My 4th grade class is the best class I have ever had. My teacher is the worst teacher I have never had. My class is the worst fourth grade class there is and maybe the worst in the whole school. I love the kids in my class cause they have a lot of energy and literally ignore the fact that they have gotten suspended 5 times or more. Roman, he use to sit next to me, we talked to much so we got moved, but were best friends! He isn’t one of the kids who get suspended but he ALWAYS TALKS BACK TO THE TEACHER. It makes me surprised, the only person I talk back to are my parents. Roman is best best best best friends with the kids who get suspended. Their names are Jarius and Ramiro, in total of bad kids in my class is 5 or more. They yell out funny things and it makes the class off track very easily. John is very funny funny, everyone loves john so much. Our class can’t last 10 minuets of silence at all. I can’t even express how much I’m gonna miss them. Of course next year, my teacher will separate the bad kids. Ramiro and Jarius are leaving too :(. I just can’t tell you how much I am gonna miss my class and how cool they are.
and????????????????????????????? also, heres my fancy fancy discord – qxxvn#0591 its the last half of my name and i replaced the vowels since my online friends dont know my real name
My sister says it’s weird to be obsessed with online friends. FYI I am not obsessed, I like them better than my school friends. You might be thinking that I am crazy cause I don’t know their faces. I know Hime’s face, I don’t know if I already told you yet but, I did a sister reveal and so did Jay, Hime did a face reveal, Jay also did a pigeon reveal and a squirrel reveal, and Purple did a hand and face reveal, I didn’t get to see his face though, he showed it AFTER I LEFT THE CALL (😭😭😭😭😭). Anyways, my school friends don’t even like me. And I just don’t like them, they are just school friends, I don’t like them enough cause they don’t act like me that much – TL MARCHES IN AND SLAMS THE DOOR – (nO I have no idea what happeneed, anyways. Maleah is the bets out of them, but she is kinda cringe🤦♀️. Aubree is better actually, we kinda make fun of maleah and scarlett for acting like fourth graders🙄🤚, Aubree and I don’t (not likely😪😪). Thuc-Lam is obsessed with her church friends. They haven’t seen each other in literally a year now, and hopefully NEVER.
pt 2 of ya’ll = you all
I had an interesting day, we went shopping today at a mall. We also went to get a car for TD, or look for one at least. We already found one online we wanted to get when to the actual place, but it was sold that day💀. Skip that cause i never write about my actual life.
I had my mom print out some pictures I took on Roblox with my friends. My sister says its weird that they were not even real, worse that it was Roblox. The picture may be in bad quality cause I put a filter, I like the style🤠. Yeah I’m not putting it in. Not much, I still am addicted to Da Hood and its still my favorite game. People rage a lot there, but the BEST FEELING IS THE REVENGE. Killing people is addicting to me, I keep a sweet sensation 😍.
Having friends with you is even better though, cause you can help them, AND THEY CAN HELP YOU. I just played with lay and her friend kaya, lol. I saved them a couple times. I felt very good cause since they were fighting someone and lost (that’s where I come in and save them) I pick my friend up throw her somewhere and finish the fight with the other girl, and I win😍🤚. Lay can fight anything, not saying she will win though🙄🤚, she just trolls and doesnt care at all if she dies but its irritating to look for us. We also found ANOTHER FRIEND Nick, she tried killing me one time😡, but were good now.
