want discord too, but I think im to young or i’m not a “real” gAmER. True im not a real gamer :T






















































































longest blog you’ve seen?































































































yea its long








































































































































































oh yes my new b day list is Robux New iPad a game for a switch or…………forgot ;—-; bye

Finally going home (help)

Con thức dạy chụ nhất. Con đáng rang. Con xuống lau. Uống sữa. Con coi lệ. Con lên lau. Con láy Ipad >:). Con chơi Ipad. Con thích chơi nhiều lâm. Con đi tám. Con chơi Ipad. Con gọi bạn nhiều. Với chơi Roblox. Con đi thay đô. Con xuống lau. Con anh tí. Con thích an. Con không mặp! Con ôm Y Vien. Khôi không thích con. Con không ôm Khôi. Con lên xe. ThucLam ngũ. Con không lắm cai dì. Cậu mua doughnuts! Với lại sushi. Con thích Súhi. Ngon nhiều lâm. Con ở phi truồng. Con lên máy bay. Con chơi ti thôi. Con ngũ nhiều. Con dạy. Máy bay xung rôi! Con vui lắm  Con láy ba lô. Con ra máy bay. Con thấy mẹ. Con ôm mẹ. Con đi vê. Con đi tám. Con thay đô. Con chơi với TD. Con ngũ. Con viết blog. Con không thích lắm cai nay. Con xệ lam blog nhiều.




Was this worth my iPad and calling my best friends?

Of course it is :).

Grandma grandma is sad and happy she is going to sleep now jk. This is bad grandma is 72 years old. She is old. This is me I will never be a grandma cause I will not have children.

Uhhh ye

Grandma is not going to be able to be in myy blog. She is nice, cool, so cool, poopy,  not silly, amazing, ttttt, fluffy, pink, unicorn,  alien, Fox, Vietnamese, crazy, not funny, pleaseeee be done BYEEE

:>>>>>> :<<<<<<<<>>>>>>> :<<<<<<<<<

My school is so freaking mean. I’d rather go to my old school obviously. I love my old school Corte Sierra, and St. Simon and Jude (SSJ). A couple years ago I went to SSJ kindergarten was my start. It was ok not gonna lie. I remember that there were fish and one time I finished first (I was the fastest worker in my class not to flex) and got an activity that includes candy and when I’m finished I can eat it >:). First grade was amazing there was tiny drama tho. I was the smartest and still fastest worker. One time the teacher said only one person got 100%. We asked and my name was called! I also stole prizes :’). I remember this clear. It was the last day of school most parents came to celebrate. Obviously my mom or dad didn’t come I had to hang around my teacher I was so……weird. I didn’t even eat anything either. My mom came when it was almost over. Corte was awesome. I was only there for a year though. I met Sophie, Ava, and Braylin. IT WAS SO COOOL. We had a friend group. In the beginning Ava played with Sophie a lot. Braylin and I would go like, ;-; lol. I played with Braylin then. Then Braylin and Ava played with each other. Sophie and I didn’t play together that much. Sophie was the smartest in the class I was second hehe. I want them to come to my birthday but I don’t have their numbers :’(.I knew everyone’s faces in Second grade dUhhhh. Sophie was leaving the school like me. She left early. NEXT THING YOU KNOW SHE POPS UP AT MORNING RECESS. Then next year…  Meet the teacher day. Ava called and said Sophie was there and Braylin. I WASNT EVEN THERE WAAAA.



Bye :’c