‘the end 11/5

Of course 2 days after my birthday, something happens. On my birthday I had to remind Opera to say happy birthday, we had a “fight” because I didn’t say happy birthday on his birthday, I forgot. Then yesterday, Jay added me to a gc with Hime, Opera and like 2 other random people. I joined the vc but was on mute. I was hating how hime and opera were talking, it was like nox and hime. Annoying and I just wish they acknowledged me. Hime was my enemy, she is annoying. A discord egirl and cringy, it’s hard to believe she’s 14, embarrassing. I was talking to Pastel about it and I was going on and on about how much I hated Hime. While that, Pastel went to kele. Kele is opera’s cousin, she’s really nice and cool. But Pastel sent ss to her anyways and opera saw from kele’s tablet. I was EXPOSED. They started asking me and then it ended quickly. Blocked of course by them, Jay didn’t care and she stayed. But opera was gone, he was awkward though. I was crying SO MUCH. Anyways im over it, pastel explained a reasonable answer 🙂

i hate people like opera, he cant stay with one person, it was pastel, me and then hime. hime is gonna learn next

thanks for the 6 months of everything

get use to this

Hôm nay con sẽ đi xin kẹo ở trông xóm với mấy đứa ở gần đây luôn, chị ThucLam cũng đi xin chung. Vì đi trong xóm này nhỏ và con cũng hơi lớn rồi nên mẹ không cần đi theo nữa. Mẹ sẽ ở nhà cho kẹo. Hôm qua mẹ mua kẹo nhiều lắm, toàn kẹo ngan, vì mẹ nói nếu không cho hết thì mình còn ăn được. Con sẽ mặc đồ gọi là My Melodỵ Bye

roblox got temporarily shut down because of a burrito? yes ( a deep story) 1000 words :)

I was in da hood playing all alone by myself looking for new friends. I got shot in front of the bank and a random girl named Pastel saved me. She took me to food and she told me I was pretty and I said thank you and moved on. About 10 minuets later I get a notification that the same girl Pastel added me. I accepted for some unknown reason and went to her and just played with her of course. I played with her for like an hour until she had to go. Then she was online again playing so I joined her and I met one of her friends, Gabi. She was pretty cool, then I met a couple of other people. Darlene and Penny, they were both really calm when I met them. We got each others discords and made a group chat. I was obviously in it but there was someone unfamiliar  there. “Opera” I didn’t ask since they were obviously friends with Pastel so whatever. We got on call and I stayed on mute for a little cause I was kinda scared. It was really fun raiding servers with them. All the conversations and pictures we took. We were in a private server and then the person “opera” joined I was told that opera is her friend (obviously) and that we need to capture him and keep hold of him. Darlene, Penny and I did so. Until he got up and then he ran so I chased after him. It was extremely hard, he was for some reason so good at dodging my bat. I thought his voice was anoying. Opera and Penny really liked him though so I couldn’t argue. They were really attached to him and I just saw him as a funny friend. Then I invited Jay to the game and group chat. She fit in perfectly and we all got along perfect. The usual private server (what we would be doing): Penny and I were besties entertaining Opera (she would try forcing him to give her a flower and I just supported her), Gabi and Pastel would do the farming for us (shoot all the ATMs for money and save it for us), Darlene does random stuff and she just helps all of us, the same goes for Jay. But in the end we would all just 1v1 have fun and laugh. Opera has dog aim at that time and he didn’t ever play unless we did. It was a usual day in our private server and we were play fighting in the High School and Pastel wouldn’t stop shooting us. Everyone was tired and then she stomped Jay. Jay didn’t tell me she did but then Jay came back for revenge and stomped her back and she told me why. I was really angry at Pastel for that, she came back of course for revenge and then stomped Jay. I was shot but she didn’t stomp me. It was going by really fast but after Jay got another stomped outta Pastel, she left. I wasn’t done and I stomped her myself and left. She was mad and drama broke out. I was unadded by her and so was Jay. I was fine until she forced everyone else to unadd me and I was dead. That friend group was my enemy, Darlene and Opera felt bad but they were forced or they were gonna get kicked out next. Pastel was hated by me and Jay after that. Darlene and Penny secretly kept being friends with me and I was okay. But we never spoke again after that day, I spent about 1 month by myself and Jay had summer school. I realized that my summer would’ve been no fun without them. I thought about them trash talking me. It was almost the end of July and I was coming back from summer. I was tired and I desperately missed them . I was wishing for a message from them some how, and bam!! It happened, from one of our old group chats. Opera was the one, we had an odd conversation and I asked him if he was even aloud to talk to me like this and he said he didn’t know. That night I was extremely happy and excited that the next morning I would find out if he would add me back. But sadly that was the last of him talking to me for next few weeks. It was a few days before school and I got 2 notifications. It was Pastel and Opera.. They wanted forgiveness, or at least Pastel. Opera literally just pinged me and said hi. I had a short conversation with Pastel. On the other hand, Opera was slowly talking to me everyday and I never really noticed. 2 months passed and Opera and I got attached. Although Opera and Pastel were drifting, I really didn’t care but I felt like it was my fault so I talked about Pastel with Opera, (really boring). I just let it go and became close to Opera and we became best friends.

