ty nam

Okay sometimes I can’t tell when Nam is joking and when he isn’t. Yeah even though you put an entire movie review before actually responding, I skipped ALL OF IT until I saw a TQ. Now I am still mad because after reading the blog before about you throwing a bag of potato chips at Khoi sounded like a joke. So then I suppose your response to me was a joke. I am still offended.

Anyways I just read the whole paragraph about me and I did the one thing he told me NOT to do. So when you actually say sorry (which I can’t tell if you do actually wanna say sorry and at this point I don’t care one bit) I will read the actual blog. Anyways-

Nam is not cool but cool. Make sure you read my other blog from two years ago: How Cool Nam Is



I am calling Khloe. She was in my previous blogs. Brings back memories cause she showed me her porch and we use to hang there when the biker gang wasn’t around. But then Khloe was like, “Edwin talks about your sister a lot”. Then I asked if they talk about me since I am gone, but they don’t. Khloe just has to bring me up first. And the biker gang doesn’t think I moved because my dad goes to my house to take out the trash.

behind the scenes

While writing my response blog, I was listening to a very happy song so I didn’t say anything very mean. Though I still meant what I said. Even though I shouldn’t care what people say about me I do. Because I will never get up myself if I learn what I want to. I will go the opposite way of success. Walking to hell.

very short but yea 🙂

Im proud of my haters. I wouldnt have writen that if nam didnt write his blog first. And now im happy that my mind has spoken. Even if that blog doesnt make sense. IM STILL HAPPY.

finally actually reading the full blog nam wrote about me💀💀💀

The first thing I noticed was how nam decided to finish my name with an h. I already smiled at that part. But as I kept writing I was feeling immense pain inside about how my blogs are worse than Y vien’s. Nam, we all make mistakes about spelling. My hand position is wrong for typing but it just started when I actually started typing in the chat on Roblox. Nam you made 3 mistakes, your  real handwriting is probably very bad because Thuc-Dan’s handwriting got worse as she got older. And if I have a case of low intelligence then why am I getting  the highest worksheets at school. And guess what. Only 5 kids get it, and why am I the only kid getting 100 percent on my reading tests and science tests. Nam can only tell 80 percent of me having a case of low intelligence by my blogs. Nam is very rude and I respect it because I call my friends dumb and stupid sometimes and literally just shake it off. And of course I had a good reason to tell Vanessa my password. I don’t make blogs to make people question. And I don’t do it for people to write ANOTHER BLOG AND SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT ME. Nam also has a case of low intelligence because he deicides to write a very bad blog about me (yes I did too but it didn’t hurt that bad did it). I never write anything bad about Nam’s blog because he would respond with actually rude things.

My blogs are roleplays so don’t try comparing mine with Y vien’s. Sure my blogs may be bad. But I actually copy these to show to my friends. Not to my cousins to read. I mean, I can tell nobody likes my blogs while they are just games. Maybe if you just tried to understand that you are not the only person reading this. I may love games and what’s wrong. It’s not harming me or dropping my grade. In fact, my grade is better, games are bad for your eyes? Then why is Thuc-Dan’s vision worse than mine if I play more. And sitting in a chair is bad for you? I FREAKING FUN A MILE EVERY FRIDAY AND RIDE MY PENNYOARD ON THE WEEKENDS.

I hate how Nam thinks he is better than everyone. Even if it’s true HE DOESN’T HAVE TO SAY IT. Of course i’m not stupid to give away my password. Nam thinks low of me a lot because I act stupid. But what does he know, that I like Roblox. And what else Nam? Oh i’m ten? Who didn’t know? Two sentences: I only like expressing myself to people who would lie hearing my voice, not to someone who would just read my blog to respond with a hate comment back. I am not doing anything wrong.

Yes I am so offended that this blog will be long. Even if it goes off of Nam’s blog. THIS GOES OUT TO ALL THOSE DUMB STUPID HATERS. Lol so who reads my blog. I hope nobody in my family does. Because when I can’t talk to my friends I just write a blog for them. These bogs aren’t for anybody who actually writes a blog too. I take hate from nam seriously because I really hate his offensive words to me.

”anyway, i hope dyou enjoyed my blog guys. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!” -nam



Y vien’s school -writing- (only because writing is my favorite in class subject)

Hello, this isn’t the writing part but my state test is in about a 4 weeks. So this is good practice. this is a personal narrative. This may be negative but if you see the way I treat her compared to the way she treats me then you will feel sorry for me



Thuc-Lam is a big no no girl and nobody likes her. She is very rude to her sister.

Y vien: 100% cool and good gj

and that is a 100% grade on my state test 🙂


Yesterday I played for about 7 hours and calling Richard, Lanvy, and Jaxen. Very fun, but it was the worst day in da hood. At first I was having very fun until i died. Didn’t matter that much. But then I was bored so I left my gang and tried killing Richard and Jaxen. They were overpowered and actually stomped me. I left the vc and the game in anger. But that was just the first time they killed me. They killed me 3 more times. Thankfully I only but 2 shotguns. But my money really went down. Soon I had to go crazy and buy the RPG sadly. I killed them but later died by another guy with a shotgun. Then Richard went to go do piano lessons or just straight up play piano. And then I died twice by this one guy and then I was arrested. I was cryinggggg. Richard was back by then and I was begging him to hack for me to get my money and revenge back. But he wanted to download the thingy to hack myself. Plus I didn’t wanna do it because I would have to go on my alt and then transfer the money. At this point I don’t care what happens to me in Da Hood until Richard gets the private server. Yeah he is getting one next month, he will have about enough to get one. Very cool, but he said he won’t invite me if I kill him. So i’m just really angry at Jaxen. Even though Richard was the one who stomped me first. But basically it’s my fault for leaving the gang but then I joined again so I still have the power. I don’t know why but after I left the gang, I told them to do something for me and they said no because I am not in their gang. But I am the owner/leader. So I joined again. There was this one kid who killed me 4 times EVEN THOUGH I WAS IN JAIL. So each time I died I just spawned in the jail again. Jaxen and Richard are a lot more overpowered than me so I can no longer go against them. No matter what I do to them I lose. Jaxen is only good because he is good at arsenal. Weird, because what does arsenal  what to do with da hood. Only crazy people kill me.

