So thucl
Tháng ba này, ba chị em con sẽ được nghỉ giống nhau một tuần. Nên mẹ nói cả nhà sẽ qua Florida chơi và cũng để sửa những thứ cần thiết vì nhà này rất cũ. Mẹ cũng đã xin nghỉ làm một tuần. Cậu Ngân đã mua vé cho bà ngoại đi trước mấy ngày. Mẹ sẽ mang theo một vài vật dụng mua ở IKEA. Vì bên đó không có chó này.
Hôm mười một tháng một ba và mẹ ký giấy tờ để nhạn nhà mới ở cape coral, cách nhà cậu Ngân hai tiếng rưỡi lái xe. Nhà này sẽ là nhà chung nên ai cũng có thể tới choi” bất cứ lúc nào cũng được, giong&’ như một nhà nghỉ mát vậy. Cả tháng nay mẹ, cậu va bác Trường rất lận vì phải mua rất nhiều đồ cho ngôi nhà mới này .
best friends.. they laugh at me bc im emo…
I understand it’s weird to choose your online friends over your friends that you know in real life. But like, my real life friends aren’t really.. We don’t have a lot of things in common like normal people. I use to tell Aubree my online drama, secretly she started talking smack about me being annoying about it. So I stopped, and I know all my friends at school probably think I’m a maniac thinking I live on a computer. Or maybe is it because there’s nowhere else I feel comfortable in. School I’m cool yeah, but since I found out aubree didn’t really like me. I just stopped telling her stuff, plus she cuts me a off a lot and I let it slide. I let people be racist in front of me so they wouldn’t think I’m “sensitive.” At home, that’s another story. But online, I feel sooooo alive. Pixels, pixels i’m friends with “pixels.” Cool. Idek what else to say, bc its hard to explain.
Basically. im okay online #bye
aahhaahahah schol and zombie korean show netflix . pink girl making stuff sad
At school, people use to love me! I mean people still do, its just about 4 little girls. And one of them are already hated by the whole grade so she can’t do nun. I use to be best best best friends with Maleah, until she just stopped hanging out with my and our group. I was mad so we stopped hanging out. But Maleah’s NEW FRIENDS were mad at me because I called them a name: normies. I got that from one of my friends, I could tell they would’ve gotten mad. They took Maleah and yeah! So were enemies right now, and WAS friends with one of the girls in their group. Until 3 days ago, she took my sketch book and looked in there with no permission. So I held her neck and pushed her back and started yelling at her. She wouldn’t let go of my arm while i was pushing her back because I think she was gonna fall on her back. So I pushed her back even more, unfortunately she landed on her feet and I proudly walked away laughing. My friend scarlett that was in the group with me and maleah was there too. I talked to her about how serious it was. I also know for a fact, maleah’s friends are scared of me. I mean they can’t even talk or respond to me. They be studdering when they try talking to me to say something offensive, but they end up walking away before I even get a chance to respond. Miranda is the hated girl in the grade. She’s bratty and literally said the N word IN FRONT OF ME TOO LAOSDIOAJHSDUIAHSD. She’s mexican..
Another girl that has nothing to do with maleah and other girls! I have a best friend named Adrian, and were like besties for besties. Theres a bunch of girls that also like him, but i dont because he’s shorter than me and he acts like a little anime kid. So it’s like a brother and sister relationship. But recently he got a girlfriend??!!! And I use to hug him before he left cause i do that to all my friends, its nothing weird. But his gf is mad at me now, but she’s ugly so idek why he likes her. Anyways adrian and i are still friends its just that the girl hates me. And im ok! <3
im da best
dn (a continued story, but im starting all over again since everyone probably forgot.)
Once apon a time, there was an innocent girl named rin strolling around a roblox game called da hood. She played a lot because her friends made it really fun and the community is fun trolling. Anyways, she was randomly shot and before she was about to die completely, a random girl picked her up and then complemented her. It was kinda awkward but then we went our separate ways, then she added rin. Rin accepted and they played a lot together. She was added to a friend group with these amazing people. Darlene, Penny, Pastel, Me, Gabi, and Opera. We spent about a week together and I added my best friend Jay to the group. It was all good, until Jay and Pastel made drama. Jay is my best friend, so I was on her side. Although everyone else was going against us because Pastel was like their queen. I just realized I switched point of views, well whatever. Jay and I were removed and blocked. Everyone other than Pastel and Gabi felt really bad but they didn’t have a choice to block us. That was the end of that, Jay and I didn’t really make a lot of contact again for a while. A month passed, and i actually missed them a lot. I’ve never really had a friend group like that. The day before I went back to school, Pastel and Opera add me back. I accepted, I hated Pastel though, I just wanted to see what she wanted to tell me. She told me she was sorry and that the friend group broke only a little after I left. Opera didn’t really say sorry or anything. He kept talking to me, and I didn’t mind. I started talking to him more and more. It was amazing, Pastel and I didn’t talk anymore. But I was great without her, opera and I became best friends! But on my fall break, Pastel texted me that Opera and her got into a fight and that he blocked her. I didn’t really wanna avoid her if she was sad or whatever. But I was confused why she told me? Opera also told me about it, they both had different stories. Pastel was being friendly and I started talking to her more bc she kept testing me. We had a lot in common, but I was sorta being used. She told me to tell opera this and that. And she KEPT TALKING TO ME. Opera got annoyed that I barely even talked to him at this point. And so was I, I didn’t like pastel. She lies a lot, but