Come, Lets Strangle TL Together (TQ version) then something else -.-

*Shoves Tomato in TL’s Mouth*

*Slaps weave off*

*Throws book at face*

*Ruins TL’s anime journal*

*Makes TL forget about anime*

*Turns TL to human* yea she is a unicorn UFO Alien monster slim jim honey stick

*Makes TL blind permanently*

*Makes TL shorter*

*Makes TL fat*

*Makes TL look like a fish*

*Kicks to China*

*Makes TL armless*

My dream things to do to TL

Please I need much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much.

nam is cool.

Did you know 6 kids in my class from online moved to in person? Did you know PE is gonna get better? Did you know my teacher got funnier? Did you know I have half days EVERY Wednesday? Did you know the only day ive used a wooden pencil at school was on the first day? Did you know ive been using a mechanical pencil since the second day of school? Did you know my teacher USE to be married? Did you know how much my class is boring these days? Did you know most of the online kids that moved to in person were girls? Did you know most of them were also from last year? Did you know my teacher is 29? Did you know my teacher graduated from GCU. Did you know computer class is one of my favorite specials? Did you know Library is my favorite special?


Uh the reason I make online friends

I started making online friends this year. Why do I make online friends? My real life friends i don’t see often but the ones at school. Scarlet and Maleah are my only friends at school and I don’t think they like me that much I mean Scarlet were friends first in the year but I’ve known Maleah longer longer cause she was in my class last year. Today some online students moved to in person and it was okay btw. My other friends from other schools will probably forget me soon but I have their numbers soooooo maybe actually. I see my online friends more and I will unfriend ALL of them one day (dont think in a million years). I know cool people dont have like HUNDREDS of like 2nd grader online friends so yea. Like im friends with oderssssssss (help). Just like…..-counts- seven seven. Meep City also needs help, its been full of oders. Its fun trolling though. Like how Nya unfriended me lolll. I never play alone but if im really bored I go make a party but I really need the music gamepass so that I can have a better party its only three hundred robux. My birthday is in two weeks! Oh and I reached 100 blogs. So yea I dont know whats bad about online friends (maybe I dooo ;-;). Recently my party made it to the top of the leaderboard :). This quarter the spelling is harder too now i will be scared of taking the practice testsssss.


Ugh TL wants a penny board so badly! I get annoyed. I want one too I mean I should learn but yea I want one but not as bad as TL.

Bonny 👌😼🥰🥰🥰🥰

ThucLam is my sister, sadly. ThucLam is funny but I hate it how she talks to her friends. I don’t even know what she does but it bothers me when I watch her talk to her friends. She reminds me of a mixture of a vsco girl and a weeb that thinks she is cool for knowing anime. More of the second one thought, yea actually she is full of a weeb that thinks she is cool for liking anime. I like anime too but I don’t just go around to my friends like “omg hunter hunter is sooooooo good you should watch it and The Promised Neverland is soo good but sad it made me cry”. I only talk to this one guy in my class that watches anime about anime. ThucLam has this one friend her name Katie and she is JUST like ThucLam 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮.

They just talk about anime for real man.



Other friend: EEEEEEEK I AGREE *weird face*

Thats all they do. They talk talk talk talk about anime

My friends wouldn’t listen if I talked about them they would just cut me from my sentence and my friends at school do that a lot. They talk a whole lot and I can’t talk at all. But I can’t find anyone else my other friend from last year acts like she doesn’t know me anymore. Sad me

Help ThucLam find a life guys <3

and help a————-


Yesterday I made a party in MeepCity now that I have plus. I got 30 people and I made three new friends! I had lots of fun but I still need more roux tbh lol. I wanna get the music game pass, so that my party is even better. I can’t wait for my b day party lol.










Hmmm I wanna know how to much better than you and I do not know what to do with you and I wanna know how to much better than you and I do not know what to do with you and I do not know what you wanna call me when you get home I wanna call you now I’m gonna y’all know how to much better than you and I do not know what you wanna call me now I wanna call you now I’m gonna y’all know how to much better than you and I do not know what you

thbaks fewer reqwding<3

All about my relationship with roblox

I got roblox the same day as TL, in 2016 and that account will never change. I’ve been hacked but I know how to get my account back so I’m fine. It happened twice, and I didn’t like it. I got Roblox when I was six yes wowwwwww. But Bien got it when he was 3 soooo whatever. Recently I got more roblux and spent it on more of my avatar, plus in Meep City, Ragdoll Engine, and I tried buying a private server for TOH but it was monthly pay if I had premium I would buy it but nope. I still have 600 yea I didn’t spend all of it but originally I had 1600. Yea hehe. I’m planning on getting VANESSA a present for her awesomeness and Vienna because Vienna is amazing too.

Goodbye losers

Thucquyen is now smart

Yesterday I decided to try making a Microsoft account for the 3rd time! Success but I needed to make another good account. My name tag is iibunxy. I think it’d a cute name so I chose it. And my YouTube channel is also called that and the profile picture is Yashiro Nene, from the anime Toilet bound Hanako-kun. My third favorite anime and I love it so much. I played with Sophie her’s is djsupersophie. We play Minecraft together now!



Im getting bored of my golden unicorn in adopt me. Nobody has good things, and I want to get a ride and fly potion I have a GREAAAT offer. Also on Friday Lanvy came over then Jay was online not much fun. I didn’t get a lot of attention but yea I did the hype in front of him. He said I was cool. Good enough for me, and then I left. Today is a day where I don’t know what to do but play and yesterday was Bien’s b day! HAPPY BORTHDAY BIENNN.




my second EVER birthday party in my whole entire life (no I didnt have my party yet)

November 7th is my birthday party, because I told my mom I wanted a party since im turning double digits and yea. Yesterday we went to Main Event which is where my party will be. You see most of my friends have parties there for their birthday and I have never so yea I wanted it there. There were birthday packages and the first one I thought was cool what The Ultimate Gamer. It has 3 hours of Unlimited video games, 1 game of laser tag, choice of food (what kinda of food? you dont need to you), unlimited Fountain Drinks, and 2 VR Experiences. VR is what im interesting, becuase ive never tried it (duhhhh). My mom wants this pancakes package but its in the morning and boring. And here’s my new and improved birthday list

-Robux (as usual and buy the APPLE STORE gift card I dont know how to use the “roblox” one”

-Anime sweater (or whatever)

-new ipad

-more storage

-apple store gift card

my mom is yelling at me f0r doing this mom I want a gift thats all



-dog any kinda 🙂



-dsgfhsrthf                                         sooo yea thats my list and dont even dare                                                                                   get me food my mom thinks nobody is gonna get me                                                               these things. THEN WHAT THE                                                                                                   DJKFNGBKJSHBCDK IS THIS FOR