ya’ll = you all ( i just figured out) pt one😩😩😩😩
I made a new Da Hood friend, her name is apparently Lay (lays🙄🤚). We met yesterday and i forgot how, lol. But every since we’ve been joining each other a lot (nope its just me that joins her). She likes to troll in da hood a lot too and die a lot. I only save her if she isn’t near the bank, that’s where all the trouble comes🙄🤚. I have to go eat
also: i won 4 1v1s and only lost 1😏
ha, new method
dont say anything about my handwriting, cause its probably better than yours
yashiro nene
ok bye
the wedding, dorian, (emotional😭😔😔😔)
On Friday I played and called Jay and Hime (we purposely made a group chat without him). And yeah, we played a lot of different games until I raged. At one point we were bored to we went into meepcity. And Hime has been cosplaying as KarlJacobs (not from an anime, mcyt). If you don’t know him then just search him up. Anyways, then I saw a Sapnap (also from mcyt) and then a Quackity (yeah mcyt). I was just there while Hime’s friends were fighting against Hime’s other friend. There was this purple guy (not purple though) and he was being annoying, so Hime’s friends got angry. I kept telling Hime to just unfriend him but they thought it would be mean. After everyone left to something I didn’t know. Hime followed and so did I. They were at a wedding all the sudden, all the stuff was ready all ready. I thought it was cool. So after that wedding, Hime went to make one for Sapnap, Quckity and them. Sounds weird cause it sounds like i’m acting it’s the real them. We haven’t done the wedding yet cause we all have different times. Especially Hime since they live in Romain, so when its day time here then its night time there. Jay is only 3 hours early. Thankfully I didn’t miss the wedding yesterday cause i was very busy-.
I have these other online friends : linna, nia, and kala. I met them last Summer in Da Hood. But now we barely play together, they are one of my coolest friends probably. I got nia on discord a while ago but I never talked to her. Until we were about to play Flicker and she wanted to vc, and that’s when i went crazy. They added me to a group chat, and called. I was on mute, then I had to go :). But I heard nia’s and kala’s voice. And they literally sound like 16 year old (i hope they aren’t). Online people who are older than me are cool. I am always the youngest. Which is why I won’t expose my age in front of them if they are older than 14.
I told you about dorian in my old blogs. And he decided to troll me on discord. I didn’t know it was him, so I was about to block. But he said he was my friend gracie. My friend gracie is a very old friend and NEVER PLAY TOGETHER. Dorian was pretending to be her. I was fooled, yeah then after dorian said he was dorian. I added him to my gc with Hime and Jay. But he left so I don’t care, until we were playing Da Hood. And i taught him how to stomp. YES HE KILLED ME. I left and was so angry cause you don’t understand. I had 2 guns, both more than 1000 dollars (in da hood). I told dorian how much I am addicted to Da Hood and why i was so angry. We got into a fight (we also got in one when I got him on discord after he told me who he was) and at one point, we both lost it and unfriended eachother is discord and roblox. Yeah, his birthday is in 2 days so i’ll say happy birthday :). Oh yeah, he’s 13 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶. Anyways, I’ve known dorian for about a year now. And he sent me a very old picture of him, nya(yes, the mona girl that use to be my best friend), his friend and I. It was SO OLD, I SWEAR. I actually was very mean to him, so i guess i deserved it. But i have Jay, purple and Hime (purple is mean but I include him)
Random stuff:
I love how in Y vien’s blog, she put Kang instead of Khang. Y vien likes this youtuber named Ashlili. I have never heard of her until TD said her friend knows her. I don’t care. Cause the actual good roblox youtubers are PinkLeaf, uhTrippy(she says cuss words so stay cautious) and GoingLimited. Also, I would like to apologize to Bien for not calling him cause i didnt have my ipad, I only had my laptop. Also I got a new desk so Bien, my room is kinda different. I am currently and have been obsessed with yashiro nene from toilet bound hanako-kun, which is my favorite anime :). I want to know what nam thinks about that anime, so please tell me. Also, does Ashlili even post anymore? The last time i saw her channel, it said the video was made 2 years ago. Okay, she still does.
Well anyways
hi eddie, im sure the picture is actually gonna go onto the blog. lol but bye
Why I dont read khoi’s blogs (i only read if I think he has something other to write about than like building and other stuff
I do have grammar mistakes but if I ACTUALLY did then why do I have an A in grammar. Plus it’s only because I type too fast. If you think 700-400 is too short for you then i will cry. I am sorry for being “negative” to everyone and I am sorry that being “negative” was the reason I am alive. I am usually the mean one in all my friend groups. But they honestly don’t care cause I am funny🤡🤡. I am very mean to everyone and I don’t understand how they don’t care.