I kinda believed her. Until opera started sending me screenshots. Pastel was always in the wrong, after the break, it just kept on going. And then some how, Pastel and opera were friends again. I didn’t care anymore. Opera started avoiding me and I didn’t know why. So I stopped caring about their relationship and I kept being friends with pastel though. She said I was her best friend, and i had to say the same. But for a while, she WAS my best friend. It was nice, but then it was so annoying how opera and pastel got into another fight. I didn’t do anything about it because I could care less. One day, opera, jay and i were having a short movie call. Jay got bored and then added 2 people. Nox and Hime, they were me and jay’s old friends. But I hated hime so much, all she did was be rude to everyone. they made opera quit the movie and then they just ruined everything we were planning. Opera just followed them, that was when opera and hime became closer, I was being more and more avoided. It didn’t feel very good.. I started talking crap about hime to pastel. Like how her voice was quiet and high pitched and that she was doing it too look “cute”. Pastel told kele (opera’s cousin). And I was so confused because pastel didnt tell me she told kele. Opera found out, and I was in the wrong for acting like that. and they both blocked me. That was the first night my mom saw me crying because of someone online. I regret all of it, now she thinks the online community is all bad. You probably think that im so dramatic, but it was like real life. I literally lost my best friend and it was my fault. I felt really bad, and you can still think im dramatic. But I felt so bad okay? It was really hurtful and I couldn’t even stand 2 weeks without my best friend because I remember all our memories. SO the next week I added him again, and we were “friends.” He never talked to me for like another half a month. I was good anyways, but then one day i was talking to pastel. I get some no no words and then before I managed to say anything back. He blocks me, i asked pastel about and she didnt know of course and then she told kele. Kele started hating on me and blaming that the “drama” was all because of me hating on hime. I didn’t really deny it, but i thought it was all over. Drama and drama that is too hard to explain happened and then da adahdsdfasdfashdlfkhasldjfhalskjdfashldfjsf we were good. Pastel was good and we were all good. BUT THEN SHE GOT MAD AT US FOR BEING FRIENDS WITH HER FRIEND. so we blocked her, now she doesnt exist. bye bye
Con vừa vê nhà bác Troừng. Giáng sinh năm nay cả nhà kéo qua Virginia nên đông lắm, ngưng rất vui, và cũngăn nhiều lắm. Ngưng con thì ăn ít vì người lớn không ai để ý, Angel cũng vậy. Chỉ tiếc là rất ngắn vì bác Troừng phải mở tiện lại. Con được mấy dì chở đi xem phim. Sau đó cả nhà quây quần ở phòng khách để dổi quà và đoán xem ai là người bấc. Trúng tên mình
My discord is gone. ” Finally!! ” I was sorta tired from the drama anyways. But at that time, I was happy. And some people like my sister think i’m gonna make another account. But i’m not stupid to do that and then get into more punishments and then cry all night. Then wake up with puffy eyes and then go to school with everyone asking if my eyes are broken or something. I’m okay. Now for me to properly answer nam’s question that I cannot answer because he keeps talking and talking. Roblox is not really what I’m addicted to. My friends are there, and maybe I don’t have to talk to them EVERYDAY. I went through one thing. I had a best friend for 5 months, then I went offline for one week. He avoided me ever since, because I didn’t have enough time for him. And that’s only ONE friend right? But he was one of my only friends then, I had a odd hard time talking to other people and wanting them to be friends with me. I really really wanted him to be friends with me forever, because he was funny, nice and all that. ” LOL THEY’RE PROBABLY SOME OLD WEIRDO BEHIND A SCREEN 🤣 .” When people ask me if they know how they look or their age, and then I tell them. It’s always the same thing, ” they may be lying .” I don’t know how to react or say back after they tell me that my friends are probably a 50 year old. Now I hate calling my online friends “online.” Right after I say something really good about them and that they like me a lot too <3. They ALWAYS SAY THEY ARE AN OLD PERSON BEHIND A SCREEN. It ruins my mood and I know I can’t confirm they aren’t. I have one friend, she’s been friends with me since the beginning of my discord life, jay :3. I love her, because she always talks to me when she realizes I’m sad or something. Her real name is giselle, she’s a 13 year old that lives in florida and is in 8th grade. She lives in a 1 story house with a squirrel, a sister, and a brother. Her house has a christmas tree that ha so much white on it, It blinds my eyes. Her living room is pretty small and messy, but her room is alwasy messy. She shares a room with her older sister. Jay babysits a 6 year old pretty often and her name was ella or something. And all that information was useless but I genuinely believed it. I’m stupid, I know. But jay is just like me, another kid on the internet, people who say that there are lots of people that are bad on the internet, you are right! But i was lucky to find jay, she trusted me, I trusted her. YOU probably don’t trust her, and that ain’t gonna stop me from being best friends with her. SO my best friends may be an online friend, it’s because the people in real life are all the same. I don’t know how to explain it, but they are 10x more boring. Best friends? Lanvy and Jay. Also lanvy was the reason I met jay too, i love them so much. I mean I don’t have to be best friends with lanvy, because I know she really likes sophia, but she likes me too uwu. Anywho just another dramatic blog then i guess.
Hôm nay la thứ bảy. Con viết một minh, con giỏi. Con không biết viết cái dì. Thank you mom for giving me the opportunity to do this