Opera and Jay became friends again too and ALSO GOT ATTACHED. I was so busy then I never noticed that they were getting closer. Opera still talking to me everyday too though so I was fine. Hime and Opera though, not fine. Hime got extremely annoying and her high pitched voice. She was those discord egirls. Since Hime has different time zones they barely talked now. Anyways the fall break came and Pastel and Opera broke off completely. They both ran to me to talk about it. I didn’t try arguing with Opera but he thought I was siding with Pastel because I became best friends with her after. I had some drama with Opera during break and Pastel I got closer. Now it adds up to here. October 30 ready for my birthday to arrive and Halloween. It’s only every weekend I play with Opera but it’s everyday I say good morning and good night. I don’t mind that we act like we got distant, but our conversations on the weekends are like normal. Also when Opera asks or tells me stuff I should be sad or mad about. I get really happy cause he cares or notices.

I was really happy because he noticed LOL. I always spam him when he’s online.. but he never responds. I know he reads them though so thats why it’s kinda sad (to me atleast)

After that I thought I did something. But everytime we get in a “fight”. The next day he shakes it off and acts like nothing happened, which i guess I dont mind



Hôm qua con mời ba bạn đi chơi ở Sky Zone. Ba bạn này không học chung với năm nay, nhưng chung với nhau. Một bạn tên là Aubree đì học về chung với con rồi mẹ chở ra đó luôn, hai bạn kea thì tới thẳng đớ luôn mẹ và con tớc hơi trễ nhưng vẫn chưa tới giờ cho nên mẹ chỏ bốn đứa đi ăn. Nhưng lái nửa tiếng vẫn không tìm ra nên phải quay lại Sky Zonẹ Bye

Mẹ nói hôm nay sẽ không đi đâu hết vì chợ búa xong rôi và cũng không còn chuyệng để làm. Hôm nay mẹ nấu phở, mặc dù cũng mới ăn đây, ngưng ba vẫn muốn ăn và mẹ thì không biết nấy gì. Mẹ nói khi nào mấy dì qua thì mẹ sẽ làm bánh khọi và cớ sẽ nấu bún bò huế nữa. Mày dì sắp qua rồi, chỉ còn hai tuần nữa thôi là dì Kim, dì Uyên, dì Tiên sẽ cò mặt ở đây. bye


Hôm nay mẹ nói sẽ được ăn Burger Kịng Con thích lắm vì con thích burger và con được dùng hoá đơn để lấy điểm, sẽ được nhiều lắm. Con chị ThucLam thì sẽ đi sinh nhật chiều nay tên là Reyna. Chị nòi chởi dùm một bạn ở trong xóm, nên cung gần. Chắc sẽ đi lúc ba giờ và mẹ sẽ cho chị chơi ở đớ bốn tiếng, vậy là mẹ sẽ đón chị lúc bảy giợ Chị mua một cây nhở xíu màu hồng rất dễ thrương và kẹo bye

i dont have anything else to write about, sorry mom

I can understand if you don’t read my blogs. It’s just mostly about games and my online friends. But recently I have felt like quitting discord, not roblox but discord since I have so many more friends on there and it’s more chatting. Yeah it’s kinda random but I have a special best friend, Opera. I was offline for one week after fall break. During fall break I spent a lot of time with him and it was fun. But then I got busy with school, and within those days I still thought about Opera and I was excited to talk to him. I didn’t notice a week had pass and I checked my discord after I called his name. He responded with a “yes”. If Opera was “normal” then he would’ve said that but he usually says “hi” since I kept yelling at him for not. And he got nitro again and was matching with someone. I asked him if he was bored of me and he told me that I was offline for a while and he thought I was on a trip (he knows I travel a lot ig). I checked my Roblox after and he removed me from his bio. And yes that is serious because we were matching :,). I literally cried for the rest of that day ;(. I woke up wit puffy eyes and said good morning to him to see his reaction. And he got mad at me? He said he was gonna say it first. Well that sounded like normal opera so I got over it. Although his pfp was with someone? Then he removed it right when I dmed him lol. Anyways I guess im over it but I still have a feeling it’s gonna happen again. Done for this

I won vice president of student council. Everyone who lost literally cried and I don’t feel bad cuase last year I ran and lost and I cried too but I still don’t care. Everyone respects me now and one my best friends is president. She’s in my class too so like i guess thats good. And to those girls that hate me, I’m better LOL. Bye asdajafjsdfasdfag


cuz no

Đã lâu rồi con không viết tíêng việt vì mẹ bận quá, nên hôm nay phải viết. Hôi túân trướ con và chị ThụcLam được qua cậu Ngân. Ngày cuối cùng cậu chở cả nhà lên Tampa, Khôi và bà ngoại phải đi bằng máy bay vì xe chật rồi. Mẹ thì bay thẳng tới Tampa để dẫn hai đứa về. Bác Trường và anh Duy Nam cũng bay qua vì sinh nhật Duy Biên. Bác Trường mướn một phòng rông có hai phòng ngủ cho cả nhà, ở ngay bãi biển. Lúc tới nơi là tới giờ ăn trưa, cả nhà hên gặp nhau ở một tiệm việt nam có bán cả đồ điệm sấm vì ai cũng thích ăn. Sau đó thì lại khách sạn nhận phòng, chờ rất lâu. Trong lúc chờ, bạc Trương dẫn cả đám con nít xuống lón thì ngồi ở sảnh vì chưa có phòng. Tốn đó cả nhà lại ăn ở một tiệm việt nam vì không tìm được tiệm khác