Also Khoi, imagine getting in trouble at school. When I talk during class she doesn’t care she just takes points off of the person I’m talking TO. Which makes me feel bad for them, but the person I talk to everyday during class is probably my friend Roman that sits next to me. Roman talks a LOT and he is a bad kid. Not really, he has good grades on math and some others but he gets yelled at a lot and recces taken away. And each time it happens, he keeps doing it and he doesn’t care. He acts like the punishment was worth it, and I support it. And there is romans friend ramiro that sits 3 seats behind me. He got suspended for 2 days. He is just like roman but i think a bit worse. They make a lot of jokes during class. They are also the worst in our class. Roman does things like throw things around the class room to ramiro, stands up when the teacher isnt looking and and then dances or says something. Anyways overall they are very nice to me and funny.
GIRL’S NIGHT OUT WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS( IT WAS SO EPIC, TRUST MEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
This week was good enough, Richard got the Da Hood private server so I farmed everyday after school. Now I have 100,000. I feel very good and happy, lol. And I spent a lot on my shotgun ammo but since I have a lot now I can just get 500. I never told Bien yet but when I do I will give him some of my money. People still try killing me even though i’m so cool. One time I was in the middle of a fight(I didnt fight I was just watching) and then jaxen joins after the fight and I was friends with the people who won the fight. And then one of my friends punches jaxen once and then jaxen pulls out a gun and kills her. But then my other friend picked her up, and then I had to go. But yeah jaxen had the really fast gun so obviously he won. And the girl that picked up the girl who punched jaxen had a shotgun, i dont know if she used it though. It was the funny cause Jaxen killed them in like a minute . If you didn’t know jaxen is a god at KAT, Friday Funky(I honestly dont know the point of that game), and even better at arsenal. Even though Jaxen is 2 years younger than me, he is a lot better at games then I am. I also am getting better at arsenal anyways🤡🤡.
Today i am going to hobby lobby. A place for like decorations and crafts. Thuclam and I have a lot of money to spend on our new room. And we got a new desk. Plus i am buying tbhk(my favorite anime toilet bound hanako kun)stickers and a plushie.
I never wrote about my literally best spring break ever. I called Jay, Purple and Hime again. For two straight days we called for 8 hours. Yeah, it’s been a while since I talked to them. Lanvy wasnt apart of it cause she was never online. We played a lot of different games. And when we played horror games it was the funniest. Oh and I did a sister reveal, Jay did a sister reveal, purple did a face reveal after I had to go on wednesday :(. But I got to see his hand, it wasnt a very nice message to us but i was still happy. I also started a new anime by myself called Angels of Death. I love the characters and its very god in my opinion. I have like 2 or 3 more episodes. I also watched on Youtube a the promised neverland voiceover parody. And it was the funny funny. Just listening to the audio while writing this. There are cuss words so be careful.
I also willbye
Khoi you should be worrying about your future
I was reading that “death” blog that Khoi made. And I have no words. Next blog about his UP COMING VACATION TO HELL. Okay fine, I don’t know what kind of vacation he is talking about because I never signed up to see Khoi’s face ever again. And if we are going out of country it’s obviously that I won’t bring my iPad. But bringing a projector would be something an idiot (aka khoi) would do. Khoi doesn’t understand the pain I go through every day with my mom. I wake up during spring break AND WOAH HOMEWORK ALREADY. RUN OUTSIDE. Play(yea). LUNCH, HOMEWORK AND RUN WOAH. Doesn’t sound bad but the homework i’m talking about is past 5th grade. I can never tell what the kind of definition of school is to my mom. She says I have to be ahead of them. Aren’t I suppose to be WITH THEM? My mom doesn’t understand that she isn’t my teacher. She wonders a lot about why i’m such a good student at school but not at home. I have a similar question. Why is my mom such an angel on the outside, BUT ON THE INSIDE SHE IS A DEMON TO MY SISTER AND I. She’s lucky to have me as her child. If it was anyone else then they would be dead. And I started actually talking to my mom when she yells at me. When she yells at me I stay quiet and then start crying. But I can;t handle anymore. Each time she thinks bad about me my brain just starts going crazy.
IF only u could see it