Honestly it was so fun playing with them. They are all very funny and nice to me in general. One thing is good because they arent online. Richard is half and half. Jaxen is cousins with him but I don’t know him. I did a face reveal to him on Wednesday😱😱😱😱😱. Overall they are amazing cool people.

thank you jaxen for introducing richard to me. and thank you jaxen for adding me on discord, lol

bye guys, 479

:D different topics ^^

I am doing good with life. Today wasn’t that excited but. Story time, lunch recess as usual we walked around talking to literally anyone. I walked around Sebastian many times and said tooru oikawa’s favorite food is milk break, then I would ask him to support me but then he said I don’t care. Another time we walked past 5 seconds later his friend said he liked Maleah :O. It was funny, but I thought he said Maleah like him. Sebastian got angry then he chased his friend. Yeah now Maleah and I kinda think it’s true. But it would be cool, I mean I was noticed by the famous of Sebastian.

Thank you Nam for writing a blog about me, I don’t care if it is actually trying to offend me. I’ve been noticed for doing something fine. It’s an honer. Nam remind me of my old neighbor. He has his hair in his face and is funny. But he yells form his window to me. I wonder is Nam likes me. How am I annoying. Stop, if this is TL or Khoi. Don’t start naming reasons. I do nothing wrong. That’s what I say in my head every time my mom yells at me. I’m so excited to shove my straight As in her face. I’m just lazy to try. I like doing competitive stuff, I am the second fastest girl in my PE  class. Or i’m tied with someone. Usually my coach chooses captains by races or something.  I almost always lose on purpose just for my friend Leilah cause we always are on the same team. the ultimate team is Azul, Leilah and I. We are the fastest. Leilah is very competitive too. We love racing other people, and we love winning. Today we played floor hockey and won. Of course Azul and Leilah were on my team. It was 5 to 7. The only reason they got 5 points was because they copied our strategy and my coach helped the other team. Oh yea, one time FREAKING SOMEONE (i forgot) CHOSE ME ON THEIR TEAM. We got so angry and traded people even though it was against the rules. Very fun being on their team. Leilah is usually warning everyone now to not take Azul or me. It funny. They are precious to me.

Y Vien’s blogs need help. Also I have my classes in person, not in a blog sorry. Also you you don’t HAVE to call teachers by their last names. I know an aid named Ms. Tracie. I’m a natural mean person. Yeah, but my friends accept me for me being mean cause I have good points. I am funny, to them at least but Sebastian never laughs. Am I no longer funny?

Uhm, has anyone ever liked me? I have no idea. So I assume nobody does :D. Yes it’s sad. People like Thuc-Lam, we can tell easily. Nobody likes me, or at least shows it. That’s why I haven’t like someone for 2 years. It’s just pointless. If you like someone, that means you wanna date them. But i’m in 4th grade. I don’t have any guy best friends except for Gus and Roman. Roman and I sit next to each other. Gus is Maleah’s cousin. He is an independent man. But now roman is better than him. Cause one time I said Hi but he didn’t say it back, so I got angry and said were not best friends anymore and he said he doesn’t care anymore. But yea, NOBODY in the school likes greeting me at all. Only Maleah, Scarlett and Abree. Many people think I like this guy named Jacob cause I always say Hi to him. ANYWAYS SAY HI TO HIM. I stopped cause now his class thinks I like him. I sometimes say i’m gay as an excuse to say I don’t. I don’t know if that’s good but I do say that. Or I say I only like Oikawa. But that’s just the truth. Even one time Maleah said i’m only into anime guys, but it’s the truth so I can’t say that’s wrong. So I kinda want someone to like me, yes Sebastian. But I don’t wanna act like I like him cause I only love Oikawa. Plus, all the people I liked before were very rude to me except for one. Something is blocking me from talking to him, HE RUNS EVERYWHERE. I mean I follow him easily cause i’m fast but he is also. When we play tag with him I always get very close but he runs into people. And he ALWAYS dodges my touches or whatever you call them.

goodbye world. I will continue this blog on THIS blog

:0 785


Yea the i’m now not in the Biker Gang :(. I am currently at my new house, very cool. We talked to our neighbors. I did call Khloe yesterday. Uhm not much to write cause i’m lazy.


Our room is kinda messy but it has an organized desk from TD. I am bored. So I just write a blog :D. It is very cold.

Also TL’s roblox account is hacked. They used her ToH credits and changed her avatar. I suspect Lanvy but she keeps saying she didn’t do it. WERIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

this is a random blog so have mercy


goodbye to the biker gang

Since I am moving, obviously I won’t see the biker gang anymore. I told them on Thursday but they didn’t say anything. All I know is that Khloe cares. Edwim might care, but i dunno really. I have Edwin on SnapChat and I have Khloe’s number. It makes me wonder if I would be remembered after I leave. The Biker Gang was an interesting place, cause I just do nothing there. But it’s fun playing tag with them. I would talk SOMETIMES to them. Well usually I talk to Justin, Lucas, and Khloe the most. I even tell my school friends about them. Yeah-. A cool place to be is there. I was gonna go outside yesterday to say bye, but nobody as outside. Just Khloe.