Con chỉ còn học hai tuần nữa thôi là nghỉ. Sau đó con và chị ThụcLam sẽ đi cắm trại với nana và pappy mấy ngày. Đi cắm trại xong hai đứa sẽ ở nhà nana một tuần. Khi về nhà là cũng tới ngày hai đứa đi DisneyWorld với mấy dì. Vậy là con với chị sẽ bận rộn lắm. Còn chị ThụcĐan thì sẽ học hè và đi làm nên sẽ không gặp con và ThụcLam nhiều. bye
im not using a fake ID
i used my sister’s kiddo. mad embarrassing how you thought i magically got a fake ID
yo i love pinterest, follow meeee ( i dont even post anything but i have one public board)
heya (3rd post today lolz)
since my mom found out i have been going on my laptop at night, i can write about what ive been doing those nights. most of them were boring and i just played by myself. one night, i was with my friends :). we played a few different games together and i had so much fun, and i was actually talking on call, my mom never caught me aha. i dont regret that night. last week, the last week i had my laptop.. my friend arreesa and i were bored and wanted to play a horror game together. so she invited 3 more people. i was screaming and laughing a lot but yet didnt get caught. i had a lot of fun though and i didnt regret a single thing. another night i decided to make a minecraft world with my friends, opera and temper. it was my first minecraft world with friends, i had a lot lot lot of fun. those were my favorite ones, all the other times i had fun and all but those were my personal favs.
i found my friend’s tik toks. woah.
meow (bien)
I was watching 5 animes at once. now im watching like 2 or 3. i dont even remember because they were so boring i only watch them when i remember. i recently finished that art anime Blue Period. It was okay, the beginning was so boring i kept falling asleep and didnt pay attention. but i finished the first season(it took 3 months), the ending of the season was better than the beginning. now im watching the second season of demon slayer, it has a lot more action but still boring. one of my school friends adrian is so annoying. hes obsessed with zenitsu, the orange hair freak. its annoying because its all he talks about and he even made a zenitsu themed ferris wheel, hes in the gifted program some how, hes super duper dumb. and he plays all those anime games and hes obsessive. anyways im not done with the second season because of how boring it is. now im finally watching something good. spy x family, its about a family lol. so the dad is a spy >:), the mom is an assassin and the daughter can read minds. ive only watched the first episode because thats the only episode out right now, its new. i like it a lot. nam, you should watch it, you might like it (i lied). maybe you wont but uhm yeah.
i cant play genshin imppact anymore. one, because my dad threw my laptop out the backdoor and snapped the screen so theres that, no more laptop for now. two, because i ran out of space IT TAKES UP THE MAJORITY OF MY STORAGE I SWEAR. three, i sort of raged at the first quest because i didnt know how to do this one thing lol. anywayssszzz. check out my spotify : riin
^ link
hi more abt online lolz
Wanna know something so cool. I am cool. I have a coolie friend group i’ve written about before and they’re still alive. its rare, ive never been in a friend group for this long, like some random drama happens for some stupid reason and then boom, i lose some friends. but these friends are dIfFereNt?! yeah i feel like ive never had friends like these. this friend group has literally 50 people, well some of them dont really talk but they’re still apart of the group. my old friend group with 4 people wasnt the worst. we didnt get in drama i guess we just stopped talking because one of the people (jasmine) kept talking about her friends like we knew them but we didnt so we got kind of annoyed. im best friends with her now and i can see her being annoying but shes overall a good person. back to my friend group, verynothacers. its very fun raiding games and playing horror games with them. mmm what makes them different. HM. this friend group has the coolest people. the person that made the group is DAWN. i think hes the coolest person i know. did you know in his group funds he has 50k robux????? thats 500 dollars. he makes exploit scripts, audios, and he makes games. i think the coolest thing about him is that hes friends with dahood mods, that means if i get banned then i could ask him to unban me, but i’ll never get banned. i dont exploit like some weirdo. our most active people are probably me, madi, dawn, lay, nesssa, harchy, kylie, arreesa, raczoo, floopie, drizzy, shamtor, hinter, nate, styleblender(coolest name), nergo, mushroom, and bones. thats a lot of people. most of them dont technically play with us. they only play with dawn because they’re closer with dawn i guess i dont know. but they chat in our server a lot and join calls a lot. its quite fun talking to them. we have movie nights and spelling bees and a lot more stuff. but we usually just play together and thats already very fun. madi and dawn are the people that talk the most, not in an obnoxious way. harchy, styleblener, kylie, are arreesa never talk, NEVER. arreesa and i are besties so she only goes off mute when its only us, #favorite. so calls arent annoying with a lot of people, not everyone is talking at once. oh and karaoke nights are very fun, maybe not the mute people aha. i lob dem.
wmh!!! (no meaning so stop)
recently ive been frying my hair. as in burning it to curl it. my friends were surprised when i told them i have to wake up and do my hair like its not natural. i have these short curtain bangs that i love “wearing.” they say its bad i havent experienced any troubles doing it everyday yet. yet.
doing my hair is kind of fun. i wake up with boring straight hair and my ugly forehead. the bangs make my forehead less.. mmm.. noticeable. i also like curling the ends of my hair in. like a mushroom, which is what i call it. very cool or no cool? i cant do my hair when i travel everywhere though which is why you probably havent seen it. but i look so cool.
at school, all of my drama has disappeared. im not hated, or at least i dont think so. im even more popular now that im president. im not annoying, i dont go everywhere bossing people around. i just talk to my friends✌. ive been getting all A’s for 2nd and 3rd quarter thanks to my favorite teacher i’ve had this year. he helps us so so so much, but this quarter he told us were on our own. oh no. im not saying im gonna fail without him. but ive never had straight A’s twice in a row, and i NEED that 3rd time. so i’m still doing ok and yeah. its just a bit scary when he doesnt go over the test before the actual day we take the test. he even gave us the letters to the answers and told us to memorize it and were good. what else..
im done ig, bye bye
my mom is watching me
School is so lame now. The girls like to draw the the bathroom stalls and the bathrooms in general are disgusting, i think thats common everywhere. I am so disgusted by my school. The kids in my grade are so pathetic. They are so annoying and act like middle schoolers but they’re so immature. I’m president now because our “use to be president” has been getting into a LOT of trouble. There’s this one guy that everyone likes but he’s a horrible person. Leilah (old president) has been hanging out with him and now she’s suspended from student council for a while. But she could care less, every time my teacher has been scolding her she just keeps hanging out with the annoying and stupid kids (omg i said a bad word!). This is what tik tok does to kids, it’s gonna lead to the end of the world.
Y vien got discord? Watch me get her banned. Anyways y vien is so underaged and if she does something wrong, a lot of more bad things could follow. Y vien just thinks discord is a normal chatting app, but it’s way different (exaggeration) . Y vien shouldnt even have online friends, not on discord at least. Discord doesn’t have safechat, just a reminder to y vien’s family. That’s so dumb. anyways bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for that part ahahhhaahahahahh
thats u
hi y vien is 100% my bestie
I can still write about online friends, just old stuff because it was interesting. Now I wanna write about my new healthy perfect friend group. Our big boy boss, dawn made our name: verynothacers. It’s pronounced very not hackers, but i pronounce the c as an s sound. anyways, so we had our owner big boy boss, dawn. hes really nice and fun. he knows everyone in the group and he also is a roblox audio maker and makes exploit scripts. hes friends with mods in da hood aswell. so i think he is so so so cool. next we have madi, she is kinda like dawn but a female. she is really energetic and so nice and funny aswell. she has a really good friendship with everyone and i love her. nesssa, shes australian or something but sometimes i cant even tell. she’s madi’s best friend and nesssa is a really kind person to everyone. really everyone is so fun and nice but a tiny differnet yk. next we have arreesa, shes MY best friend <3. she is just like nesssa, fun and calming and always there for us. now we have kylie, aka fave. we call her fave AND kylie, shes probably one of our most important members, shes our troller and always helps us in game. harchy, they are very cool and everyone loves harchy. harchy is best <3. floopie, hes also a roblox audio maker, hes british i think and everyone loves his energy, hes really awesome. rac_zoo, hes dutch i think, hes also an audio maker, hes quite funny aswell. lay, he was my best friend for a while until we had some personal drama i dont ever wanna remember, lay and i were so close but then something happen that nobody really knows except for arreesa, were really distant now but in verynothacers, we act like nothing happen so i dont care anymore. lay is probably the person with the best aim in the group, he doesnt exploit or anything. hes also dutch and is best friends with rac_zoo. next we styleblender, we just call him style, hes really funny. thats it. hinter, he doesnt really join our group activities but is very active in talking to us. hes awesome <3!! tejaughn, best friends with madi aswell, he doesnt really play with us as much but he talks a lot. drizzy, he just talks, the people that just talk only play with dawn (bc everyone knows dawn). ab, hes funny. thats it. nate, really really funny. thats it.
im probably missing a few people but this is boring